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Here is Davis Media Access’ Press Release which also includes for the first time the first round of broadcasts on Cable Channel 15. In addition to some 30 questions that have been submitted directly on the blog, the Vanguard has received at least as many questions via email. Press Release
For Immediate Release
Nov. 20, 2008
Virtual Town Hall Meeting Fields Public’s Questions about DJUSD Davis Media Access (DMA) and the The People’s Vanguard of Davis will host a Virtual Townhall Meeting with the Davis Joint Unified School District on Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008.
The one-hour program features DJUSD Superintendent James Hammond, Chief Budget Officer Bruce Colby, and School Board President Sheila Allen. The panel is moderated by Vanguard Publisher and Founder David Greenwald. Greenwald said the intent of the program is “to help foster communication between the community and the school district.”
Members of the public are invited to post questions for the panelists online at http://davisvanguard.blogspot.com. Questions will be selected by the moderator and asked of the panelists during the show. Questions may also be submitted to Greenwald via email.
Greenwald said the event will be a multimedia production. Audio of the program will air during The Vanguard’s regular timeslot on KDRT-LP, 95.7 FM in Davis, from 6-7 p.m on Dec. 3. A podcast of the show will also be available at kdrt.org.
The show will air on Davis Community Television, local channel 15 on the Comcast system, at the following dates:
Thursday, Dec 4 at 9 p.m.
Friday, Dec 5 at 7 p.m.
Sunday, Dec 7, 2008 at 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec 9, 2008 at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec 10, 2008 at 5 p.m.
The Vanguard will post the streaming video of the broadcast on its blog, located at http://davisvanguard.blogspot.com when it becomes available.
what time? Will it be open to the public? On the Dec 2nd
what time? Will it be open to the public? On the Dec 2nd
what time? Will it be open to the public? On the Dec 2nd
what time? Will it be open to the public? On the Dec 2nd
Considering all the technology at our fingertips, it seems a shame that there is no live, interactive, virtual presence during this Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Why not stream *live* using something like Stickam, have a monitored chat room, or have someone doing real-time blogging?
Considering all the technology at our fingertips, it seems a shame that there is no live, interactive, virtual presence during this Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Why not stream *live* using something like Stickam, have a monitored chat room, or have someone doing real-time blogging?
Considering all the technology at our fingertips, it seems a shame that there is no live, interactive, virtual presence during this Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Why not stream *live* using something like Stickam, have a monitored chat room, or have someone doing real-time blogging?
Considering all the technology at our fingertips, it seems a shame that there is no live, interactive, virtual presence during this Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Why not stream *live* using something like Stickam, have a monitored chat room, or have someone doing real-time blogging?
…or you could incorporate streaming audio with online Q&A using something like TalkShoe…
…or you could incorporate streaming audio with online Q&A using something like TalkShoe…
…or you could incorporate streaming audio with online Q&A using something like TalkShoe…
…or you could incorporate streaming audio with online Q&A using something like TalkShoe…
Good program, David.
What is your impression of the townhall meeting?
Good program, David.
What is your impression of the townhall meeting?
Good program, David.
What is your impression of the townhall meeting?
Good program, David.
What is your impression of the townhall meeting?
I was very pleased, I’ll probably have a post this weekend where I layout more stuff, but I was pleased with the format, the quality of the questions, and the willingness for high level district personnel to take an interest in communicating to the public.
I was very pleased, I’ll probably have a post this weekend where I layout more stuff, but I was pleased with the format, the quality of the questions, and the willingness for high level district personnel to take an interest in communicating to the public.
I was very pleased, I’ll probably have a post this weekend where I layout more stuff, but I was pleased with the format, the quality of the questions, and the willingness for high level district personnel to take an interest in communicating to the public.
I was very pleased, I’ll probably have a post this weekend where I layout more stuff, but I was pleased with the format, the quality of the questions, and the willingness for high level district personnel to take an interest in communicating to the public.