Legislative Game of Chicken Imperils Local Governance
Friday the Vanguard primarily looked at the fiscal crisis the school district now faces which is due…
Friday the Vanguard primarily looked at the fiscal crisis the school district now faces which is due…
On Wednesday night, on KDRT 95.7 FM, Vanguard Radio had on three members from the group DANG–Davis…
Jim Provenza, Yolo County Supervisor – Elect for the 4th District announced today that he is appointing Gina Daleiden to serve as Deputy County Supervisor. Sandra Rodriguez will continue as Assistant Deputy.
Daleiden is currently employed as the Assistant Deputy to Supervisor Helen Thomson and is President of the Davis School Board. Daleiden is a Davis native and a 4th District resident in South Davis. Provenza and Daleiden previously served together on the Davis School Board.
As I mentioned in a previous article on this subject, the move from odd-year elections for DJUSD board members to even-year elections make complete sense from a democratic standpoint and a budgetary standpoint.
From a political standpoint both Bob Dunning and Richard Harris expressed concerns about the major drawback, the fact that the board members would essentially be extending their term for a year. Looking at the issue purely from this standpoint however, obscures the benefits of the move. The biggest being the huge budget impact. But the secondary point being democratic factors. In 2007, around 30% of people turned out to vote for DJUSD board elections, Measure P, and Measure Q. In 2008, over 80% of the voters turned out to vote in the Presidential election and by extension in the Measure W election. Even in an average mid-term election, you are looking at well over 50% of the vote. To me it makes perfect sense and I will share more in the commentary portion of this article.
This has been one of the roughest weeks in terms of the budget projections that one can…
The 2008 Elections saw Councilmember Don Saylor win the most votes to ascend to the position of…
Late on Tuesday night Bill Emlen recommended a change to the calendar on Ombudsman Bob Aaronson’s report…
At last night’s Davis City Council Meeting, the city of Davis was presented data by Finance Director…
On Wednesday night, December 10, 2008, Vanguard Radio on KDRT 95.7 FM from 6 pm to 7…
In a surprising twist, the Davis Enterprise Editorial on Sunday Morning, “Contract Talks Should Be Open” called…
Most conventional wisdom has Congressman Mike Thompson as one of two finalists for Secretary of the Interior in President-elect Obama’s new cabinet along with Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva. Grijalva is the son of migrants and an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s federal land policies.
The Oregonian argues that while hunting and fishing groups like Congressman Thompson environmentalists and other liberals are lining up against him.
“Thompson, whose district runs from the wine country of Napa Valley to the Oregon border, is favored by hunting and fishing groups that like the fact that he’s an avid sportsman. And the League of Conservation Voters gives him solid voting scores. In fact, Thompson won national publicity back in 2002 when he held a press conference in front of the Department of Interior with 500 pounds of fish killed by low waters in the Klamath River.”
On July 14, 2008 the city of Davis official named Bob Aaronson, the city’s police ombudsman, as…
As a consent agenda item for Tuesday’s Davis City Council meeting, the Davis City Council will likely unanimously support a resolution to join an amicus brief petition to the Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8. Davis will join a growing list of cities that lack the resources to directly sue to challenge the adoption of Proposition as as the City and County of San Francisco, Santa Clara County and the City of Los Angeles did the day after the election.
On November 5, 2008 San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera joined Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo and Santa Clara County Council Anne Ravel in filing a petition for a writ of mandate with the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8, an initiative constitutional amendment that intends to strip gay and lesbian citizens of their fundamental right to marry in California.
I was reading a letter published in yesterday’s Davis Enterprise from the owner’s of Fleet Feet Sports…
During the course of the last Davis City Council campaign, one of the big debates was the…
Over the weekend the Davis Enterprise reported that the deal between Trader Joe’s and Radiological Associates of…
The Davis City Council eventually agreed by a 4-1 vote to go with City Manager Bill Emlen’s…
The issue of what should be done on the long-vacant Lewis-Cannery Property has been discussed at great…
We are Running Out of Usable Parcels for High-Tech by Sue Greenwald On Tuesday, the City Council…
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Here is Davis Media Access’ Press Release which also includes for the first time the first round of broadcasts on Cable Channel 15. In addition to some 30 questions that have been submitted directly on the blog, the Vanguard has received at least as many questions via email.