By Elaine Roberts Musser (private citizen) –

October 8, 2009


There was a brief presentation from developer Don Engle, who has submitted an application to build an assisted living facility in Davis to the east of Konditerei Café. City Manager Bill Emlen and City Attorney Harriet Steiner are being consulted to see if it would be a Brown Act violation for the entire Davis Senior Citizens Commission to take a field trip to visit the developer’s assisted living facility in Sacramento.

Chair Roberts Musser noted the Davis Enterprise, in an article, stated some federal stimulus money was received for transit mobility training for senior citizens, but it is not clear if the funding is designated for the current project or future use. Further investigation is necessary.

Commissioner Blumenthal asked what the Yes on P literature was all about that had arrived at her house through the mail. She was directed to view the Measure P debate on Davis Media Access at a computer located in the Davis Senior Center, since she does not own a computer herself. Maria Lucchesi, the Director of the Davis Senior Center, kindly agreed to assist Commissioner Blumenthal to view the debate or obtain further materials on the subject.


A. Final Discussion of Transportation Safety Program – On October 15, 2009, at 1:00 p.m., the commission will host a seminar “Giving Up The Keys” at the Davis Senior Center. Two California Highway Patrol DVDs will be featured, starring Davis Senior Citizens Commissioners, speaking about the problems of driving as one grows older and how to cope. There will be a candid discussion to follow.

B. Discussion of Senior Discount Card – Commissioners discussed developing a Davis Wiki senior portal, that would list local businesses that give discounts to senior citizens. Kimble Pope of the Davis Voice internet blog will be lending technical assistance. Commissioner Tansey Thomas is spearheading this effort.

C. Commission Work Plan/Highlights Review – A subcommittee of commissioners (Shula Blumenthal, Jan Bridge, Kitty Liebhardt) presented an overarching plan for a two year review via a power point presentation. It will be offered to the City Council for its consideration tentatively in January 2010. This would replace annual joint City Council/Senior Citizens Commission meetings temporarily suspended by Mayor Ruth Asmundson. The presentation would apprise Council members of how much progress the commission has made since the City Council’s landmark decision was rendered not to merge or eliminate the Davis Senior Citizens Commission.

D. Outreach & Public Education Related to Senior Housing – The Commission is working on developing “tip” sheets for any senior who wants information on different types of senior housing, such as assisted living, skilled nursing, or continuum of care. There was discussion on the best way to disseminate such information. News articles are a possibility, and/or a panel discussion.


E. Universal Design – Written materials concerning Universal Design garnered from Eskaton were distributed to commissioners. City Manager Bill Emlen and Harriet Steiner are being consulted to see if it would be appropriate for the commission to take a field trip to the Universal Design demonstration home in Roseville, built by Eskaton. Commissioners wish to work with the Social Services Commission/ADA Subcommittee to formulate a city ordinance requiring builders to incorporate universal design features in all new housing developments within Davis. Sacramento is currently working on such an ordinance, which our city could use as a model. Such incorporation of universal design features would allow seniors to age in place in their own home, instead of having to move to a senior facility when medical necessity requires such things as grab bars, wheel chair ramps or special railings.

F. Senior Housing Strategy/Survey – The Commission received a massive staff report at the beginning of the commission meeting. It is to be used in developing senior housing strategies. It was written by Principal Planner Bob Wolcott, Community Development Director Katherine Hess and Housing and Human Services Director Danielle Foster. The report states: “In order to complete the Senior Housing Strategy project by the end of the year, staff is using the following schedule:

October 2009 – Staff drafts a resolution of senior goals and strategies

November 2009 – The Senior Citizens and Social Services Commissions review the draft resolution with public input and make recommendations to City Council.

December 2009 – City Council considers recommendations with public input and adopts a resolution.

The City Council decided to delay initiation of a committee process to develop the senior housing strategy. This was done in conjunction with a re-evaluation by the City administration of workloads and staffing commitments. Staff anticipates taking policy options and final recommendations to the Senior Citizens and Social Services Commissions where commission recommendations and public comments would be received.

The City Council decided to not conduct a sample survey of Davis seniors regarding their plans, preferences, concerns and needs. Reasons included the need and benefit, costs, and schedule impact. As a result, staff will review other available national, regional and local surveys.

Staff will be posting key documents for this project on the City of Davis web site at: www.cityofdavis.orgCDDSenior_Housing_Strategy

G. Discussion of CTAP Presentation – It was decided by the commission it was not necessary for it to coordinate a presentation of telephones for the sight, hearing, mentally or physically impaired. Such presentations are already being done on a yearly basis at the Davis Senior Center.


As of June 30, 2010, the Davis Senior Center will no longer be accepting federal funding from the Area 4 Agency on Aging (A4AA) for its information and assistance function. This subsidy allowed the Davis Senior Center to be designated a focal point information and assistance facility for a selected sector (1/3) of Yolo County. Just as Woodland Community/Senior Center discovered, Davis Senior Center found the cost of doing the required federal paperwork was more than the amount allotted for this task. Legal Services of Northern California Woodland and 211 Sacramento will be applying for the funding that the Woodland Community and Davis Senior Centers have decided to forego. Whichever organization receives the funding (or both) would perform the same function as the Davis and Woodland Community/Senior Centers did – information and assistance for all of Yolo County. The Davis Senior Center will still be dispensing information and assistance within Davis.




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