On July 19, 2008, Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad, an elected public official in this county for some reason decided to launch a war against the Yolo County Flatlander, a small, low profile, alternative news publication that is published and distributed primarily in Davis on a bi-monthly basis.
The Supervisor wrote:
“I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years. We really have no idea who the publishers are and the authors of “articles” are not usually included in the publication. The only thing I can do is hold the advertisers accountable.
If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable — all of them. I don’t want to hear “I didn’t know” or “I can’t control content” comments. This publication has a shameful history that certainly is well known by anyone with a clue is aware.”
The crime committed by the Flatlander was unclear. However, the Supervisor seemed to back off his threat later on–which was the correct course of action–unfortunately it did not stay that way.
However, this month’s publication of the Flatlander seemed to incite him once again.
They write:
“Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad is carrying censorship’s flaming torch. In our August issue, we reported on Rexroad’s adventures in print-banning.”
They continue:
“Of course as an attorney, Woodland’s flaming torch of censorship should know that if he uses his position as an elected official to block trade or censor free speech, he will lose his license to practice law. After two-month’s, no Flatlander advertiser told me of any response from Rexroad.”
Still they say,
“Flatlander editors couldn’t help but feel flattered that book burners of the world took the time to classify the Flatlander as a banned paper.”
They then inflame passions comparing the Supervisor’s censorship attempts to those of Hitler, Stalin, and Sarah Palin?
“Rexroad’s flaming torch of censorship puts him in the same category as Hitler, Stalin, and Sarah Palen (sic).”
They conclude,
“Flatlander editor Sally Parker denies that the paper is as dangerous as Rexroad claims. She assures readers, ‘The Flatlander is safe to read, just don’t inhale.”
For his part, Matt Rexroad told me that he does not believe they can sue him based on his proposed boycott.
As he wrote yesterday:
“I am happy to take my understanding of the first amendment and my ability to practice law in this state over theirs. As a result I am boycotting the following businesses…”
He then goes on to list a number of the advertisers of the Flatlander, I shall not repeat them in this space except for two which really emphasize I think how absurd the Supervisor has become on this issue.
“Further — Vote No on Measure N… Don’t reward Manuel Cosme with your vote for Assembly”
In other words, he is now urging that people vote against Republican Assembly nominee Manuel Cosme, who faces Mariko Yamada for the 8th Assembly District and vote against Davis’ Charter City, because both have decided to advertise in the Flatlander. Why is he taking his vendetta against the publication out against public policy? Why is he letting this grudge interfere with his primary duty as an elected public official?
He continues:
“If I forgot anyone — then I am boycotting them too. Everyone that paid to help put out the Flatlander.”
Just to be clear here, in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does attempt to incite others to do so as well:
“Boycott the following businesses.”
Contrary, to the Supervisor’s assertions, I had no trouble tracking down the editors, one of whom was mentioned in the article, Sally Parker, and the other is Jim Leonard.
In response, Jim Leonard told me that he thinks Rexroad is a “bad Republican” for undermining small business, a “bad American” for undermining free speech.
“He’s in a position to support the will of the people, but he undermines it to achieve his own private ends. Therefore, he’s a fraud.”
From my perspective, I do not understand why a public official is spending time on this. Matt Rexroad is an elected public official, he has other things that he should be concerned with other than a publication that frankly spends a good amount of its time trying to argue that 9/11 did not occur. The issue here is not what you think of the Flatlander. From my perspective I do not always agree with them, but I do not see a good reason to spend time attacking them either when I disagree. They have the right to lampoon Mr. Rexroad, a public official as they see fit.
Mr. Rexroad’s conduct in this instance is completely irresponsible and unbecoming of a public official.
He claims that this is not a tort offense, I have heard varying opinions on it, but that almost does not matter. In this case, his actions seem petty, childish, and he looks like a fool. He needs to drop this nonsense and focus on the serious issues that are facing this county as the result of what is developing into a severe recession and a budget crisis. If the Flatlander what’s to satirize him, let them. I have always respected the fact that Mr. Rexroad has been open to criticism and upfront on where he stands on public policy matters. Frankly this is not the kind of conduct I have learned to expect from him.
In short, this needs to stop and we need to get back to the business at hand. There is not another public official in this county that I would have expected to see take on this kind of issue. Can you imagine anyone else doing this? It is very disappointing to see it happen here.
Let me be very clear here: Matt Rexroad’s conduct here is irresponsible and unbecoming of a public official. Again, I cannot picture another public official in this county behaving as Mr. Rexroad has. It is very disappointing to see him do this.
—Doug Paul Davis reporting
I believe they are refering to the whining of Gary Sandy. Gary Sandy wrote articles for the Daily Dissapointment. Usually they were cute antidotes. But, if a citizen stood up to the local governement, good Ole' boy Woodland network, Gary would write mean spirited articles about the people to shut them up.In fact he admitted the guy …Day… was involved in the school board recall which Gary wrote slanderous articles about the other sid ehttp://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/Content?oid=13626Sacramento News and Review covered the story titled Was it something he wrote?By Jeff Kearns More stories by this author… This article was published on 11.21.02.Gary Sandy admits it was from an article he wrote. Gary Sandy and spin doctor Matt Rexroad came up with blaming the Flatlander to discourage readership in Woodland.Gary Sandy now works for UC Davis in Government affairs and is used as a political operative by Matt Rexroad who owns Meridian Pacific, Meridian Central, West Meridian… when needed. These guys spin politics. Matt runs campaigns for Wal Mart and Republican candidates, but surrounds himself with Democratic operatives. Keep up the good work Flatlander folks. We read it.
I don’t know Rexroad personally. I’ve heard him on your radio show, and sometimes I read his blog. He seems like a personable guy, able to take criticism and a good ribbing in stride. So this reaction against the Flatlander seems out of character from my earlier impression of him.
Personally I’m not really impressed with the Flatlander, as a production. They would probably do better as a blog, somewhat like the Vanguard, and they wouldn’t waste as much paper.
If Rexroad wouldn’t take the time to acknowledge the Flatlander, I think the paper would become even less relevant.
I don’t know Rexroad personally. I’ve heard him on your radio show, and sometimes I read his blog. He seems like a personable guy, able to take criticism and a good ribbing in stride. So this reaction against the Flatlander seems out of character from my earlier impression of him.
Personally I’m not really impressed with the Flatlander, as a production. They would probably do better as a blog, somewhat like the Vanguard, and they wouldn’t waste as much paper.
If Rexroad wouldn’t take the time to acknowledge the Flatlander, I think the paper would become even less relevant.
I don’t know Rexroad personally. I’ve heard him on your radio show, and sometimes I read his blog. He seems like a personable guy, able to take criticism and a good ribbing in stride. So this reaction against the Flatlander seems out of character from my earlier impression of him.
Personally I’m not really impressed with the Flatlander, as a production. They would probably do better as a blog, somewhat like the Vanguard, and they wouldn’t waste as much paper.
If Rexroad wouldn’t take the time to acknowledge the Flatlander, I think the paper would become even less relevant.
I don’t know Rexroad personally. I’ve heard him on your radio show, and sometimes I read his blog. He seems like a personable guy, able to take criticism and a good ribbing in stride. So this reaction against the Flatlander seems out of character from my earlier impression of him.
Personally I’m not really impressed with the Flatlander, as a production. They would probably do better as a blog, somewhat like the Vanguard, and they wouldn’t waste as much paper.
If Rexroad wouldn’t take the time to acknowledge the Flatlander, I think the paper would become even less relevant.
Rexroad’s outburst is no small thing and deserves more than just disappointment. It confirms my personal observation that the strangely ill-suited denim shirt and jeans political costume that he wore to the Vanguard evening event some time ago was part of a calculated effort to conceal the “real” Rexroad and manipulate the voters which is, after all, his professional day-job.
Rexroad’s outburst is no small thing and deserves more than just disappointment. It confirms my personal observation that the strangely ill-suited denim shirt and jeans political costume that he wore to the Vanguard evening event some time ago was part of a calculated effort to conceal the “real” Rexroad and manipulate the voters which is, after all, his professional day-job.
Rexroad’s outburst is no small thing and deserves more than just disappointment. It confirms my personal observation that the strangely ill-suited denim shirt and jeans political costume that he wore to the Vanguard evening event some time ago was part of a calculated effort to conceal the “real” Rexroad and manipulate the voters which is, after all, his professional day-job.
Rexroad’s outburst is no small thing and deserves more than just disappointment. It confirms my personal observation that the strangely ill-suited denim shirt and jeans political costume that he wore to the Vanguard evening event some time ago was part of a calculated effort to conceal the “real” Rexroad and manipulate the voters which is, after all, his professional day-job.
>>"in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too:"
Exude?? "to cause to ooze or spread out in all directions":-??
Usually I can guess what word was intended, but I'm a little lost here. Incite?
>>"in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too:"
Exude?? "to cause to ooze or spread out in all directions":-??
Usually I can guess what word was intended, but I'm a little lost here. Incite?
>>"in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too:"
Exude?? "to cause to ooze or spread out in all directions":-??
Usually I can guess what word was intended, but I'm a little lost here. Incite?
>>"in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too:"
Exude?? "to cause to ooze or spread out in all directions":-??
Usually I can guess what word was intended, but I'm a little lost here. Incite?
You may find it disappointing, but it isn’t surprising. He has a history of being an attack dog. It’s what his business does and it’s what he does to ‘opponents’.
He’s a huge ego with small ideas.
In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, for whom he writes a weak apology on his website.
2010 can’t come soon enough to get new representation for Woodland.
You may find it disappointing, but it isn’t surprising. He has a history of being an attack dog. It’s what his business does and it’s what he does to ‘opponents’.
He’s a huge ego with small ideas.
In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, for whom he writes a weak apology on his website.
2010 can’t come soon enough to get new representation for Woodland.
You may find it disappointing, but it isn’t surprising. He has a history of being an attack dog. It’s what his business does and it’s what he does to ‘opponents’.
He’s a huge ego with small ideas.
In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, for whom he writes a weak apology on his website.
2010 can’t come soon enough to get new representation for Woodland.
You may find it disappointing, but it isn’t surprising. He has a history of being an attack dog. It’s what his business does and it’s what he does to ‘opponents’.
He’s a huge ego with small ideas.
In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, for whom he writes a weak apology on his website.
2010 can’t come soon enough to get new representation for Woodland.
Businesses advertise in The Flatlander because it reaches a particular demographic, and because it is a good value. These are the same reasons businesses advertise in the Davis Enterprise, or the Independent Voice in Dixon. Nobody keeps a checklist of editorial positions or content to measure our level of agreement with the publishers, editors, or columnists. Advertising is a business decision.
Businesses advertise in The Flatlander because it reaches a particular demographic, and because it is a good value. These are the same reasons businesses advertise in the Davis Enterprise, or the Independent Voice in Dixon. Nobody keeps a checklist of editorial positions or content to measure our level of agreement with the publishers, editors, or columnists. Advertising is a business decision.
Businesses advertise in The Flatlander because it reaches a particular demographic, and because it is a good value. These are the same reasons businesses advertise in the Davis Enterprise, or the Independent Voice in Dixon. Nobody keeps a checklist of editorial positions or content to measure our level of agreement with the publishers, editors, or columnists. Advertising is a business decision.
Businesses advertise in The Flatlander because it reaches a particular demographic, and because it is a good value. These are the same reasons businesses advertise in the Davis Enterprise, or the Independent Voice in Dixon. Nobody keeps a checklist of editorial positions or content to measure our level of agreement with the publishers, editors, or columnists. Advertising is a business decision.
The Rexroad imbroglio aside, the Flatlander has become rather boring over the last year. I always enjoyed the way it skewered local electeds in its own, over the top, style … and Martin Barnes’ “Overheard at the Farmer’s Market” was usually good for a chuckle or two. It should re-focus on local political issues and spend less time (and WHOA $$)on the 9/11 ‘coverup’ … that’s my 2 cents!
The Rexroad imbroglio aside, the Flatlander has become rather boring over the last year. I always enjoyed the way it skewered local electeds in its own, over the top, style … and Martin Barnes’ “Overheard at the Farmer’s Market” was usually good for a chuckle or two. It should re-focus on local political issues and spend less time (and WHOA $$)on the 9/11 ‘coverup’ … that’s my 2 cents!
The Rexroad imbroglio aside, the Flatlander has become rather boring over the last year. I always enjoyed the way it skewered local electeds in its own, over the top, style … and Martin Barnes’ “Overheard at the Farmer’s Market” was usually good for a chuckle or two. It should re-focus on local political issues and spend less time (and WHOA $$)on the 9/11 ‘coverup’ … that’s my 2 cents!
The Rexroad imbroglio aside, the Flatlander has become rather boring over the last year. I always enjoyed the way it skewered local electeds in its own, over the top, style … and Martin Barnes’ “Overheard at the Farmer’s Market” was usually good for a chuckle or two. It should re-focus on local political issues and spend less time (and WHOA $$)on the 9/11 ‘coverup’ … that’s my 2 cents!
I don’t know what Rexroad’s specific Beef is with the paper, but his claim that it is a crap paper is accurate.
The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.
I don’t know what Rexroad’s specific Beef is with the paper, but his claim that it is a crap paper is accurate.
The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.
I don’t know what Rexroad’s specific Beef is with the paper, but his claim that it is a crap paper is accurate.
The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.
I don’t know what Rexroad’s specific Beef is with the paper, but his claim that it is a crap paper is accurate.
The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.
Rexroad was initially very enthusiastic about Sarah Palin on his website. But has been very quiet about her in recent weeks.
If he represented Davis, I’m not sure that I would vote for him, but in Rexroad’s defense, I really like that he took the lead in the community drive to collect school backpacks for Woodland kids. That kind of community attitude is important to the quality of schools).
I also like that he seems willing to engage in open conversation with the public on both his website and through other means — phone calls, etc. Other public officials can be frustratingly inaccessible.
Rexroad was initially very enthusiastic about Sarah Palin on his website. But has been very quiet about her in recent weeks.
If he represented Davis, I’m not sure that I would vote for him, but in Rexroad’s defense, I really like that he took the lead in the community drive to collect school backpacks for Woodland kids. That kind of community attitude is important to the quality of schools).
I also like that he seems willing to engage in open conversation with the public on both his website and through other means — phone calls, etc. Other public officials can be frustratingly inaccessible.
Rexroad was initially very enthusiastic about Sarah Palin on his website. But has been very quiet about her in recent weeks.
If he represented Davis, I’m not sure that I would vote for him, but in Rexroad’s defense, I really like that he took the lead in the community drive to collect school backpacks for Woodland kids. That kind of community attitude is important to the quality of schools).
I also like that he seems willing to engage in open conversation with the public on both his website and through other means — phone calls, etc. Other public officials can be frustratingly inaccessible.
Rexroad was initially very enthusiastic about Sarah Palin on his website. But has been very quiet about her in recent weeks.
If he represented Davis, I’m not sure that I would vote for him, but in Rexroad’s defense, I really like that he took the lead in the community drive to collect school backpacks for Woodland kids. That kind of community attitude is important to the quality of schools).
I also like that he seems willing to engage in open conversation with the public on both his website and through other means — phone calls, etc. Other public officials can be frustratingly inaccessible.
“The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.”
Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.
“The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.”
Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.
“The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.”
Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.
“The paper has an extreme political bias in favor of small towns and left-leaning ideas, never allowing any balance.”
Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.
“Posts whose primary purpose is to correct spelling and/ or grammar are also subject to deletion.”
At the risk of violating this rule, my entry which follows is an attempt at understanding the meaning of the blog entry, not a critique of the entry’s word choice.
“Just to be clear here, in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too.”
Normally, I too can figure out DPD’s typos, but this one is tricky.
At first, I thought “discourage” is what was meant: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, but the title of the entry discourages others to do so.”
The conjunction, “but,” meaning “to the contrary,” suggests the opposite of Rexroad’s actions.
On the other hand, the adverb “too” (which I took out for clarity) suggests Rexroad’s actions should be followed by his readers: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, and the title of the entry encourage others to do so, too.
Having not read Rexroad’s original, my guess is DPD meant “excite” when he typed “exude” and mistakenly used “but” for “and.”
“Posts whose primary purpose is to correct spelling and/ or grammar are also subject to deletion.”
At the risk of violating this rule, my entry which follows is an attempt at understanding the meaning of the blog entry, not a critique of the entry’s word choice.
“Just to be clear here, in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too.”
Normally, I too can figure out DPD’s typos, but this one is tricky.
At first, I thought “discourage” is what was meant: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, but the title of the entry discourages others to do so.”
The conjunction, “but,” meaning “to the contrary,” suggests the opposite of Rexroad’s actions.
On the other hand, the adverb “too” (which I took out for clarity) suggests Rexroad’s actions should be followed by his readers: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, and the title of the entry encourage others to do so, too.
Having not read Rexroad’s original, my guess is DPD meant “excite” when he typed “exude” and mistakenly used “but” for “and.”
“Posts whose primary purpose is to correct spelling and/ or grammar are also subject to deletion.”
At the risk of violating this rule, my entry which follows is an attempt at understanding the meaning of the blog entry, not a critique of the entry’s word choice.
“Just to be clear here, in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too.”
Normally, I too can figure out DPD’s typos, but this one is tricky.
At first, I thought “discourage” is what was meant: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, but the title of the entry discourages others to do so.”
The conjunction, “but,” meaning “to the contrary,” suggests the opposite of Rexroad’s actions.
On the other hand, the adverb “too” (which I took out for clarity) suggests Rexroad’s actions should be followed by his readers: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, and the title of the entry encourage others to do so, too.
Having not read Rexroad’s original, my guess is DPD meant “excite” when he typed “exude” and mistakenly used “but” for “and.”
“Posts whose primary purpose is to correct spelling and/ or grammar are also subject to deletion.”
At the risk of violating this rule, my entry which follows is an attempt at understanding the meaning of the blog entry, not a critique of the entry’s word choice.
“Just to be clear here, in the text of his entry he says that he is boycotting those business but the title of the entry does exude others to do so too.”
Normally, I too can figure out DPD’s typos, but this one is tricky.
At first, I thought “discourage” is what was meant: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, but the title of the entry discourages others to do so.”
The conjunction, “but,” meaning “to the contrary,” suggests the opposite of Rexroad’s actions.
On the other hand, the adverb “too” (which I took out for clarity) suggests Rexroad’s actions should be followed by his readers: “he says that he is boycotting those businesses, and the title of the entry encourage others to do so, too.
Having not read Rexroad’s original, my guess is DPD meant “excite” when he typed “exude” and mistakenly used “but” for “and.”
While I appreciate your comments, let me just confess that typing this at 4:30 this morning, I simply had a “brain fart” and used a word that didn’t mean what I thought it meant early this morning.
The word I think I wanted was “incite”
I changed the sentence to read:
“but the title of the entry does attempt to incite others to do so as well”
Working without an editor, I make my share of typos, but this was the first real “brain fart” I can remember simply using the wrong word.
While I appreciate your comments, let me just confess that typing this at 4:30 this morning, I simply had a “brain fart” and used a word that didn’t mean what I thought it meant early this morning.
The word I think I wanted was “incite”
I changed the sentence to read:
“but the title of the entry does attempt to incite others to do so as well”
Working without an editor, I make my share of typos, but this was the first real “brain fart” I can remember simply using the wrong word.
While I appreciate your comments, let me just confess that typing this at 4:30 this morning, I simply had a “brain fart” and used a word that didn’t mean what I thought it meant early this morning.
The word I think I wanted was “incite”
I changed the sentence to read:
“but the title of the entry does attempt to incite others to do so as well”
Working without an editor, I make my share of typos, but this was the first real “brain fart” I can remember simply using the wrong word.
While I appreciate your comments, let me just confess that typing this at 4:30 this morning, I simply had a “brain fart” and used a word that didn’t mean what I thought it meant early this morning.
The word I think I wanted was “incite”
I changed the sentence to read:
“but the title of the entry does attempt to incite others to do so as well”
Working without an editor, I make my share of typos, but this was the first real “brain fart” I can remember simply using the wrong word.
“Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.”
Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be taken seriously or acknowledged by the public. Neither should Flatlander.
REXROAD: “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable — all of them. I don’t want to hear “I didn’t know” or “I can’t control content” comments. This publication has a shameful history that certainly is well known by anyone with a clue is aware.”
While I am no fan of The Flatlander, Matt fails to make his case in his very short blog entry which first raised the question. Just saying, “This publication has a shameful history…” doesn’t cut it. If an advertiser is going to pull his ads based on Matt’s advice, Matt ought to give him some concrete and specific examples of something which The Flatlander published which was “shameful.”
Of course, it is the right of any company to choose to not advertise in a publication because the advertiser disagrees with the editorial policies of the paper. That said, I don’t think most businesses feel that their advertising in a given paper is an endorsement of the that paper’s editorial bias or general point of view. Rather, the advertiser is simply hoping to reach the readers of the publication, who may be an audience that other papers (which have an editorial policy more in line with the views of the advertiser) don’t attract, yet still would be interested in the product the advertiser is hawking.
The Redwood Barn Nursery (owned by Don Shor), for example, has advertised in The Flatlander. I doubt Don agrees with all of the opinions The Flatlander espouses. But Don wants to sell plants, and he hopes that readers of The Flatlander, regardless of their politics, will consider The Redwood Barn when shopping for plants or landscaping stuff.
“Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.”
Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be taken seriously or acknowledged by the public. Neither should Flatlander.
REXROAD: “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable — all of them. I don’t want to hear “I didn’t know” or “I can’t control content” comments. This publication has a shameful history that certainly is well known by anyone with a clue is aware.”
While I am no fan of The Flatlander, Matt fails to make his case in his very short blog entry which first raised the question. Just saying, “This publication has a shameful history…” doesn’t cut it. If an advertiser is going to pull his ads based on Matt’s advice, Matt ought to give him some concrete and specific examples of something which The Flatlander published which was “shameful.”
Of course, it is the right of any company to choose to not advertise in a publication because the advertiser disagrees with the editorial policies of the paper. That said, I don’t think most businesses feel that their advertising in a given paper is an endorsement of the that paper’s editorial bias or general point of view. Rather, the advertiser is simply hoping to reach the readers of the publication, who may be an audience that other papers (which have an editorial policy more in line with the views of the advertiser) don’t attract, yet still would be interested in the product the advertiser is hawking.
The Redwood Barn Nursery (owned by Don Shor), for example, has advertised in The Flatlander. I doubt Don agrees with all of the opinions The Flatlander espouses. But Don wants to sell plants, and he hopes that readers of The Flatlander, regardless of their politics, will consider The Redwood Barn when shopping for plants or landscaping stuff.
“Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.”
Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be taken seriously or acknowledged by the public. Neither should Flatlander.
REXROAD: “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable — all of them. I don’t want to hear “I didn’t know” or “I can’t control content” comments. This publication has a shameful history that certainly is well known by anyone with a clue is aware.”
While I am no fan of The Flatlander, Matt fails to make his case in his very short blog entry which first raised the question. Just saying, “This publication has a shameful history…” doesn’t cut it. If an advertiser is going to pull his ads based on Matt’s advice, Matt ought to give him some concrete and specific examples of something which The Flatlander published which was “shameful.”
Of course, it is the right of any company to choose to not advertise in a publication because the advertiser disagrees with the editorial policies of the paper. That said, I don’t think most businesses feel that their advertising in a given paper is an endorsement of the that paper’s editorial bias or general point of view. Rather, the advertiser is simply hoping to reach the readers of the publication, who may be an audience that other papers (which have an editorial policy more in line with the views of the advertiser) don’t attract, yet still would be interested in the product the advertiser is hawking.
The Redwood Barn Nursery (owned by Don Shor), for example, has advertised in The Flatlander. I doubt Don agrees with all of the opinions The Flatlander espouses. But Don wants to sell plants, and he hopes that readers of The Flatlander, regardless of their politics, will consider The Redwood Barn when shopping for plants or landscaping stuff.
“Same could be said for Rush Limbaugh (re: political bias and no balance) on the other end of the spectrum.”
Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be taken seriously or acknowledged by the public. Neither should Flatlander.
REXROAD: “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable — all of them. I don’t want to hear “I didn’t know” or “I can’t control content” comments. This publication has a shameful history that certainly is well known by anyone with a clue is aware.”
While I am no fan of The Flatlander, Matt fails to make his case in his very short blog entry which first raised the question. Just saying, “This publication has a shameful history…” doesn’t cut it. If an advertiser is going to pull his ads based on Matt’s advice, Matt ought to give him some concrete and specific examples of something which The Flatlander published which was “shameful.”
Of course, it is the right of any company to choose to not advertise in a publication because the advertiser disagrees with the editorial policies of the paper. That said, I don’t think most businesses feel that their advertising in a given paper is an endorsement of the that paper’s editorial bias or general point of view. Rather, the advertiser is simply hoping to reach the readers of the publication, who may be an audience that other papers (which have an editorial policy more in line with the views of the advertiser) don’t attract, yet still would be interested in the product the advertiser is hawking.
The Redwood Barn Nursery (owned by Don Shor), for example, has advertised in The Flatlander. I doubt Don agrees with all of the opinions The Flatlander espouses. But Don wants to sell plants, and he hopes that readers of The Flatlander, regardless of their politics, will consider The Redwood Barn when shopping for plants or landscaping stuff.
Rich Rifkin I think makes the point pretty well here.
You may or may not like the Flatlander. To me that’s irrelevant. I think they have the right to publish their opinions. I think advertisers have the right to seek their market without trying to keep tabs on whether or not they agree with everything the Flatlander prints.
When you start threatening people’s livelihood and you are a public official, I think that crosses a basic line and you need if you are going to do it to have a really well thought out explanation.
Matt in my opinion acted rashly and impulsively.
Rich Rifkin I think makes the point pretty well here.
You may or may not like the Flatlander. To me that’s irrelevant. I think they have the right to publish their opinions. I think advertisers have the right to seek their market without trying to keep tabs on whether or not they agree with everything the Flatlander prints.
When you start threatening people’s livelihood and you are a public official, I think that crosses a basic line and you need if you are going to do it to have a really well thought out explanation.
Matt in my opinion acted rashly and impulsively.
Rich Rifkin I think makes the point pretty well here.
You may or may not like the Flatlander. To me that’s irrelevant. I think they have the right to publish their opinions. I think advertisers have the right to seek their market without trying to keep tabs on whether or not they agree with everything the Flatlander prints.
When you start threatening people’s livelihood and you are a public official, I think that crosses a basic line and you need if you are going to do it to have a really well thought out explanation.
Matt in my opinion acted rashly and impulsively.
Rich Rifkin I think makes the point pretty well here.
You may or may not like the Flatlander. To me that’s irrelevant. I think they have the right to publish their opinions. I think advertisers have the right to seek their market without trying to keep tabs on whether or not they agree with everything the Flatlander prints.
When you start threatening people’s livelihood and you are a public official, I think that crosses a basic line and you need if you are going to do it to have a really well thought out explanation.
Matt in my opinion acted rashly and impulsively.
Here is Rexroad’s response from his blog:
“Couple points:
First are foremost — the Flatlander is a complete piece of crap.
Second, the time I spent on my post below was 1/40 of the time DPD spent on his.
Third, I told people months ago what I was going to do. Not a word came from anyone but McLovin’ – who thought it was a good idea. Now I have followed through and people are screaming. Oh well.
Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.
Fifth, Over the past six years I have personally filed two Fair Political Practices complaints against the Flatlander and have joined about twenty other local leaders on a third.
Finally, I am boycotting those businesses and candidates. If you want to — great. That is up to you.”
Perhaps Matt can elaborate on his fourth point.
However, I can tell you that when Matt brought this issue up a few months ago I personally called him up and told him it was not worth his time. So to say that McLovin was the only one to respond is not altogether accurate. I fail to see why the clearly tongue-in-cheek column in this month’s publication has Matt all wound up. Bottom line, some disagree with this, but I think Matt Rexroad is better than that. And I am disappointed.
Here is Rexroad’s response from his blog:
“Couple points:
First are foremost — the Flatlander is a complete piece of crap.
Second, the time I spent on my post below was 1/40 of the time DPD spent on his.
Third, I told people months ago what I was going to do. Not a word came from anyone but McLovin’ – who thought it was a good idea. Now I have followed through and people are screaming. Oh well.
Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.
Fifth, Over the past six years I have personally filed two Fair Political Practices complaints against the Flatlander and have joined about twenty other local leaders on a third.
Finally, I am boycotting those businesses and candidates. If you want to — great. That is up to you.”
Perhaps Matt can elaborate on his fourth point.
However, I can tell you that when Matt brought this issue up a few months ago I personally called him up and told him it was not worth his time. So to say that McLovin was the only one to respond is not altogether accurate. I fail to see why the clearly tongue-in-cheek column in this month’s publication has Matt all wound up. Bottom line, some disagree with this, but I think Matt Rexroad is better than that. And I am disappointed.
Here is Rexroad’s response from his blog:
“Couple points:
First are foremost — the Flatlander is a complete piece of crap.
Second, the time I spent on my post below was 1/40 of the time DPD spent on his.
Third, I told people months ago what I was going to do. Not a word came from anyone but McLovin’ – who thought it was a good idea. Now I have followed through and people are screaming. Oh well.
Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.
Fifth, Over the past six years I have personally filed two Fair Political Practices complaints against the Flatlander and have joined about twenty other local leaders on a third.
Finally, I am boycotting those businesses and candidates. If you want to — great. That is up to you.”
Perhaps Matt can elaborate on his fourth point.
However, I can tell you that when Matt brought this issue up a few months ago I personally called him up and told him it was not worth his time. So to say that McLovin was the only one to respond is not altogether accurate. I fail to see why the clearly tongue-in-cheek column in this month’s publication has Matt all wound up. Bottom line, some disagree with this, but I think Matt Rexroad is better than that. And I am disappointed.
Here is Rexroad’s response from his blog:
“Couple points:
First are foremost — the Flatlander is a complete piece of crap.
Second, the time I spent on my post below was 1/40 of the time DPD spent on his.
Third, I told people months ago what I was going to do. Not a word came from anyone but McLovin’ – who thought it was a good idea. Now I have followed through and people are screaming. Oh well.
Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.
Fifth, Over the past six years I have personally filed two Fair Political Practices complaints against the Flatlander and have joined about twenty other local leaders on a third.
Finally, I am boycotting those businesses and candidates. If you want to — great. That is up to you.”
Perhaps Matt can elaborate on his fourth point.
However, I can tell you that when Matt brought this issue up a few months ago I personally called him up and told him it was not worth his time. So to say that McLovin was the only one to respond is not altogether accurate. I fail to see why the clearly tongue-in-cheek column in this month’s publication has Matt all wound up. Bottom line, some disagree with this, but I think Matt Rexroad is better than that. And I am disappointed.
I being one that for the most part disagrees with the overwhelming amount of content of the opinions that are published in the Flatlander as being representative of the ultra-liberal perspective held by some of those in the community.
However, those in the community who don’t generally agree with the commentary published in the Flatlander especially those locally in the Republican Party could contact the editors of the Flatlander and seek to arrange for space to write articles and place paid advertisements in it to present an alternative point of view in this publication. As the Flatlander strives to seek the publication of alternative points of view in the community that should include those associated with the Republican Party as well whom would represent a more conservative view in the otherwise ultra-liberal leaning Davis populace.
Unfortunately, the editors of this publication are likely to disagree with this idea although I hopoe they don’t.
I being one that for the most part disagrees with the overwhelming amount of content of the opinions that are published in the Flatlander as being representative of the ultra-liberal perspective held by some of those in the community.
However, those in the community who don’t generally agree with the commentary published in the Flatlander especially those locally in the Republican Party could contact the editors of the Flatlander and seek to arrange for space to write articles and place paid advertisements in it to present an alternative point of view in this publication. As the Flatlander strives to seek the publication of alternative points of view in the community that should include those associated with the Republican Party as well whom would represent a more conservative view in the otherwise ultra-liberal leaning Davis populace.
Unfortunately, the editors of this publication are likely to disagree with this idea although I hopoe they don’t.
I being one that for the most part disagrees with the overwhelming amount of content of the opinions that are published in the Flatlander as being representative of the ultra-liberal perspective held by some of those in the community.
However, those in the community who don’t generally agree with the commentary published in the Flatlander especially those locally in the Republican Party could contact the editors of the Flatlander and seek to arrange for space to write articles and place paid advertisements in it to present an alternative point of view in this publication. As the Flatlander strives to seek the publication of alternative points of view in the community that should include those associated with the Republican Party as well whom would represent a more conservative view in the otherwise ultra-liberal leaning Davis populace.
Unfortunately, the editors of this publication are likely to disagree with this idea although I hopoe they don’t.
I being one that for the most part disagrees with the overwhelming amount of content of the opinions that are published in the Flatlander as being representative of the ultra-liberal perspective held by some of those in the community.
However, those in the community who don’t generally agree with the commentary published in the Flatlander especially those locally in the Republican Party could contact the editors of the Flatlander and seek to arrange for space to write articles and place paid advertisements in it to present an alternative point of view in this publication. As the Flatlander strives to seek the publication of alternative points of view in the community that should include those associated with the Republican Party as well whom would represent a more conservative view in the otherwise ultra-liberal leaning Davis populace.
Unfortunately, the editors of this publication are likely to disagree with this idea although I hopoe they don’t.
The Flatlander has always been a rather out there rag. I remember when they published erratically and put out a publication mostly for the benefit of Brenda Cedarblade who financed its printing. But I think the issue here is a very good article the Flatlander recently published that took Rexroad to task over the lack of an EIR on a project in Woodland. The article is a good read and Matt is making a mistake by not ignoring the Flatlander and drawing attention to the paper. DPD you should get the article and reprint it so that people can see why Matt is so upset with the Flatlander.
The Flatlander has always been a rather out there rag. I remember when they published erratically and put out a publication mostly for the benefit of Brenda Cedarblade who financed its printing. But I think the issue here is a very good article the Flatlander recently published that took Rexroad to task over the lack of an EIR on a project in Woodland. The article is a good read and Matt is making a mistake by not ignoring the Flatlander and drawing attention to the paper. DPD you should get the article and reprint it so that people can see why Matt is so upset with the Flatlander.
The Flatlander has always been a rather out there rag. I remember when they published erratically and put out a publication mostly for the benefit of Brenda Cedarblade who financed its printing. But I think the issue here is a very good article the Flatlander recently published that took Rexroad to task over the lack of an EIR on a project in Woodland. The article is a good read and Matt is making a mistake by not ignoring the Flatlander and drawing attention to the paper. DPD you should get the article and reprint it so that people can see why Matt is so upset with the Flatlander.
The Flatlander has always been a rather out there rag. I remember when they published erratically and put out a publication mostly for the benefit of Brenda Cedarblade who financed its printing. But I think the issue here is a very good article the Flatlander recently published that took Rexroad to task over the lack of an EIR on a project in Woodland. The article is a good read and Matt is making a mistake by not ignoring the Flatlander and drawing attention to the paper. DPD you should get the article and reprint it so that people can see why Matt is so upset with the Flatlander.
It’s a free world. Rexroad can boycott away, so long as he does not use his public office or funds for his private vendetta.
Hey, the more he talks about the paper, the more people hear about it, and want to read it to see what the fuss is about. Turn up the volume on that megaphone!
I am surprised by Rexroad’s statements. I’ve always thought of him as a reasonable guy (not the same as me, politically, but who cares), so all I can surmise is Rexroad has had a bad month? We all do.
I love the Flatlander. It’s a labor of love by Martin, Jim, Sally, and many others. It serves the community. And any local business that wants to advertise to the Davis majority of progressives, they should be advertising in the Flatlander.
Further, unlike the Davis Enterprise, the Flatlander is delivered to every single Davis home and apt. Every single one of them. So the coverage exceeds the Enterprise by far. No other local media compares.
It’s a free world. Rexroad can boycott away, so long as he does not use his public office or funds for his private vendetta.
Hey, the more he talks about the paper, the more people hear about it, and want to read it to see what the fuss is about. Turn up the volume on that megaphone!
I am surprised by Rexroad’s statements. I’ve always thought of him as a reasonable guy (not the same as me, politically, but who cares), so all I can surmise is Rexroad has had a bad month? We all do.
I love the Flatlander. It’s a labor of love by Martin, Jim, Sally, and many others. It serves the community. And any local business that wants to advertise to the Davis majority of progressives, they should be advertising in the Flatlander.
Further, unlike the Davis Enterprise, the Flatlander is delivered to every single Davis home and apt. Every single one of them. So the coverage exceeds the Enterprise by far. No other local media compares.
It’s a free world. Rexroad can boycott away, so long as he does not use his public office or funds for his private vendetta.
Hey, the more he talks about the paper, the more people hear about it, and want to read it to see what the fuss is about. Turn up the volume on that megaphone!
I am surprised by Rexroad’s statements. I’ve always thought of him as a reasonable guy (not the same as me, politically, but who cares), so all I can surmise is Rexroad has had a bad month? We all do.
I love the Flatlander. It’s a labor of love by Martin, Jim, Sally, and many others. It serves the community. And any local business that wants to advertise to the Davis majority of progressives, they should be advertising in the Flatlander.
Further, unlike the Davis Enterprise, the Flatlander is delivered to every single Davis home and apt. Every single one of them. So the coverage exceeds the Enterprise by far. No other local media compares.
It’s a free world. Rexroad can boycott away, so long as he does not use his public office or funds for his private vendetta.
Hey, the more he talks about the paper, the more people hear about it, and want to read it to see what the fuss is about. Turn up the volume on that megaphone!
I am surprised by Rexroad’s statements. I’ve always thought of him as a reasonable guy (not the same as me, politically, but who cares), so all I can surmise is Rexroad has had a bad month? We all do.
I love the Flatlander. It’s a labor of love by Martin, Jim, Sally, and many others. It serves the community. And any local business that wants to advertise to the Davis majority of progressives, they should be advertising in the Flatlander.
Further, unlike the Davis Enterprise, the Flatlander is delivered to every single Davis home and apt. Every single one of them. So the coverage exceeds the Enterprise by far. No other local media compares.
That anonymous was me, a moment ago!
That anonymous was me, a moment ago!
That anonymous was me, a moment ago!
That anonymous was me, a moment ago!
“Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.”
I have no idea what this means, Matt. Can you elaborate?
Non sequitir: An elected official does not lose his free speech rights. As long as he does not use the coercive powers of government, he has every right to boycott anyone or anything he wants to, including a newspaper or its advertisers. Whether that is wise of an elected official is another question.
“Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.”
I have no idea what this means, Matt. Can you elaborate?
Non sequitir: An elected official does not lose his free speech rights. As long as he does not use the coercive powers of government, he has every right to boycott anyone or anything he wants to, including a newspaper or its advertisers. Whether that is wise of an elected official is another question.
“Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.”
I have no idea what this means, Matt. Can you elaborate?
Non sequitir: An elected official does not lose his free speech rights. As long as he does not use the coercive powers of government, he has every right to boycott anyone or anything he wants to, including a newspaper or its advertisers. Whether that is wise of an elected official is another question.
“Fourth, War was declared by the Flatlander against several people in Woodland. Several. Martie Dote, Tom Stallard, Neal Peart, Clark Pacific, and a whole host of people. They can do what they want on me — I really don’t care. The Flatlander declared war on Woodland.”
I have no idea what this means, Matt. Can you elaborate?
Non sequitir: An elected official does not lose his free speech rights. As long as he does not use the coercive powers of government, he has every right to boycott anyone or anything he wants to, including a newspaper or its advertisers. Whether that is wise of an elected official is another question.
” In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, “
The comparison to a young McCain is a bit off the mark… this outburst is much more in Palin’s style but I’m afraid that Rexroad just does not have the legs and flirty winks to pull it off.
” In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, “
The comparison to a young McCain is a bit off the mark… this outburst is much more in Palin’s style but I’m afraid that Rexroad just does not have the legs and flirty winks to pull it off.
” In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, “
The comparison to a young McCain is a bit off the mark… this outburst is much more in Palin’s style but I’m afraid that Rexroad just does not have the legs and flirty winks to pull it off.
” In this regard, he’s really just a younger version of John McCain, “
The comparison to a young McCain is a bit off the mark… this outburst is much more in Palin’s style but I’m afraid that Rexroad just does not have the legs and flirty winks to pull it off.
Cedarblade lives by the site of the proposed and nearly ready to be built Clark-Pacific cement plant. Cedarblade has many objections to the changing of zoning which resulted in the ability of the cement plant to go forward: noise, dust, a general degradation of quality of life.
Rexroad has been pushing this environmental hazard for years and now that it is about to become a reality, he doesn’t want anything to stop it.
Even to the point of harassing a lefty newspaper which enabled Cedarblade to “declare war” on the cement plant. Why is Rexroad so up in arms? What are the deep politics going on here? Good ol’ boys (Rexroad/Clark-Pacific) watching out for each other under cover of the fog of censorship and boycott?
DPD: Why don’t you investigate the whys and hows of Clark-Pacific becoming a reality, both pro and con–objectively. And then we’d see what is really motivating whom here. Now that’d be some interesting reading…
Cedarblade lives by the site of the proposed and nearly ready to be built Clark-Pacific cement plant. Cedarblade has many objections to the changing of zoning which resulted in the ability of the cement plant to go forward: noise, dust, a general degradation of quality of life.
Rexroad has been pushing this environmental hazard for years and now that it is about to become a reality, he doesn’t want anything to stop it.
Even to the point of harassing a lefty newspaper which enabled Cedarblade to “declare war” on the cement plant. Why is Rexroad so up in arms? What are the deep politics going on here? Good ol’ boys (Rexroad/Clark-Pacific) watching out for each other under cover of the fog of censorship and boycott?
DPD: Why don’t you investigate the whys and hows of Clark-Pacific becoming a reality, both pro and con–objectively. And then we’d see what is really motivating whom here. Now that’d be some interesting reading…
Cedarblade lives by the site of the proposed and nearly ready to be built Clark-Pacific cement plant. Cedarblade has many objections to the changing of zoning which resulted in the ability of the cement plant to go forward: noise, dust, a general degradation of quality of life.
Rexroad has been pushing this environmental hazard for years and now that it is about to become a reality, he doesn’t want anything to stop it.
Even to the point of harassing a lefty newspaper which enabled Cedarblade to “declare war” on the cement plant. Why is Rexroad so up in arms? What are the deep politics going on here? Good ol’ boys (Rexroad/Clark-Pacific) watching out for each other under cover of the fog of censorship and boycott?
DPD: Why don’t you investigate the whys and hows of Clark-Pacific becoming a reality, both pro and con–objectively. And then we’d see what is really motivating whom here. Now that’d be some interesting reading…
Cedarblade lives by the site of the proposed and nearly ready to be built Clark-Pacific cement plant. Cedarblade has many objections to the changing of zoning which resulted in the ability of the cement plant to go forward: noise, dust, a general degradation of quality of life.
Rexroad has been pushing this environmental hazard for years and now that it is about to become a reality, he doesn’t want anything to stop it.
Even to the point of harassing a lefty newspaper which enabled Cedarblade to “declare war” on the cement plant. Why is Rexroad so up in arms? What are the deep politics going on here? Good ol’ boys (Rexroad/Clark-Pacific) watching out for each other under cover of the fog of censorship and boycott?
DPD: Why don’t you investigate the whys and hows of Clark-Pacific becoming a reality, both pro and con–objectively. And then we’d see what is really motivating whom here. Now that’d be some interesting reading…
DPD- I’m pretty bewildered by your accounts about our supervisorial neighbor Matt Rexroad. I know and like Matt. And wonder what particular piece of free local journalism finally catapulted the cheese off his proverbial cracker.
As a fellow veteran I highly recommend the Mather VA clinic when your not feeling on top of your game.
Perhaps the next time I cross paths with him, I can respectfully request to help him dislodge his cranium from his rectum. Simply by reminding him of some of those excrement strewn countries that Uncle Samuel sent us to.
What great joy would a repressed Middle Eastern nomadic herdsman feel, at the free finding of a sun dried urine stained Flatlander thrown from a 1989 Honda to the front of his abode.
What a bounty,free physical paper of utility and even better,free opinion and speech!!
I enjoy the Flatlander. I particularly enjoyed an issue a while back that had a hilarious cartoon of supervisor Thomson riding on a bicycle. I laughed for a week on that one.
I wish supervisor Rexroad would lighten up and smell the joys freedom.
DPD- I’m pretty bewildered by your accounts about our supervisorial neighbor Matt Rexroad. I know and like Matt. And wonder what particular piece of free local journalism finally catapulted the cheese off his proverbial cracker.
As a fellow veteran I highly recommend the Mather VA clinic when your not feeling on top of your game.
Perhaps the next time I cross paths with him, I can respectfully request to help him dislodge his cranium from his rectum. Simply by reminding him of some of those excrement strewn countries that Uncle Samuel sent us to.
What great joy would a repressed Middle Eastern nomadic herdsman feel, at the free finding of a sun dried urine stained Flatlander thrown from a 1989 Honda to the front of his abode.
What a bounty,free physical paper of utility and even better,free opinion and speech!!
I enjoy the Flatlander. I particularly enjoyed an issue a while back that had a hilarious cartoon of supervisor Thomson riding on a bicycle. I laughed for a week on that one.
I wish supervisor Rexroad would lighten up and smell the joys freedom.
DPD- I’m pretty bewildered by your accounts about our supervisorial neighbor Matt Rexroad. I know and like Matt. And wonder what particular piece of free local journalism finally catapulted the cheese off his proverbial cracker.
As a fellow veteran I highly recommend the Mather VA clinic when your not feeling on top of your game.
Perhaps the next time I cross paths with him, I can respectfully request to help him dislodge his cranium from his rectum. Simply by reminding him of some of those excrement strewn countries that Uncle Samuel sent us to.
What great joy would a repressed Middle Eastern nomadic herdsman feel, at the free finding of a sun dried urine stained Flatlander thrown from a 1989 Honda to the front of his abode.
What a bounty,free physical paper of utility and even better,free opinion and speech!!
I enjoy the Flatlander. I particularly enjoyed an issue a while back that had a hilarious cartoon of supervisor Thomson riding on a bicycle. I laughed for a week on that one.
I wish supervisor Rexroad would lighten up and smell the joys freedom.
DPD- I’m pretty bewildered by your accounts about our supervisorial neighbor Matt Rexroad. I know and like Matt. And wonder what particular piece of free local journalism finally catapulted the cheese off his proverbial cracker.
As a fellow veteran I highly recommend the Mather VA clinic when your not feeling on top of your game.
Perhaps the next time I cross paths with him, I can respectfully request to help him dislodge his cranium from his rectum. Simply by reminding him of some of those excrement strewn countries that Uncle Samuel sent us to.
What great joy would a repressed Middle Eastern nomadic herdsman feel, at the free finding of a sun dried urine stained Flatlander thrown from a 1989 Honda to the front of his abode.
What a bounty,free physical paper of utility and even better,free opinion and speech!!
I enjoy the Flatlander. I particularly enjoyed an issue a while back that had a hilarious cartoon of supervisor Thomson riding on a bicycle. I laughed for a week on that one.
I wish supervisor Rexroad would lighten up and smell the joys freedom.
I agree with the above. Rexroad should lighten up. I do agree with most people that the “Flatlander” is just a small annoying paper that is full of crap most of the time. The majority of people don’t read it they just leave it in the street or throw it in the trash, where it belongs, most of the time.
Rexroad wore a denim shirt and jeans to a vanguard event to impress people? I sure as heck would not have gone to that much trouble for an insignificant event the vanguard would sponsor.
David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.
I agree with the above. Rexroad should lighten up. I do agree with most people that the “Flatlander” is just a small annoying paper that is full of crap most of the time. The majority of people don’t read it they just leave it in the street or throw it in the trash, where it belongs, most of the time.
Rexroad wore a denim shirt and jeans to a vanguard event to impress people? I sure as heck would not have gone to that much trouble for an insignificant event the vanguard would sponsor.
David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.
I agree with the above. Rexroad should lighten up. I do agree with most people that the “Flatlander” is just a small annoying paper that is full of crap most of the time. The majority of people don’t read it they just leave it in the street or throw it in the trash, where it belongs, most of the time.
Rexroad wore a denim shirt and jeans to a vanguard event to impress people? I sure as heck would not have gone to that much trouble for an insignificant event the vanguard would sponsor.
David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.
I agree with the above. Rexroad should lighten up. I do agree with most people that the “Flatlander” is just a small annoying paper that is full of crap most of the time. The majority of people don’t read it they just leave it in the street or throw it in the trash, where it belongs, most of the time.
Rexroad wore a denim shirt and jeans to a vanguard event to impress people? I sure as heck would not have gone to that much trouble for an insignificant event the vanguard would sponsor.
David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.
Old Skool: I like Matt as well on a personal level, I’d call him a friend. I’ve been told there is a long history here, I still think this is not the way to handle it.
Anonymous: “David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.”
That’s a good one, I’m surprised no one else jumped on the opening.
Old Skool: I like Matt as well on a personal level, I’d call him a friend. I’ve been told there is a long history here, I still think this is not the way to handle it.
Anonymous: “David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.”
That’s a good one, I’m surprised no one else jumped on the opening.
Old Skool: I like Matt as well on a personal level, I’d call him a friend. I’ve been told there is a long history here, I still think this is not the way to handle it.
Anonymous: “David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.”
That’s a good one, I’m surprised no one else jumped on the opening.
Old Skool: I like Matt as well on a personal level, I’d call him a friend. I’ve been told there is a long history here, I still think this is not the way to handle it.
Anonymous: “David Greenwald had a “Brain Fart” at 4:30 a.m.? Thats impossible! One cannot create an action without having the tools to do so.”
That’s a good one, I’m surprised no one else jumped on the opening.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons. Giving real people in the community a voice. He probably would have tried to censor the Constitution back in its day. I know I am not the only one fustrated with the Davis Enterprise. An elected offical should respect different points of view.
Matt’s war on Woodland began; not just with the Flatlander; but when he ran for office and became Mayor. Now he is supervisor and screwing up the county. He has ambition for Assembly.
I will no longer go to his website/blog for any reason… so thank you for relaying his posts.
To Quote Mr. Rextoad “I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years.”
So this means at least he reads it. In fact when he ran for supervisor he made his own publication that used the font and style the Flatlander (he called it the Real Woodland Paper) and then rather than distributing it by volunteers, had it inserted in the local Democrat. He probably could not find a volunteer to distribute his paper. The flatlander is published and distributed by all volunteers. I am sure Matt is jealous of this. Looks like Flatlander envy to us. He is the b joke.
Matt goes on to say. “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable….”
The Flatlander has no more “crap” (not the sort of language I expect from an elected offical; but whatever…) than the Republican/Developer spin and “Crap” mixed in with some feel good stuff to attempt to seem like a human being that Matt puts on his blog.
We read it and feel we have a clue and welcome the Flatlander at our door.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
In fact if I was left with a decision of McCain or Rexroad. I would definatly then have to vote McCain. I do not think the corruption, hatred etc… that Matt invokes can compare to the McCain campaign.
It is no wonder he is trying to censor this. Matt has a campaign propaganda company himself called “Meridian Pacific”. It is republican type political spin company that works using intimidation and corruption. He ran the Bush campaign in California and is the lead for the McCain campaign. Republicans do not have a chance in California. Maybe he can grow up and learn from the Flatlander.
Manuel Cosme is a Republican, however he is a better candidate than Mariko in my opinion. Elected officals forget they represent the people and not the government. Thus Mariko’s has lost her focus. Declining to vote on important issues, voting for industry, big business and development at the expense of the agricultural roots in Yolo County. Being Matt is the Republican marketing person, I don not understand why he advocate against Manuel?
I value our constitution and freedoms including the freedom of speech. He proves he is a petty little man. Personally I will make it a point to support the business that advertise in this paper just because of what Matt is doing, wheter I need to or not. I encourage others to do the same.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons. Giving real people in the community a voice. He probably would have tried to censor the Constitution back in its day. I know I am not the only one fustrated with the Davis Enterprise. An elected offical should respect different points of view.
Matt’s war on Woodland began; not just with the Flatlander; but when he ran for office and became Mayor. Now he is supervisor and screwing up the county. He has ambition for Assembly.
I will no longer go to his website/blog for any reason… so thank you for relaying his posts.
To Quote Mr. Rextoad “I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years.”
So this means at least he reads it. In fact when he ran for supervisor he made his own publication that used the font and style the Flatlander (he called it the Real Woodland Paper) and then rather than distributing it by volunteers, had it inserted in the local Democrat. He probably could not find a volunteer to distribute his paper. The flatlander is published and distributed by all volunteers. I am sure Matt is jealous of this. Looks like Flatlander envy to us. He is the b joke.
Matt goes on to say. “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable….”
The Flatlander has no more “crap” (not the sort of language I expect from an elected offical; but whatever…) than the Republican/Developer spin and “Crap” mixed in with some feel good stuff to attempt to seem like a human being that Matt puts on his blog.
We read it and feel we have a clue and welcome the Flatlander at our door.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
In fact if I was left with a decision of McCain or Rexroad. I would definatly then have to vote McCain. I do not think the corruption, hatred etc… that Matt invokes can compare to the McCain campaign.
It is no wonder he is trying to censor this. Matt has a campaign propaganda company himself called “Meridian Pacific”. It is republican type political spin company that works using intimidation and corruption. He ran the Bush campaign in California and is the lead for the McCain campaign. Republicans do not have a chance in California. Maybe he can grow up and learn from the Flatlander.
Manuel Cosme is a Republican, however he is a better candidate than Mariko in my opinion. Elected officals forget they represent the people and not the government. Thus Mariko’s has lost her focus. Declining to vote on important issues, voting for industry, big business and development at the expense of the agricultural roots in Yolo County. Being Matt is the Republican marketing person, I don not understand why he advocate against Manuel?
I value our constitution and freedoms including the freedom of speech. He proves he is a petty little man. Personally I will make it a point to support the business that advertise in this paper just because of what Matt is doing, wheter I need to or not. I encourage others to do the same.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons. Giving real people in the community a voice. He probably would have tried to censor the Constitution back in its day. I know I am not the only one fustrated with the Davis Enterprise. An elected offical should respect different points of view.
Matt’s war on Woodland began; not just with the Flatlander; but when he ran for office and became Mayor. Now he is supervisor and screwing up the county. He has ambition for Assembly.
I will no longer go to his website/blog for any reason… so thank you for relaying his posts.
To Quote Mr. Rextoad “I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years.”
So this means at least he reads it. In fact when he ran for supervisor he made his own publication that used the font and style the Flatlander (he called it the Real Woodland Paper) and then rather than distributing it by volunteers, had it inserted in the local Democrat. He probably could not find a volunteer to distribute his paper. The flatlander is published and distributed by all volunteers. I am sure Matt is jealous of this. Looks like Flatlander envy to us. He is the b joke.
Matt goes on to say. “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable….”
The Flatlander has no more “crap” (not the sort of language I expect from an elected offical; but whatever…) than the Republican/Developer spin and “Crap” mixed in with some feel good stuff to attempt to seem like a human being that Matt puts on his blog.
We read it and feel we have a clue and welcome the Flatlander at our door.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
In fact if I was left with a decision of McCain or Rexroad. I would definatly then have to vote McCain. I do not think the corruption, hatred etc… that Matt invokes can compare to the McCain campaign.
It is no wonder he is trying to censor this. Matt has a campaign propaganda company himself called “Meridian Pacific”. It is republican type political spin company that works using intimidation and corruption. He ran the Bush campaign in California and is the lead for the McCain campaign. Republicans do not have a chance in California. Maybe he can grow up and learn from the Flatlander.
Manuel Cosme is a Republican, however he is a better candidate than Mariko in my opinion. Elected officals forget they represent the people and not the government. Thus Mariko’s has lost her focus. Declining to vote on important issues, voting for industry, big business and development at the expense of the agricultural roots in Yolo County. Being Matt is the Republican marketing person, I don not understand why he advocate against Manuel?
I value our constitution and freedoms including the freedom of speech. He proves he is a petty little man. Personally I will make it a point to support the business that advertise in this paper just because of what Matt is doing, wheter I need to or not. I encourage others to do the same.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons. Giving real people in the community a voice. He probably would have tried to censor the Constitution back in its day. I know I am not the only one fustrated with the Davis Enterprise. An elected offical should respect different points of view.
Matt’s war on Woodland began; not just with the Flatlander; but when he ran for office and became Mayor. Now he is supervisor and screwing up the county. He has ambition for Assembly.
I will no longer go to his website/blog for any reason… so thank you for relaying his posts.
To Quote Mr. Rextoad “I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years.”
So this means at least he reads it. In fact when he ran for supervisor he made his own publication that used the font and style the Flatlander (he called it the Real Woodland Paper) and then rather than distributing it by volunteers, had it inserted in the local Democrat. He probably could not find a volunteer to distribute his paper. The flatlander is published and distributed by all volunteers. I am sure Matt is jealous of this. Looks like Flatlander envy to us. He is the b joke.
Matt goes on to say. “If the Flatlander is the same sort of crap it has been, please let it be known that I will be working to hold the advertisers accountable….”
The Flatlander has no more “crap” (not the sort of language I expect from an elected offical; but whatever…) than the Republican/Developer spin and “Crap” mixed in with some feel good stuff to attempt to seem like a human being that Matt puts on his blog.
We read it and feel we have a clue and welcome the Flatlander at our door.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
In fact if I was left with a decision of McCain or Rexroad. I would definatly then have to vote McCain. I do not think the corruption, hatred etc… that Matt invokes can compare to the McCain campaign.
It is no wonder he is trying to censor this. Matt has a campaign propaganda company himself called “Meridian Pacific”. It is republican type political spin company that works using intimidation and corruption. He ran the Bush campaign in California and is the lead for the McCain campaign. Republicans do not have a chance in California. Maybe he can grow up and learn from the Flatlander.
Manuel Cosme is a Republican, however he is a better candidate than Mariko in my opinion. Elected officals forget they represent the people and not the government. Thus Mariko’s has lost her focus. Declining to vote on important issues, voting for industry, big business and development at the expense of the agricultural roots in Yolo County. Being Matt is the Republican marketing person, I don not understand why he advocate against Manuel?
I value our constitution and freedoms including the freedom of speech. He proves he is a petty little man. Personally I will make it a point to support the business that advertise in this paper just because of what Matt is doing, wheter I need to or not. I encourage others to do the same.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons.
your side is “the other side.”
Rush Limbaugh makes the claim his side is the same thing. What makes you more or less right than him?
Giving real people in the community a voice.
As opposed to fake people? So people who believe what the F. believes are real people and those who don’t aren’t. that about right?
An elected offical should respect different points of view.
So should a newspaper. The flatlander does no more to promote different points of view than Rush Limbaugh does.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons.
your side is “the other side.”
Rush Limbaugh makes the claim his side is the same thing. What makes you more or less right than him?
Giving real people in the community a voice.
As opposed to fake people? So people who believe what the F. believes are real people and those who don’t aren’t. that about right?
An elected offical should respect different points of view.
So should a newspaper. The flatlander does no more to promote different points of view than Rush Limbaugh does.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons.
your side is “the other side.”
Rush Limbaugh makes the claim his side is the same thing. What makes you more or less right than him?
Giving real people in the community a voice.
As opposed to fake people? So people who believe what the F. believes are real people and those who don’t aren’t. that about right?
An elected offical should respect different points of view.
So should a newspaper. The flatlander does no more to promote different points of view than Rush Limbaugh does.
The Flatlander brings to light the local issue other side often not given in the local papers because for political reasons.
your side is “the other side.”
Rush Limbaugh makes the claim his side is the same thing. What makes you more or less right than him?
Giving real people in the community a voice.
As opposed to fake people? So people who believe what the F. believes are real people and those who don’t aren’t. that about right?
An elected offical should respect different points of view.
So should a newspaper. The flatlander does no more to promote different points of view than Rush Limbaugh does.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.
Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real… Sarah Palin did censor books, just Matt is trying to do.
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
You’re relying too hopefully on limited data compared to the weight of evidence that indicates otherwise.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
You’re relying too hopefully on limited data compared to the weight of evidence that indicates otherwise.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
You’re relying too hopefully on limited data compared to the weight of evidence that indicates otherwise.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
You’re relying too hopefully on limited data compared to the weight of evidence that indicates otherwise.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
I don’t think you’ll be convincing many people in the science community that global warming isn’t happening.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
I don’t think you’ll be convincing many people in the science community that global warming isn’t happening.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
I don’t think you’ll be convincing many people in the science community that global warming isn’t happening.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
I don’t think you’ll be convincing many people in the science community that global warming isn’t happening.
The Flatlander is relevant and they are obviously passionate about Yolo County.
Why would anybody go after their advertisers?
I have seen the violent side of Rexroad and it is not pretty.
His anger and agression makes me sad.
As Supervisor there are so many other positive areas he could spend his ability on rather than squelching freedom of speech.
The Flatlander is relevant and they are obviously passionate about Yolo County.
Why would anybody go after their advertisers?
I have seen the violent side of Rexroad and it is not pretty.
His anger and agression makes me sad.
As Supervisor there are so many other positive areas he could spend his ability on rather than squelching freedom of speech.
The Flatlander is relevant and they are obviously passionate about Yolo County.
Why would anybody go after their advertisers?
I have seen the violent side of Rexroad and it is not pretty.
His anger and agression makes me sad.
As Supervisor there are so many other positive areas he could spend his ability on rather than squelching freedom of speech.
The Flatlander is relevant and they are obviously passionate about Yolo County.
Why would anybody go after their advertisers?
I have seen the violent side of Rexroad and it is not pretty.
His anger and agression makes me sad.
As Supervisor there are so many other positive areas he could spend his ability on rather than squelching freedom of speech.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
yes, but history of Fossil fuel burning only goes back to less than a century. 30 years out of a century makes the margin of error over thirty percentage points if you’re telling me fossil fuel burning caused the earths temperature to rise. Ergo, your theory needs more data before difinitive conclusions on cause/effect.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
yes, but history of Fossil fuel burning only goes back to less than a century. 30 years out of a century makes the margin of error over thirty percentage points if you’re telling me fossil fuel burning caused the earths temperature to rise. Ergo, your theory needs more data before difinitive conclusions on cause/effect.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
yes, but history of Fossil fuel burning only goes back to less than a century. 30 years out of a century makes the margin of error over thirty percentage points if you’re telling me fossil fuel burning caused the earths temperature to rise. Ergo, your theory needs more data before difinitive conclusions on cause/effect.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Temperatures experienced a small dip during those years, but have been rising significantly since then and were on a warming trend before then.
yes, but history of Fossil fuel burning only goes back to less than a century. 30 years out of a century makes the margin of error over thirty percentage points if you’re telling me fossil fuel burning caused the earths temperature to rise. Ergo, your theory needs more data before difinitive conclusions on cause/effect.
You can see the link below to the Politiclast entitled “A Lesson on Censorship.”
McLovin writes:
“His assertion that Mr. Rexroad is censoring the authors of The Flatlander is pathetic.”
Guess what–I never once accused Mr. Rexroad of censorship. The people at the Flatlander did, I posted their point of view, but it was not my own.
I disagree with Matt Rexroad’s attempt to encourage others to boycott the advertisers, but that is not an accusation of censorship from me. I also believe that Matt Rexroad’s response is as I wrote, irresponsible as a public offical. I think there is a higher standard there. But again, that’s neither an attempt to silence him nor an attempt to claim he is censoring.
I think if he has a problem with the Flatlander he should state it and respond to it, but I don’t think punishing local businesses is a responsible action for an elected official.
I’d post this message on Politiclast but the comment feature is disabled.
You can see the link below to the Politiclast entitled “A Lesson on Censorship.”
McLovin writes:
“His assertion that Mr. Rexroad is censoring the authors of The Flatlander is pathetic.”
Guess what–I never once accused Mr. Rexroad of censorship. The people at the Flatlander did, I posted their point of view, but it was not my own.
I disagree with Matt Rexroad’s attempt to encourage others to boycott the advertisers, but that is not an accusation of censorship from me. I also believe that Matt Rexroad’s response is as I wrote, irresponsible as a public offical. I think there is a higher standard there. But again, that’s neither an attempt to silence him nor an attempt to claim he is censoring.
I think if he has a problem with the Flatlander he should state it and respond to it, but I don’t think punishing local businesses is a responsible action for an elected official.
I’d post this message on Politiclast but the comment feature is disabled.
You can see the link below to the Politiclast entitled “A Lesson on Censorship.”
McLovin writes:
“His assertion that Mr. Rexroad is censoring the authors of The Flatlander is pathetic.”
Guess what–I never once accused Mr. Rexroad of censorship. The people at the Flatlander did, I posted their point of view, but it was not my own.
I disagree with Matt Rexroad’s attempt to encourage others to boycott the advertisers, but that is not an accusation of censorship from me. I also believe that Matt Rexroad’s response is as I wrote, irresponsible as a public offical. I think there is a higher standard there. But again, that’s neither an attempt to silence him nor an attempt to claim he is censoring.
I think if he has a problem with the Flatlander he should state it and respond to it, but I don’t think punishing local businesses is a responsible action for an elected official.
I’d post this message on Politiclast but the comment feature is disabled.
You can see the link below to the Politiclast entitled “A Lesson on Censorship.”
McLovin writes:
“His assertion that Mr. Rexroad is censoring the authors of The Flatlander is pathetic.”
Guess what–I never once accused Mr. Rexroad of censorship. The people at the Flatlander did, I posted their point of view, but it was not my own.
I disagree with Matt Rexroad’s attempt to encourage others to boycott the advertisers, but that is not an accusation of censorship from me. I also believe that Matt Rexroad’s response is as I wrote, irresponsible as a public offical. I think there is a higher standard there. But again, that’s neither an attempt to silence him nor an attempt to claim he is censoring.
I think if he has a problem with the Flatlander he should state it and respond to it, but I don’t think punishing local businesses is a responsible action for an elected official.
I’d post this message on Politiclast but the comment feature is disabled.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Nice try. A temperature window of 30 years out of < 100 is a margin of error far beyond 2 or 3 percentage points.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Nice try. A temperature window of 30 years out of < 100 is a margin of error far beyond 2 or 3 percentage points.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Nice try. A temperature window of 30 years out of < 100 is a margin of error far beyond 2 or 3 percentage points.
That is like offering that the stock market went up on Sept. 30 as proof that we are in a bull market. No one will believe you because outside of that date, the market has been terrible.
Nice try. A temperature window of 30 years out of < 100 is a margin of error far beyond 2 or 3 percentage points.
Second, China pollutes the most, not the US.
Second, China pollutes the most, not the US.
Second, China pollutes the most, not the US.
Second, China pollutes the most, not the US.
I don’t have a copy of the Flatlander, but heard there is no ownership taken on the content of the paper. What are the first and last names of the publishers and writers of that paper?
I see Sally Parker and Jim Leonard mentioned in the post. Others are mentioned by first name in the comments.
Also, there’s been a link to a forthcoming Web site on this blog but it goes to nowhere.
I don’t have a copy of the Flatlander, but heard there is no ownership taken on the content of the paper. What are the first and last names of the publishers and writers of that paper?
I see Sally Parker and Jim Leonard mentioned in the post. Others are mentioned by first name in the comments.
Also, there’s been a link to a forthcoming Web site on this blog but it goes to nowhere.
I don’t have a copy of the Flatlander, but heard there is no ownership taken on the content of the paper. What are the first and last names of the publishers and writers of that paper?
I see Sally Parker and Jim Leonard mentioned in the post. Others are mentioned by first name in the comments.
Also, there’s been a link to a forthcoming Web site on this blog but it goes to nowhere.
I don’t have a copy of the Flatlander, but heard there is no ownership taken on the content of the paper. What are the first and last names of the publishers and writers of that paper?
I see Sally Parker and Jim Leonard mentioned in the post. Others are mentioned by first name in the comments.
Also, there’s been a link to a forthcoming Web site on this blog but it goes to nowhere.
Looking at the August edition of the Flatlander, it lists:
Publisher and Editor: Martin Barnes
Editor: Sally Parker
Editor: Jim Leonard
Even has a land line phone number and Jim Leonard’s cell phone.
This is all on the bottom of page 2.
Looking at the August edition of the Flatlander, it lists:
Publisher and Editor: Martin Barnes
Editor: Sally Parker
Editor: Jim Leonard
Even has a land line phone number and Jim Leonard’s cell phone.
This is all on the bottom of page 2.
Looking at the August edition of the Flatlander, it lists:
Publisher and Editor: Martin Barnes
Editor: Sally Parker
Editor: Jim Leonard
Even has a land line phone number and Jim Leonard’s cell phone.
This is all on the bottom of page 2.
Looking at the August edition of the Flatlander, it lists:
Publisher and Editor: Martin Barnes
Editor: Sally Parker
Editor: Jim Leonard
Even has a land line phone number and Jim Leonard’s cell phone.
This is all on the bottom of page 2.
The cement plant will bring 350 living wage jobs to Woodland so there is another side to the story.
(Of course this assumes that the deal goes through despite the financial collapse of the United States under George W Bush.)
And of course don’t forget that Cedarblade financed the Flatlander to go after the Wayfarer Center in Woodland because she didn’t like all those poor people around her business while Matt has helped raise money to provide support for the work at Wayfarer.
So it seems that conservative, semper fi, McCain supporting Matt Rexroad cares more about the working class and poor people of Woodland than the better than thou, nimby, so called liberals of Davis.
By the way, have you seen what that abandoned sugar plant looks like? Its a diasaster area. A cement plant would be an improvement.
The cement plant will bring 350 living wage jobs to Woodland so there is another side to the story.
(Of course this assumes that the deal goes through despite the financial collapse of the United States under George W Bush.)
And of course don’t forget that Cedarblade financed the Flatlander to go after the Wayfarer Center in Woodland because she didn’t like all those poor people around her business while Matt has helped raise money to provide support for the work at Wayfarer.
So it seems that conservative, semper fi, McCain supporting Matt Rexroad cares more about the working class and poor people of Woodland than the better than thou, nimby, so called liberals of Davis.
By the way, have you seen what that abandoned sugar plant looks like? Its a diasaster area. A cement plant would be an improvement.
The cement plant will bring 350 living wage jobs to Woodland so there is another side to the story.
(Of course this assumes that the deal goes through despite the financial collapse of the United States under George W Bush.)
And of course don’t forget that Cedarblade financed the Flatlander to go after the Wayfarer Center in Woodland because she didn’t like all those poor people around her business while Matt has helped raise money to provide support for the work at Wayfarer.
So it seems that conservative, semper fi, McCain supporting Matt Rexroad cares more about the working class and poor people of Woodland than the better than thou, nimby, so called liberals of Davis.
By the way, have you seen what that abandoned sugar plant looks like? Its a diasaster area. A cement plant would be an improvement.
The cement plant will bring 350 living wage jobs to Woodland so there is another side to the story.
(Of course this assumes that the deal goes through despite the financial collapse of the United States under George W Bush.)
And of course don’t forget that Cedarblade financed the Flatlander to go after the Wayfarer Center in Woodland because she didn’t like all those poor people around her business while Matt has helped raise money to provide support for the work at Wayfarer.
So it seems that conservative, semper fi, McCain supporting Matt Rexroad cares more about the working class and poor people of Woodland than the better than thou, nimby, so called liberals of Davis.
By the way, have you seen what that abandoned sugar plant looks like? Its a diasaster area. A cement plant would be an improvement.
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
I’m not sure what case you’re trying to make. I look at a typical chart like this, for instance:
and the right end is higher than the left end. If I were asked, does this represent a warming trend? I would say yes.
And you would look at the same graph and say that Earth isn’t warming? Looks like global warming to me.
Or maybe it’s just God hugging us closer…
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
I’m not sure what case you’re trying to make. I look at a typical chart like this, for instance:
and the right end is higher than the left end. If I were asked, does this represent a warming trend? I would say yes.
And you would look at the same graph and say that Earth isn’t warming? Looks like global warming to me.
Or maybe it’s just God hugging us closer…
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
I’m not sure what case you’re trying to make. I look at a typical chart like this, for instance:
and the right end is higher than the left end. If I were asked, does this represent a warming trend? I would say yes.
And you would look at the same graph and say that Earth isn’t warming? Looks like global warming to me.
Or maybe it’s just God hugging us closer…
“Reality Check Mr Rexroad – Global warming is real…
Says you. There is evidence that suggests otherwise. the earth cooled from 1940-1970 when fossil fuel burning increased. look it up.”
I’m not sure what case you’re trying to make. I look at a typical chart like this, for instance:
and the right end is higher than the left end. If I were asked, does this represent a warming trend? I would say yes.
And you would look at the same graph and say that Earth isn’t warming? Looks like global warming to me.
Or maybe it’s just God hugging us closer…
Ok, went and got a copy of the Flatlander to see what was up. The articles I saw had the authors names on them, unlike our local paper that prints opinion pieces without names. It was an ok read and differs from the basics of Woodland vs Davis. If I recall right MClovin is the guy that ran for city council in Woodland McComas. I think the F paper supported him.
After reading it I do not understand the problem or why anyone would worry about a candidate taking out an ad or about global warming.
Who cares about the advertisers? Has matt lost it?
Ok, went and got a copy of the Flatlander to see what was up. The articles I saw had the authors names on them, unlike our local paper that prints opinion pieces without names. It was an ok read and differs from the basics of Woodland vs Davis. If I recall right MClovin is the guy that ran for city council in Woodland McComas. I think the F paper supported him.
After reading it I do not understand the problem or why anyone would worry about a candidate taking out an ad or about global warming.
Who cares about the advertisers? Has matt lost it?
Ok, went and got a copy of the Flatlander to see what was up. The articles I saw had the authors names on them, unlike our local paper that prints opinion pieces without names. It was an ok read and differs from the basics of Woodland vs Davis. If I recall right MClovin is the guy that ran for city council in Woodland McComas. I think the F paper supported him.
After reading it I do not understand the problem or why anyone would worry about a candidate taking out an ad or about global warming.
Who cares about the advertisers? Has matt lost it?
Ok, went and got a copy of the Flatlander to see what was up. The articles I saw had the authors names on them, unlike our local paper that prints opinion pieces without names. It was an ok read and differs from the basics of Woodland vs Davis. If I recall right MClovin is the guy that ran for city council in Woodland McComas. I think the F paper supported him.
After reading it I do not understand the problem or why anyone would worry about a candidate taking out an ad or about global warming.
Who cares about the advertisers? Has matt lost it?
It’s interesting to note that no one on here who defends the Flatlander seems to know that it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official. No one, including the author of this blog. Sad that people defend a phony newspaper that is linked to violence. Sad and pathetic.
It’s interesting to note that no one on here who defends the Flatlander seems to know that it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official. No one, including the author of this blog. Sad that people defend a phony newspaper that is linked to violence. Sad and pathetic.
It’s interesting to note that no one on here who defends the Flatlander seems to know that it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official. No one, including the author of this blog. Sad that people defend a phony newspaper that is linked to violence. Sad and pathetic.
It’s interesting to note that no one on here who defends the Flatlander seems to know that it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official. No one, including the author of this blog. Sad that people defend a phony newspaper that is linked to violence. Sad and pathetic.
Thanks for the clarifications DPD. Where can I pick up a copy? Or can you provide one of the phone numbers for me? Do they have emails listed? What’s going on with their Web site? Thanks!
Thanks for the clarifications DPD. Where can I pick up a copy? Or can you provide one of the phone numbers for me? Do they have emails listed? What’s going on with their Web site? Thanks!
Thanks for the clarifications DPD. Where can I pick up a copy? Or can you provide one of the phone numbers for me? Do they have emails listed? What’s going on with their Web site? Thanks!
Thanks for the clarifications DPD. Where can I pick up a copy? Or can you provide one of the phone numbers for me? Do they have emails listed? What’s going on with their Web site? Thanks!
“…it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official.”
Its been windy lately; I guess the wind apparently must have picked up a copy of the Flatlander and slapped around the poor official with it.
C’mon, if you’ve got a complaint to make be serious–give with the names and circumstances…
“…it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official.”
Its been windy lately; I guess the wind apparently must have picked up a copy of the Flatlander and slapped around the poor official with it.
C’mon, if you’ve got a complaint to make be serious–give with the names and circumstances…
“…it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official.”
Its been windy lately; I guess the wind apparently must have picked up a copy of the Flatlander and slapped around the poor official with it.
C’mon, if you’ve got a complaint to make be serious–give with the names and circumstances…
“…it was implicated in a physical assault on a Woodland official.”
Its been windy lately; I guess the wind apparently must have picked up a copy of the Flatlander and slapped around the poor official with it.
C’mon, if you’ve got a complaint to make be serious–give with the names and circumstances…
This is clearly the most successful advertising campaign that the Flatlander has pulled off.
It seems like they’re clearly increasing readership!
Hats off to Rexroad!
This is clearly the most successful advertising campaign that the Flatlander has pulled off.
It seems like they’re clearly increasing readership!
Hats off to Rexroad!
This is clearly the most successful advertising campaign that the Flatlander has pulled off.
It seems like they’re clearly increasing readership!
Hats off to Rexroad!
This is clearly the most successful advertising campaign that the Flatlander has pulled off.
It seems like they’re clearly increasing readership!
Hats off to Rexroad!
What I can’t wrap my head around is that apparently he’s not going to endorse Manny Cosme (Yamada’s Republican opponent) just because he placed an ad in the Flatlander.
He’s clearly free to say and do as he wishes as part of his free speech rights, but we also have the right to question his judgement.
What I can’t wrap my head around is that apparently he’s not going to endorse Manny Cosme (Yamada’s Republican opponent) just because he placed an ad in the Flatlander.
He’s clearly free to say and do as he wishes as part of his free speech rights, but we also have the right to question his judgement.
What I can’t wrap my head around is that apparently he’s not going to endorse Manny Cosme (Yamada’s Republican opponent) just because he placed an ad in the Flatlander.
He’s clearly free to say and do as he wishes as part of his free speech rights, but we also have the right to question his judgement.
What I can’t wrap my head around is that apparently he’s not going to endorse Manny Cosme (Yamada’s Republican opponent) just because he placed an ad in the Flatlander.
He’s clearly free to say and do as he wishes as part of his free speech rights, but we also have the right to question his judgement.
The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.
The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.
The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.
The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.
For those of us who are unaware of these, perhaps a recitation is in order. I know it’s a lot to ask for actual teeth to be put on allegations.
For those of us who are unaware of these, perhaps a recitation is in order. I know it’s a lot to ask for actual teeth to be put on allegations.
For those of us who are unaware of these, perhaps a recitation is in order. I know it’s a lot to ask for actual teeth to be put on allegations.
For those of us who are unaware of these, perhaps a recitation is in order. I know it’s a lot to ask for actual teeth to be put on allegations.
“The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.”
I must be so deaf that I don’t even hear the whistling.
I would love to be a little less ignorant, though.
Please enlighten us as to which facts are well known in Woodland.
“The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.”
I must be so deaf that I don’t even hear the whistling.
I would love to be a little less ignorant, though.
Please enlighten us as to which facts are well known in Woodland.
“The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.”
I must be so deaf that I don’t even hear the whistling.
I would love to be a little less ignorant, though.
Please enlighten us as to which facts are well known in Woodland.
“The FACTS of the matter are well known in Woodland which is part of the reason Mr. Rexroad did what he did. Sorry that you blame it on the wind…you’re so ignorant…it must be whistling through your ears.”
I must be so deaf that I don’t even hear the whistling.
I would love to be a little less ignorant, though.
Please enlighten us as to which facts are well known in Woodland.
Rexroad is an ingrained member of the Woodland Gang. We lobbied Rexroad during his campaign to address public corruption cited in CV06-581, Rexroad was unable to maintain his facade of being cool and became threatening; that Flatlander, like us, encountered the real Rexroad.