Candidates and Officeholders Come out in Force For Democratic Ice Cream Social

100 plus degree heat did not stop 100 Democrats plus from coming out yesterday to the Democratic Ice Cream Social at former Davis City Councilmember Jerry Kaneko’s home.
The highlight of event was the celebration of Democratic luminary Betty Weir’s 92nd birthday. Assemblywoman Lois Wolk gave her an Assembly Award for lifetime service and Supervisor Mariko Yamada gave her one on behalf of the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.

There were celebrations about the hiring on the new Superintendent of Schools and recouping of $4.5 million for the construction of Montgomery Elementary.

One of the features of this annual event is the perilous soap box that every public figure (and then anyone else who wants) gets three minutes to stand on and speak.

The most bizarre moment came as Stephen Souza of the Davis City Council upon conclusion of his speech suddenly offered for a $100 donation to both Measures P and Q, someone could push him into the pool. An offer that Mayor Sue Greenwald smilingly obliged, although I think Councilmember Souza just wanted to get into the cold pool and out of the heat.

Enjoy the multitude of pictures.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. DPD writes:
    “The most bizarre moment came as Stephen Souza of the Davis City Council upon conclusion of his speech suddenly offered for a $100 donation to both Measures P and Q, someone could push him into the pool. An offer that Mayor Sue Greenwald smilingly obliged, although I think Councilmember Souza just wanted to get into the cold pool and out of the heat.”

    DBD: too bad you didn’t catch a photo of the ponderous
    I’ll bet Mayor Greenwald wishes sometimes there were a wading pool installed in front of the City Council dais, especially when debates become heated!

  2. DPD writes:
    “The most bizarre moment came as Stephen Souza of the Davis City Council upon conclusion of his speech suddenly offered for a $100 donation to both Measures P and Q, someone could push him into the pool. An offer that Mayor Sue Greenwald smilingly obliged, although I think Councilmember Souza just wanted to get into the cold pool and out of the heat.”

    DBD: too bad you didn’t catch a photo of the ponderous
    I’ll bet Mayor Greenwald wishes sometimes there were a wading pool installed in front of the City Council dais, especially when debates become heated!

  3. DPD writes:
    “The most bizarre moment came as Stephen Souza of the Davis City Council upon conclusion of his speech suddenly offered for a $100 donation to both Measures P and Q, someone could push him into the pool. An offer that Mayor Sue Greenwald smilingly obliged, although I think Councilmember Souza just wanted to get into the cold pool and out of the heat.”

    DBD: too bad you didn’t catch a photo of the ponderous
    I’ll bet Mayor Greenwald wishes sometimes there were a wading pool installed in front of the City Council dais, especially when debates become heated!

  4. DPD writes:
    “The most bizarre moment came as Stephen Souza of the Davis City Council upon conclusion of his speech suddenly offered for a $100 donation to both Measures P and Q, someone could push him into the pool. An offer that Mayor Sue Greenwald smilingly obliged, although I think Councilmember Souza just wanted to get into the cold pool and out of the heat.”

    DBD: too bad you didn’t catch a photo of the ponderous
    I’ll bet Mayor Greenwald wishes sometimes there were a wading pool installed in front of the City Council dais, especially when debates become heated!

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