In mid-December we ran a story highlighting the rise of independent investigative reporting.
The Voice of San Diego was featured in a November 18, 2008 NY Times article on the same issue.
We’ll be talking about investigative reporting and the rise of new media.
You can listen on the net at
Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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So, …it doesn’t matter if journalism is written in a newspaper, on a napkin, or on a bathroom wall…… according to blog boy’s interviewee. No, what does matter is whether the journalist is qualified, not by reprinting or regurgitating newspaper articles, but by what he or she writes and whether or not, according to accepted journalistic standards, it is any good. I mean, what gets written on the People’s Vanguard of Davis is really simply an echo of standard newspaper reporting, sometimes straight and sometimes twisted to Blog Boy’s opinions. That’s the problem with bloggers, most of ’em can’t write. Blog Boy must be aware of this lack personally, which is why he even says in the rules to the right of this comment: …Posts whose primary purpose is to correct spelling and/ or grammar are … subject to deletion….See, he’s so in denial about the basics of good writing that comments about these basics, meant with an eye to improving these lapses, are subject to being dropped down what George Orwell refered to, in his novel 1984, the …Memory Hole….
Here we are with the …Blog Boy… name again. You are so offensive! I’ll bet you smell swell in real life too. Ogre-breath…