8th Assembly District Battles Causes Waves For Pre-Endorsement Conference to the Democratic Party

On Thursday March 13, 2008 the local area of the Democratic Party will hold its Pre-Endorsement Conference for recommendation of candidates for State Democratic Party endorsement. Those candidates who achieve the necessary amount of votes from Designated Representatives or Eligible Voters (delegates) will have their names placed on the Consent Calendar at the Democratic State Convention which convenes at the end of the month in San Jose.

At stake primarily is the endorsement battle for the contested primary in the 8th Assembly District between West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon and Yolo County Supervisor Mariko Yamada.

According to a party official, the delegate process is somewhat complex, much like that of the national party. There are elected delegates from each County Central Committees and the Assembly District Committee. There are also delegates who are only able to vote in the Pre-Endorsement portion of the endorsement process but not during the convention. These delegates come from local clubs such as the Davis Democratic Club, the West Sacramento Democratic club and the Northern Solano Democratic Club.

A candidate that receives 70% of the Pre-Endorsement Conference vote goes to the Consent Calendar for approval by the Convention Delegates. It can be pulled from that Consent Calendar and debated under certain circumstances. If a candidate receives between 50% and 70% of the vote at the Pre-Endorsement caucus, their nomination must go to the floor of the Democratic State Convention for approval there. Finally, if no one gets over 50% of the vote, there is no endorsement.

It is these delegates produced from the local Democratic Clubs that have led to a source for both dispute and manipulation from the campaigns for the 8th Assembly District.

As recently as last summer, the Democratic Club in West Sacramento was small in membership numbers.

Complaints from the Yamada Campaign drew my attention to the fact that almost overnight the West Sacramento Club has 760 members and therefore is eligible for 38 delegates.

According to Mariko Yamada’s Campaign Manager Brian Micek:

“We received a list of certified delegates from the California Democratic Party. It shows 38 delegates from the West Sacramento Democratic Club, meaning they have an active roster of 760 ¬ making it, in theory, by far the strongest Club in the region. According to these numbers, West Sacramento has surpassed Davis as the engine of Democratic politics in the region.”

The Davis Democratic Club has long been one of the premier clubs in the region, but now in terms of membership it has been surpassed by the West Sacramento Club.

How did this happen? We asked Christopher Cabaldon’s Campaign Manager Robbie Abelon.

According to Mr. Abelon:

“The week before and leading up to the February 5th Presidential Primary, the West Sacramento Democratic Club did a large phone bank every weekday to high propensity Democratic voters asking them if they will be voting in the Presidential Primary. If they said yes, the caller would thank them for their participation in the Democratic party and asked if they’d like to continue their activism by joining their local club. If they said no, we asked them to consider voting because the November 2008 election is very important and asked if they wanted to do their part in helping the Democratic party by joining their local club.

For every time they explicitly said yes, we marked them down and filled out a membership form for them. Also, when we were walking for Christopher in West Sacramento, we asked the high propensity Democrats to join the club as well after we made the regular campaign pitch.”

Robbie Abelon further informed me that the phonebanking was not done using Christopher Cabaldon’s name. However, once an individual agreed to be a member of the club, the payment for that membership was made from Christopher Cabaldon’s mayoral campaign account.

There have been suggestions that the Mariko Yamada campaign was likewise practicing similar tactics.

One such question focused on the Northern Solano Democratic Club, most of whose officers are supporting Supervisor Yamada. One of that club’s members, Jeniffer Green-Hawkins received a $5000 check from the Yamada campaign as reported in the campaign’s December 31, 2007 FPPC financial filings, and this payment drew questions.

According to Brian Micek:

“Jeniffer Green-Hawkins has a monthly retainer and is a regular staff member of this campaign. She is responsible for coordinating outreach events and volunteers. She also did our opposition research (a public records search that included voting and attendance records, as well as statements of economic interest) ¬ she is a bargain compared to the professional firms we received bids from, one of whom declined to talk to us because it was already working for the Cabaldon campaign. We have never asked Jeniffer to do a membership drive for the NSDC, however she is an active member of the club. That is how Mariko got to know her and her interest in working on Mariko’s Assembly campaign.”

According to Mr. Micek and independently verified by a Democratic Party Official and a roster that we received of the delegates, the Northern Solano Democratic Club has but two delegates. Certainly not a number that would draw suspicions.

Of greater concern is our own Davis Democratic Club. The Vanguard spoke with Club President Arun Sen and he confirmed that he was unaware of the delegate process until he received a call from Mariko Yamada inquiring into the delegation.

According to Mr. Sen, this was the first he was aware of it. The call occurred in early February and was just before the deadline to submit the names of the delegates to represent the club.

In the past, the delegates have come from the leadership of the club. Not this time. Arun Sen tells the Vanguard that he and fellow club member Bob Bockwinkel selected the 12 delegates. According to Brian Micek these delegates were selected in consultation with the Yamada Campaign.

The fact that not all officers of the club nor its executive board were informed of these decisions is concerning in terms of an open and transparent process. These twelve members selected by Mr. Sen and Mr. Bockwinkel all appear to be Mariko Yamada supporters: Sheila Allen, Shelly Bailes, Corky Brown, Rick Gonzales, Tony and Rhonda Gruska, Teresa Kaneko, Ellen Pontac, Jim Provenza, Julia Sanchez, Arun Sen, and Richard Yamagata.

All of these are good Democrats, fine individuals, and most of them are even personal friends. However, the process in which they were selected is opposite of a fair, open, and transparent process that we should expect from the Democratic Party and any of it’s affiliated organizations including clubs. Not on the list were a number of Davis Democratic Club officers and board members who are not Mariko Yamada supporters.

Arun Sen told me that unfortunately he did not have a lot of time to make a decision. That is understood, but since the club is not bound by the Brown Act, the President has more latitude with regards to serial meetings than the Central Committee Chair would have. Mr. Sen could have easily emailed or phoned the entire Davis Democratic Club Board of Directors to inform them of the Pre-Endorsement Conference and gain their consent to allow him and Mr. Bockwinkel the authority to appoint the club’s delegates. He instead chose to work solely with Mr. Bockwinkel and the Yamada Campaign in selecting who would represent the Club without informing the entire elected board.

According to the Democratic Party Official that I spoke with, complaints have been lodged with the party and a decision will be forthcoming in the next few days as to what action if any will be taken.

The Vanguard will monitor this situation and will provide updates as they become available.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. So did the West Sac club make the phone calls or did the Cabaldon campaign? And how much of a “member” are you if you don’t know you’ve been signed up?

  2. So did the West Sac club make the phone calls or did the Cabaldon campaign? And how much of a “member” are you if you don’t know you’ve been signed up?

  3. So did the West Sac club make the phone calls or did the Cabaldon campaign? And how much of a “member” are you if you don’t know you’ve been signed up?

  4. So did the West Sac club make the phone calls or did the Cabaldon campaign? And how much of a “member” are you if you don’t know you’ve been signed up?

  5. So much for the Democratic Club in either jurisdiction. I’m beginning to not like either candidate.

    Who is running from the Republican side?

  6. So much for the Democratic Club in either jurisdiction. I’m beginning to not like either candidate.

    Who is running from the Republican side?

  7. So much for the Democratic Club in either jurisdiction. I’m beginning to not like either candidate.

    Who is running from the Republican side?

  8. So much for the Democratic Club in either jurisdiction. I’m beginning to not like either candidate.

    Who is running from the Republican side?

  9. I will now not be voting for Cabaldon. I’m done with politicians doing stuff like this. Why not just sign our names to petitions and vote for us on election day and get rid of the hole pesky convince the voter process? The behavior during the election does not change once the person wins. This twisting of the process will be viewed as acceptable practice. I don’t approve.

  10. I will now not be voting for Cabaldon. I’m done with politicians doing stuff like this. Why not just sign our names to petitions and vote for us on election day and get rid of the hole pesky convince the voter process? The behavior during the election does not change once the person wins. This twisting of the process will be viewed as acceptable practice. I don’t approve.

  11. I will now not be voting for Cabaldon. I’m done with politicians doing stuff like this. Why not just sign our names to petitions and vote for us on election day and get rid of the hole pesky convince the voter process? The behavior during the election does not change once the person wins. This twisting of the process will be viewed as acceptable practice. I don’t approve.

  12. I will now not be voting for Cabaldon. I’m done with politicians doing stuff like this. Why not just sign our names to petitions and vote for us on election day and get rid of the hole pesky convince the voter process? The behavior during the election does not change once the person wins. This twisting of the process will be viewed as acceptable practice. I don’t approve.

  13. DPD: Cabaldon’s scheme to pack the convention is indicative of his political ethos of business-as-usual political “corruption” and contempt for the process. Putting Davis’ activities in the same article with Cabaldon’s schemes plus suggesting that something similar MAY be going on in Solano County for the Yamada campaign appears to create an equivalency that is not borne out by your facts(the reader’s own political “nausea-meter” tells the tale),

  14. DPD: Cabaldon’s scheme to pack the convention is indicative of his political ethos of business-as-usual political “corruption” and contempt for the process. Putting Davis’ activities in the same article with Cabaldon’s schemes plus suggesting that something similar MAY be going on in Solano County for the Yamada campaign appears to create an equivalency that is not borne out by your facts(the reader’s own political “nausea-meter” tells the tale),

  15. DPD: Cabaldon’s scheme to pack the convention is indicative of his political ethos of business-as-usual political “corruption” and contempt for the process. Putting Davis’ activities in the same article with Cabaldon’s schemes plus suggesting that something similar MAY be going on in Solano County for the Yamada campaign appears to create an equivalency that is not borne out by your facts(the reader’s own political “nausea-meter” tells the tale),

  16. DPD: Cabaldon’s scheme to pack the convention is indicative of his political ethos of business-as-usual political “corruption” and contempt for the process. Putting Davis’ activities in the same article with Cabaldon’s schemes plus suggesting that something similar MAY be going on in Solano County for the Yamada campaign appears to create an equivalency that is not borne out by your facts(the reader’s own political “nausea-meter” tells the tale),

  17. Just a quick correction – the Brown Act does NOT bind the Central Committee. Central Committees are not local agencies of the government, which are the only bodies bound by the Act. Although Central Committee members are quasi-public officials, they are not governmental officials within the meaning of the Act because they are elected to do the party’s (and not the people’s) business. An Attorney General’s opinion settled this in 1976. See 59 Op. Atty Gen. Cal. 162. Instead, the Central Committee only must follow the procedures prescribed by the state party and its own by-laws.

    Hope this helps. Great scoop.

  18. Just a quick correction – the Brown Act does NOT bind the Central Committee. Central Committees are not local agencies of the government, which are the only bodies bound by the Act. Although Central Committee members are quasi-public officials, they are not governmental officials within the meaning of the Act because they are elected to do the party’s (and not the people’s) business. An Attorney General’s opinion settled this in 1976. See 59 Op. Atty Gen. Cal. 162. Instead, the Central Committee only must follow the procedures prescribed by the state party and its own by-laws.

    Hope this helps. Great scoop.

  19. Just a quick correction – the Brown Act does NOT bind the Central Committee. Central Committees are not local agencies of the government, which are the only bodies bound by the Act. Although Central Committee members are quasi-public officials, they are not governmental officials within the meaning of the Act because they are elected to do the party’s (and not the people’s) business. An Attorney General’s opinion settled this in 1976. See 59 Op. Atty Gen. Cal. 162. Instead, the Central Committee only must follow the procedures prescribed by the state party and its own by-laws.

    Hope this helps. Great scoop.

  20. Just a quick correction – the Brown Act does NOT bind the Central Committee. Central Committees are not local agencies of the government, which are the only bodies bound by the Act. Although Central Committee members are quasi-public officials, they are not governmental officials within the meaning of the Act because they are elected to do the party’s (and not the people’s) business. An Attorney General’s opinion settled this in 1976. See 59 Op. Atty Gen. Cal. 162. Instead, the Central Committee only must follow the procedures prescribed by the state party and its own by-laws.

    Hope this helps. Great scoop.

  21. There are 760 organized Democrats in West Sacramento? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. For the good of the Party, we wish, but no way.

    Davis folks worked for Mariko because she’s been there with us as an active Democrat. Cabaldon had to pay the memberships of this phony club. If that’s not a metaphor for the difference between the two, I don’t know what is.

  22. There are 760 organized Democrats in West Sacramento? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. For the good of the Party, we wish, but no way.

    Davis folks worked for Mariko because she’s been there with us as an active Democrat. Cabaldon had to pay the memberships of this phony club. If that’s not a metaphor for the difference between the two, I don’t know what is.

  23. There are 760 organized Democrats in West Sacramento? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. For the good of the Party, we wish, but no way.

    Davis folks worked for Mariko because she’s been there with us as an active Democrat. Cabaldon had to pay the memberships of this phony club. If that’s not a metaphor for the difference between the two, I don’t know what is.

  24. There are 760 organized Democrats in West Sacramento? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. For the good of the Party, we wish, but no way.

    Davis folks worked for Mariko because she’s been there with us as an active Democrat. Cabaldon had to pay the memberships of this phony club. If that’s not a metaphor for the difference between the two, I don’t know what is.

  25. I generally prefer the platform of the Democrats to the Republicans but it’s because of games like this endorsement process that I registered Green. All the shenanigans that good people need to do to get elected makes me think less of the Democrats, which is too bad since they generally try to do what’s right and good. It’s a slippery slope into the slime…

  26. I generally prefer the platform of the Democrats to the Republicans but it’s because of games like this endorsement process that I registered Green. All the shenanigans that good people need to do to get elected makes me think less of the Democrats, which is too bad since they generally try to do what’s right and good. It’s a slippery slope into the slime…

  27. I generally prefer the platform of the Democrats to the Republicans but it’s because of games like this endorsement process that I registered Green. All the shenanigans that good people need to do to get elected makes me think less of the Democrats, which is too bad since they generally try to do what’s right and good. It’s a slippery slope into the slime…

  28. I generally prefer the platform of the Democrats to the Republicans but it’s because of games like this endorsement process that I registered Green. All the shenanigans that good people need to do to get elected makes me think less of the Democrats, which is too bad since they generally try to do what’s right and good. It’s a slippery slope into the slime…

  29. The pre-endorsement caucus is a party-building and political organizing exercise. In the Leno/Migden/Nation race they have been building club memberships and moving delegates from other legislators for months.

    Ever heard of the Party Caucuses for President? You think Obama and Clinton aren’t calling voters an getting them to register and attend their local caucuses? That’s how it works!

    If Mariko got out-organized by a margin of 70% to 30% that is a sign that she will keep getting out hustled by Cabaldon.

    If you are torn by political organizing then you shouldn’t be involved in campaigns. Every time you have a firefighter from outside of the district putting up a lawnsign or a politcal organization making a donation they are influencing the Democratic process in a way that could be seen as un-pure. But these are the ways elections are won.

    If we want to go to a process where politics and organizing don’t matter, then lets just put Cabaldon and Yamada in a room with every voter and cast ballots afterwards. I bet Christopher would win by a more than 70% margin in that case!

    Until then we will have these caucuses for Party endorsements – and it looks like Cabaldon is our local Obama!

  30. The pre-endorsement caucus is a party-building and political organizing exercise. In the Leno/Migden/Nation race they have been building club memberships and moving delegates from other legislators for months.

    Ever heard of the Party Caucuses for President? You think Obama and Clinton aren’t calling voters an getting them to register and attend their local caucuses? That’s how it works!

    If Mariko got out-organized by a margin of 70% to 30% that is a sign that she will keep getting out hustled by Cabaldon.

    If you are torn by political organizing then you shouldn’t be involved in campaigns. Every time you have a firefighter from outside of the district putting up a lawnsign or a politcal organization making a donation they are influencing the Democratic process in a way that could be seen as un-pure. But these are the ways elections are won.

    If we want to go to a process where politics and organizing don’t matter, then lets just put Cabaldon and Yamada in a room with every voter and cast ballots afterwards. I bet Christopher would win by a more than 70% margin in that case!

    Until then we will have these caucuses for Party endorsements – and it looks like Cabaldon is our local Obama!

  31. The pre-endorsement caucus is a party-building and political organizing exercise. In the Leno/Migden/Nation race they have been building club memberships and moving delegates from other legislators for months.

    Ever heard of the Party Caucuses for President? You think Obama and Clinton aren’t calling voters an getting them to register and attend their local caucuses? That’s how it works!

    If Mariko got out-organized by a margin of 70% to 30% that is a sign that she will keep getting out hustled by Cabaldon.

    If you are torn by political organizing then you shouldn’t be involved in campaigns. Every time you have a firefighter from outside of the district putting up a lawnsign or a politcal organization making a donation they are influencing the Democratic process in a way that could be seen as un-pure. But these are the ways elections are won.

    If we want to go to a process where politics and organizing don’t matter, then lets just put Cabaldon and Yamada in a room with every voter and cast ballots afterwards. I bet Christopher would win by a more than 70% margin in that case!

    Until then we will have these caucuses for Party endorsements – and it looks like Cabaldon is our local Obama!

  32. The pre-endorsement caucus is a party-building and political organizing exercise. In the Leno/Migden/Nation race they have been building club memberships and moving delegates from other legislators for months.

    Ever heard of the Party Caucuses for President? You think Obama and Clinton aren’t calling voters an getting them to register and attend their local caucuses? That’s how it works!

    If Mariko got out-organized by a margin of 70% to 30% that is a sign that she will keep getting out hustled by Cabaldon.

    If you are torn by political organizing then you shouldn’t be involved in campaigns. Every time you have a firefighter from outside of the district putting up a lawnsign or a politcal organization making a donation they are influencing the Democratic process in a way that could be seen as un-pure. But these are the ways elections are won.

    If we want to go to a process where politics and organizing don’t matter, then lets just put Cabaldon and Yamada in a room with every voter and cast ballots afterwards. I bet Christopher would win by a more than 70% margin in that case!

    Until then we will have these caucuses for Party endorsements – and it looks like Cabaldon is our local Obama!

  33. One wonders, would it be a better use of the time of these Board members and the campaigns with which they are associated, if they instead focused upon reaching voters instead of these kind of inside baseball maneuvers?

    –Richard Estes

  34. One wonders, would it be a better use of the time of these Board members and the campaigns with which they are associated, if they instead focused upon reaching voters instead of these kind of inside baseball maneuvers?

    –Richard Estes

  35. One wonders, would it be a better use of the time of these Board members and the campaigns with which they are associated, if they instead focused upon reaching voters instead of these kind of inside baseball maneuvers?

    –Richard Estes

  36. One wonders, would it be a better use of the time of these Board members and the campaigns with which they are associated, if they instead focused upon reaching voters instead of these kind of inside baseball maneuvers?

    –Richard Estes

  37. Oh, the voter reaching is already happening Richard. Mariko is very busily going to Vacaville telling voters she is against higher taxes to fund our schools, for the death penalty, and protecting Proposition 13, then coming home at night to Davis and telling voters she is against the death penalty, wants to break open Prop 13 to fund our schools, and supports and oil tax.

    So yes, the honest work of voter contact has begun.

  38. Oh, the voter reaching is already happening Richard. Mariko is very busily going to Vacaville telling voters she is against higher taxes to fund our schools, for the death penalty, and protecting Proposition 13, then coming home at night to Davis and telling voters she is against the death penalty, wants to break open Prop 13 to fund our schools, and supports and oil tax.

    So yes, the honest work of voter contact has begun.

  39. Oh, the voter reaching is already happening Richard. Mariko is very busily going to Vacaville telling voters she is against higher taxes to fund our schools, for the death penalty, and protecting Proposition 13, then coming home at night to Davis and telling voters she is against the death penalty, wants to break open Prop 13 to fund our schools, and supports and oil tax.

    So yes, the honest work of voter contact has begun.

  40. Oh, the voter reaching is already happening Richard. Mariko is very busily going to Vacaville telling voters she is against higher taxes to fund our schools, for the death penalty, and protecting Proposition 13, then coming home at night to Davis and telling voters she is against the death penalty, wants to break open Prop 13 to fund our schools, and supports and oil tax.

    So yes, the honest work of voter contact has begun.

  41. Eduardo, do yourself and your candidate a favor and walk a precinct for Cabaldon in the northern areas of West Sacramento – Broderick and Bryte.

    Then compare what you see and hear there with what Cabaldon is telling you is going on.

    Also, if you’re picked up by the PD, and Cabaldon’s not returning your calls, you might want to call the Sacramento ACLU. They’re a little more sympathetic to Latinos in West Sacramento than the Mayor.

  42. Eduardo, do yourself and your candidate a favor and walk a precinct for Cabaldon in the northern areas of West Sacramento – Broderick and Bryte.

    Then compare what you see and hear there with what Cabaldon is telling you is going on.

    Also, if you’re picked up by the PD, and Cabaldon’s not returning your calls, you might want to call the Sacramento ACLU. They’re a little more sympathetic to Latinos in West Sacramento than the Mayor.

  43. Eduardo, do yourself and your candidate a favor and walk a precinct for Cabaldon in the northern areas of West Sacramento – Broderick and Bryte.

    Then compare what you see and hear there with what Cabaldon is telling you is going on.

    Also, if you’re picked up by the PD, and Cabaldon’s not returning your calls, you might want to call the Sacramento ACLU. They’re a little more sympathetic to Latinos in West Sacramento than the Mayor.

  44. Eduardo, do yourself and your candidate a favor and walk a precinct for Cabaldon in the northern areas of West Sacramento – Broderick and Bryte.

    Then compare what you see and hear there with what Cabaldon is telling you is going on.

    Also, if you’re picked up by the PD, and Cabaldon’s not returning your calls, you might want to call the Sacramento ACLU. They’re a little more sympathetic to Latinos in West Sacramento than the Mayor.

  45. Eduardo,

    I’d be willing to bet $50 that your accounting of what Ms. Yamada has told voters in Vacaville and Davis is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All is fair in love and politics, except perhaps attributing words to a candidate when she never said those words.

  46. Eduardo,

    I’d be willing to bet $50 that your accounting of what Ms. Yamada has told voters in Vacaville and Davis is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All is fair in love and politics, except perhaps attributing words to a candidate when she never said those words.

  47. Eduardo,

    I’d be willing to bet $50 that your accounting of what Ms. Yamada has told voters in Vacaville and Davis is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All is fair in love and politics, except perhaps attributing words to a candidate when she never said those words.

  48. Eduardo,

    I’d be willing to bet $50 that your accounting of what Ms. Yamada has told voters in Vacaville and Davis is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All is fair in love and politics, except perhaps attributing words to a candidate when she never said those words.

  49. DPD,

    I’m sure you knew about the CDP Pre-Endorsement conference a while ago. If you didn’t, I know for a fact that your wife did since she actually attended a CDP Pre-endorsement conference planning meeting. Since you or your wife certainly knew about this a while ago, and both of you go to a lot of local political events, couldn’t you have gotten the word out about this to some of the people in the Davis Democratic Club? I also find it surprising that none of them knew about this considering how well connected they are in the community.
    With that said, there is nothing “un-democratic” about this process. Ultimately, no matter which candidate gets the CDP endorsement (if either of them gets it), the real vote comes down to the people on election day, June 3.

  50. DPD,

    I’m sure you knew about the CDP Pre-Endorsement conference a while ago. If you didn’t, I know for a fact that your wife did since she actually attended a CDP Pre-endorsement conference planning meeting. Since you or your wife certainly knew about this a while ago, and both of you go to a lot of local political events, couldn’t you have gotten the word out about this to some of the people in the Davis Democratic Club? I also find it surprising that none of them knew about this considering how well connected they are in the community.
    With that said, there is nothing “un-democratic” about this process. Ultimately, no matter which candidate gets the CDP endorsement (if either of them gets it), the real vote comes down to the people on election day, June 3.

  51. DPD,

    I’m sure you knew about the CDP Pre-Endorsement conference a while ago. If you didn’t, I know for a fact that your wife did since she actually attended a CDP Pre-endorsement conference planning meeting. Since you or your wife certainly knew about this a while ago, and both of you go to a lot of local political events, couldn’t you have gotten the word out about this to some of the people in the Davis Democratic Club? I also find it surprising that none of them knew about this considering how well connected they are in the community.
    With that said, there is nothing “un-democratic” about this process. Ultimately, no matter which candidate gets the CDP endorsement (if either of them gets it), the real vote comes down to the people on election day, June 3.

  52. DPD,

    I’m sure you knew about the CDP Pre-Endorsement conference a while ago. If you didn’t, I know for a fact that your wife did since she actually attended a CDP Pre-endorsement conference planning meeting. Since you or your wife certainly knew about this a while ago, and both of you go to a lot of local political events, couldn’t you have gotten the word out about this to some of the people in the Davis Democratic Club? I also find it surprising that none of them knew about this considering how well connected they are in the community.
    With that said, there is nothing “un-democratic” about this process. Ultimately, no matter which candidate gets the CDP endorsement (if either of them gets it), the real vote comes down to the people on election day, June 3.

  53. Annonymous 12:57:
    Since you knew, since you were at the meeting you say that this all came to light, why did you not put a stop to the questionable activity?

    Anyone who knew about this and did nothing effective to stop it is responsible.

    Mud-slinging from one responsible party to another is not allowed. The community is growing weary of it.

  54. Annonymous 12:57:
    Since you knew, since you were at the meeting you say that this all came to light, why did you not put a stop to the questionable activity?

    Anyone who knew about this and did nothing effective to stop it is responsible.

    Mud-slinging from one responsible party to another is not allowed. The community is growing weary of it.

  55. Annonymous 12:57:
    Since you knew, since you were at the meeting you say that this all came to light, why did you not put a stop to the questionable activity?

    Anyone who knew about this and did nothing effective to stop it is responsible.

    Mud-slinging from one responsible party to another is not allowed. The community is growing weary of it.

  56. Annonymous 12:57:
    Since you knew, since you were at the meeting you say that this all came to light, why did you not put a stop to the questionable activity?

    Anyone who knew about this and did nothing effective to stop it is responsible.

    Mud-slinging from one responsible party to another is not allowed. The community is growing weary of it.

  57. Both assembly campaigns have employed tactics to gain advantage from club representatives to the pre-endorsement conference.

    Cabaldon’s campaign was smart and aggressive in recruiting and soliciting registered Democrats to join their West Sacramento Democratic Club. From that work they built up their club membership and have a reservoir of Democrats willing to support the party candidates for election in 2008. And yes, at the same time they secured a big base of club members for their efforts to gain advantage at the pre-endorsement conference.

    Mariko Yamada and her campaign on behalf of her candidacy worked with Club President Arun Sen not to increase the membership of the club, but to make sure that only Davis Democratic Club members who support her were selected to represent the club at the pre-endorsement conference. Mr. Sen and Mr. Bockwinkel, both Yamada supporters, and Ms. Yamada selected the club’s representatives omitting other club members, board members and club officers who have endorsed Christopher Cabaldon or have remained neutral in that race.

    The club’s governing board not being involved in deciding how delegates would be selected and who would be chosen to be delegates troubles me. This was a decision that should have been made by the entire club’s leadership in an open and fair manner and not secretly by the Yamada Campaign, Arun Sen and Bob Bockwinkel who clearly manipulated the situation to give Mariko all the delegates from the Davis Democratic Club.

    As a longtime member of the Davis Democratic Club I am wondering what the other club’s officers, board members and club members will think about this?

  58. Both assembly campaigns have employed tactics to gain advantage from club representatives to the pre-endorsement conference.

    Cabaldon’s campaign was smart and aggressive in recruiting and soliciting registered Democrats to join their West Sacramento Democratic Club. From that work they built up their club membership and have a reservoir of Democrats willing to support the party candidates for election in 2008. And yes, at the same time they secured a big base of club members for their efforts to gain advantage at the pre-endorsement conference.

    Mariko Yamada and her campaign on behalf of her candidacy worked with Club President Arun Sen not to increase the membership of the club, but to make sure that only Davis Democratic Club members who support her were selected to represent the club at the pre-endorsement conference. Mr. Sen and Mr. Bockwinkel, both Yamada supporters, and Ms. Yamada selected the club’s representatives omitting other club members, board members and club officers who have endorsed Christopher Cabaldon or have remained neutral in that race.

    The club’s governing board not being involved in deciding how delegates would be selected and who would be chosen to be delegates troubles me. This was a decision that should have been made by the entire club’s leadership in an open and fair manner and not secretly by the Yamada Campaign, Arun Sen and Bob Bockwinkel who clearly manipulated the situation to give Mariko all the delegates from the Davis Democratic Club.

    As a longtime member of the Davis Democratic Club I am wondering what the other club’s officers, board members and club members will think about this?

  59. Both assembly campaigns have employed tactics to gain advantage from club representatives to the pre-endorsement conference.

    Cabaldon’s campaign was smart and aggressive in recruiting and soliciting registered Democrats to join their West Sacramento Democratic Club. From that work they built up their club membership and have a reservoir of Democrats willing to support the party candidates for election in 2008. And yes, at the same time they secured a big base of club members for their efforts to gain advantage at the pre-endorsement conference.

    Mariko Yamada and her campaign on behalf of her candidacy worked with Club President Arun Sen not to increase the membership of the club, but to make sure that only Davis Democratic Club members who support her were selected to represent the club at the pre-endorsement conference. Mr. Sen and Mr. Bockwinkel, both Yamada supporters, and Ms. Yamada selected the club’s representatives omitting other club members, board members and club officers who have endorsed Christopher Cabaldon or have remained neutral in that race.

    The club’s governing board not being involved in deciding how delegates would be selected and who would be chosen to be delegates troubles me. This was a decision that should have been made by the entire club’s leadership in an open and fair manner and not secretly by the Yamada Campaign, Arun Sen and Bob Bockwinkel who clearly manipulated the situation to give Mariko all the delegates from the Davis Democratic Club.

    As a longtime member of the Davis Democratic Club I am wondering what the other club’s officers, board members and club members will think about this?

  60. Both assembly campaigns have employed tactics to gain advantage from club representatives to the pre-endorsement conference.

    Cabaldon’s campaign was smart and aggressive in recruiting and soliciting registered Democrats to join their West Sacramento Democratic Club. From that work they built up their club membership and have a reservoir of Democrats willing to support the party candidates for election in 2008. And yes, at the same time they secured a big base of club members for their efforts to gain advantage at the pre-endorsement conference.

    Mariko Yamada and her campaign on behalf of her candidacy worked with Club President Arun Sen not to increase the membership of the club, but to make sure that only Davis Democratic Club members who support her were selected to represent the club at the pre-endorsement conference. Mr. Sen and Mr. Bockwinkel, both Yamada supporters, and Ms. Yamada selected the club’s representatives omitting other club members, board members and club officers who have endorsed Christopher Cabaldon or have remained neutral in that race.

    The club’s governing board not being involved in deciding how delegates would be selected and who would be chosen to be delegates troubles me. This was a decision that should have been made by the entire club’s leadership in an open and fair manner and not secretly by the Yamada Campaign, Arun Sen and Bob Bockwinkel who clearly manipulated the situation to give Mariko all the delegates from the Davis Democratic Club.

    As a longtime member of the Davis Democratic Club I am wondering what the other club’s officers, board members and club members will think about this?

  61. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

  62. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

  63. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

  64. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

  65. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

    I think that you have misunderstood Truman’s comment. He didn’t say that Bockwinkel and Sen lacked integrity. Nor did he disparage the qualifications of the delegates selected.

    Rather, he merely stated that the Davis Democratic Club would have benefitted from an open process of delegate selection.

    As someone who is currently registered as “Decline to State” for reasons too numerous to relate here, I can say that, like many other independent voters, I respond more favorably to candidates and organizations that make decisions transparently instead of covertly.

    –Richard Estes

  66. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

    I think that you have misunderstood Truman’s comment. He didn’t say that Bockwinkel and Sen lacked integrity. Nor did he disparage the qualifications of the delegates selected.

    Rather, he merely stated that the Davis Democratic Club would have benefitted from an open process of delegate selection.

    As someone who is currently registered as “Decline to State” for reasons too numerous to relate here, I can say that, like many other independent voters, I respond more favorably to candidates and organizations that make decisions transparently instead of covertly.

    –Richard Estes

  67. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

    I think that you have misunderstood Truman’s comment. He didn’t say that Bockwinkel and Sen lacked integrity. Nor did he disparage the qualifications of the delegates selected.

    Rather, he merely stated that the Davis Democratic Club would have benefitted from an open process of delegate selection.

    As someone who is currently registered as “Decline to State” for reasons too numerous to relate here, I can say that, like many other independent voters, I respond more favorably to candidates and organizations that make decisions transparently instead of covertly.

    –Richard Estes

  68. Bob Bockwinkle and Arun Sen are men of integrity and hugely involved in their community.

    The list represents people who have had years – some for decades – of membership in the Davis Democratic Club and years of working hard for the Democrat Party.

    Who should have been on the list that isn’t and, likewise, who should be taken off?

    I think that you have misunderstood Truman’s comment. He didn’t say that Bockwinkel and Sen lacked integrity. Nor did he disparage the qualifications of the delegates selected.

    Rather, he merely stated that the Davis Democratic Club would have benefitted from an open process of delegate selection.

    As someone who is currently registered as “Decline to State” for reasons too numerous to relate here, I can say that, like many other independent voters, I respond more favorably to candidates and organizations that make decisions transparently instead of covertly.

    –Richard Estes

  69. Rich Rifkin

    If you want a copy of the Mariko Flyer where she says she wants to protect prop 13, opposes new taxes, supports the death penalty, just leave an email address in your next posting and I will send it.

  70. Rich Rifkin

    If you want a copy of the Mariko Flyer where she says she wants to protect prop 13, opposes new taxes, supports the death penalty, just leave an email address in your next posting and I will send it.

  71. Rich Rifkin

    If you want a copy of the Mariko Flyer where she says she wants to protect prop 13, opposes new taxes, supports the death penalty, just leave an email address in your next posting and I will send it.

  72. Rich Rifkin

    If you want a copy of the Mariko Flyer where she says she wants to protect prop 13, opposes new taxes, supports the death penalty, just leave an email address in your next posting and I will send it.

  73. I just emailed it.

    I also forgot to mention that her mailpiece has a statement about limited use of “surveliance technology in our neighborhoods.” that sounds really wacky.

  74. I just emailed it.

    I also forgot to mention that her mailpiece has a statement about limited use of “surveliance technology in our neighborhoods.” that sounds really wacky.

  75. I just emailed it.

    I also forgot to mention that her mailpiece has a statement about limited use of “surveliance technology in our neighborhoods.” that sounds really wacky.

  76. I just emailed it.

    I also forgot to mention that her mailpiece has a statement about limited use of “surveliance technology in our neighborhoods.” that sounds really wacky.

  77. Thanks for this artical, I am glad I found it.

    It would be interesting to see that flyer, that would prove that she is a FLIP FLOPER, is there a way it can be posted or linked for all of us to see.

    As for the Pre-endorsement games I look at it this way, we have one candidate that worked to get people involved ad active that before were not active and another that made backroom smoke filled deal. Humm I think I am going for the one that got new people involved in the process. I believe that most democratic clubs mission statement starts with “shall endeavor to stimulate people of the community in an active interest in governmental affairs and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party. “ I think that registering people into the democratic club that were not as active before is a way of stimulating people into the process. The Bi-laws for the Davis Club is not on-line to read their mission, but I assume it includes something about stimulating new people into the democratic process.

    Sorry Yamada after having voted for you in the past I have just switched my pre-endorsement vote.

  78. Thanks for this artical, I am glad I found it.

    It would be interesting to see that flyer, that would prove that she is a FLIP FLOPER, is there a way it can be posted or linked for all of us to see.

    As for the Pre-endorsement games I look at it this way, we have one candidate that worked to get people involved ad active that before were not active and another that made backroom smoke filled deal. Humm I think I am going for the one that got new people involved in the process. I believe that most democratic clubs mission statement starts with “shall endeavor to stimulate people of the community in an active interest in governmental affairs and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party. “ I think that registering people into the democratic club that were not as active before is a way of stimulating people into the process. The Bi-laws for the Davis Club is not on-line to read their mission, but I assume it includes something about stimulating new people into the democratic process.

    Sorry Yamada after having voted for you in the past I have just switched my pre-endorsement vote.

  79. Thanks for this artical, I am glad I found it.

    It would be interesting to see that flyer, that would prove that she is a FLIP FLOPER, is there a way it can be posted or linked for all of us to see.

    As for the Pre-endorsement games I look at it this way, we have one candidate that worked to get people involved ad active that before were not active and another that made backroom smoke filled deal. Humm I think I am going for the one that got new people involved in the process. I believe that most democratic clubs mission statement starts with “shall endeavor to stimulate people of the community in an active interest in governmental affairs and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party. “ I think that registering people into the democratic club that were not as active before is a way of stimulating people into the process. The Bi-laws for the Davis Club is not on-line to read their mission, but I assume it includes something about stimulating new people into the democratic process.

    Sorry Yamada after having voted for you in the past I have just switched my pre-endorsement vote.

  80. Thanks for this artical, I am glad I found it.

    It would be interesting to see that flyer, that would prove that she is a FLIP FLOPER, is there a way it can be posted or linked for all of us to see.

    As for the Pre-endorsement games I look at it this way, we have one candidate that worked to get people involved ad active that before were not active and another that made backroom smoke filled deal. Humm I think I am going for the one that got new people involved in the process. I believe that most democratic clubs mission statement starts with “shall endeavor to stimulate people of the community in an active interest in governmental affairs and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party. “ I think that registering people into the democratic club that were not as active before is a way of stimulating people into the process. The Bi-laws for the Davis Club is not on-line to read their mission, but I assume it includes something about stimulating new people into the democratic process.

    Sorry Yamada after having voted for you in the past I have just switched my pre-endorsement vote.

  81. Yolo County Voter,

    You are forgetting that Cabaldon’s actions increased the West Sac Democratic Club’s representation to 38 delegates. Do you really think that choosing those 38 people would be any different than the Davis Club’s selection process.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

  82. Yolo County Voter,

    You are forgetting that Cabaldon’s actions increased the West Sac Democratic Club’s representation to 38 delegates. Do you really think that choosing those 38 people would be any different than the Davis Club’s selection process.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

  83. Yolo County Voter,

    You are forgetting that Cabaldon’s actions increased the West Sac Democratic Club’s representation to 38 delegates. Do you really think that choosing those 38 people would be any different than the Davis Club’s selection process.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

  84. Yolo County Voter,

    You are forgetting that Cabaldon’s actions increased the West Sac Democratic Club’s representation to 38 delegates. Do you really think that choosing those 38 people would be any different than the Davis Club’s selection process.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

  85. Cabaldon is, of course, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter. His campaign from its inception has read like the Clinton political playbook..funded by the deep pockets that control the local Democratic political machine….
    strident attacks by “surrogates”, outright misrepresentations.

  86. Cabaldon is, of course, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter. His campaign from its inception has read like the Clinton political playbook..funded by the deep pockets that control the local Democratic political machine….
    strident attacks by “surrogates”, outright misrepresentations.

  87. Cabaldon is, of course, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter. His campaign from its inception has read like the Clinton political playbook..funded by the deep pockets that control the local Democratic political machine….
    strident attacks by “surrogates”, outright misrepresentations.

  88. Cabaldon is, of course, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter. His campaign from its inception has read like the Clinton political playbook..funded by the deep pockets that control the local Democratic political machine….
    strident attacks by “surrogates”, outright misrepresentations.

  89. Sorry Yamada, For switching my vote to Christopher after reading this article, but I am sick and tired of politicians doing nothing for the party and then turning around and doing back door deals in their favor. My friend told me that my one vote could have changed the results of the election. Now I am left with supporting out Parties candidate.

    Yolo County Voter

  90. Sorry Yamada, For switching my vote to Christopher after reading this article, but I am sick and tired of politicians doing nothing for the party and then turning around and doing back door deals in their favor. My friend told me that my one vote could have changed the results of the election. Now I am left with supporting out Parties candidate.

    Yolo County Voter

  91. Sorry Yamada, For switching my vote to Christopher after reading this article, but I am sick and tired of politicians doing nothing for the party and then turning around and doing back door deals in their favor. My friend told me that my one vote could have changed the results of the election. Now I am left with supporting out Parties candidate.

    Yolo County Voter

  92. Sorry Yamada, For switching my vote to Christopher after reading this article, but I am sick and tired of politicians doing nothing for the party and then turning around and doing back door deals in their favor. My friend told me that my one vote could have changed the results of the election. Now I am left with supporting out Parties candidate.

    Yolo County Voter

  93. Obama supporter, if it were not for political machines then we would have never had people like John F. Kennedy and Obama that are both heavily supported by the grass roots organizing machines. So Christopher should take that as a a compliment that you are comparing him to JFK and Obama.

    As for the race I am a uncommitted outside spectator from a far away land.

  94. Obama supporter, if it were not for political machines then we would have never had people like John F. Kennedy and Obama that are both heavily supported by the grass roots organizing machines. So Christopher should take that as a a compliment that you are comparing him to JFK and Obama.

    As for the race I am a uncommitted outside spectator from a far away land.

  95. Obama supporter, if it were not for political machines then we would have never had people like John F. Kennedy and Obama that are both heavily supported by the grass roots organizing machines. So Christopher should take that as a a compliment that you are comparing him to JFK and Obama.

    As for the race I am a uncommitted outside spectator from a far away land.

  96. Obama supporter, if it were not for political machines then we would have never had people like John F. Kennedy and Obama that are both heavily supported by the grass roots organizing machines. So Christopher should take that as a a compliment that you are comparing him to JFK and Obama.

    As for the race I am a uncommitted outside spectator from a far away land.

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