The big question that looms in this race is who will the firefighters back and how will that impact this race. In the meantime, Mr. Krovoza has maintained his small lead primarily drawing from a wide variety of individuals in the community. Sydney Vergis continues to draw from her pro-growth and pro-development core of supporters, while Rochelle Swanson emerges with her first filings, many of them from business interests and individuals who have worked with her on the Blue and White Foundation.

Contributions from:
Charles Swanson (Davis Graduate)
Henry Wolf (Retired)
Judy Wolf (UCD Med Center)
Shelly Gillis (Charles Schwab)
Christopher Gillis (PGE)
Thomas Cross (Star Crossed Properties)
Victoria Cross (Professor UCD)
Kay Resler (Retired/ UCD)
Kim Resler (Student)
Steve Boschken (Boschken Inc)
Kathryn Boschken (Boschken Inc)
Sydney Vergis – $1400 in additional contributions for a total of $8133
Contributions from:
Bear Klaw Press
Charles Snipes (Davis Compounding Solutions)
Elizabeth Sherwin (I-House)
Susan Lovenberg (DJUSD Trustee)
Patricia Hartley (retired)
Sheryl Patterson (Lawyer)
Herbert Bauer (retired)
Calvin Handy (retired)
Christian DuVair (Staff- Pending)
Catherine Haskell (Teacher DJUSD)
Willa Pettygrove (UCD)
Harris Liu (Golden Arch Ent)
Curtis Brennan (Underwriter Doctors Company)
Robert Agee (UCD)
Nan Smith Yates (Retired)
Carri Cumming Ziegler (Ziegler Associates)
Mary Taormino (Attorney Coldwell)
David Taormino (Realtor Coldwell)
Roy Kroener (Coldwell)
Andrew Frank (UCD)
Wendy Frank (UCD)
Donald Morrill (Yolo Basin Foundation)
David Heard (Mason McDuffie Mortgage)
Kathleen Williams-Fossdahl (Williams Property Mgmt)
David Morse (Economist)
Joe Krovoza – $8037.46 this period in addition to $7675 from the previous period.
Contributions from:
Rob Thayer (Retired)
Tom Tomich (UCD)
Larry Greene (Sac Metro Chamber)
John Wright (UCD)
Bob Johnston (UCD)
Donna Lagarias (Research Program Specialist, State of Cal)
John Lagarias (UCD)
Shari Kawelo (UCD)
Joe Egan (attorney)
Toni Egan (Teacher)
John Meyer (UCD)
Mark Francis (UCD)
Mary Major (retired)
Steve Adams (Lawyer)
Greg Kuperberg (UCD)
Sheryl Patterson (Attorney)
Jamie Knapp (Consultant)
Kelli Taylor (Attorney)
Tim Taylor (Attorney/ UCD)
Torryn Taylor (Student)
Jeni Veale (Teacher Elk Grove)
Mark Braly (Retired)
Joshua Cunningham (Engineer)
Manny Carbahal (Accountant)
Bab Darragh (Seismologist)
Paul Leigh (UCD)
Belinda Martineau (UCD)
Judy Wydick (Retired)
Allan McKillop (retired)
Philip Smith (Software Engineer)
Mark Tebbult (Accountant)
Ron Unger (ecologist)
Warren Roberts (UCD)
Christal Waters (Retired)
Brian Johnson (Retired)
Willa Pettygrove (UCD)
Richard Wydick (Volunteer)
Chuck Roe (Property Manager)
Steven Tracy (Planner)
Bruce West (Engineer)
Marty West (retired UCD)
Alan Bennett (UCD)
Diane Felmlee (UCD)
Scott Gartner (UCD)
Leslie Hunter (Homemaker)
Tonya Kuhl (UCD)
Amul Purohit (UCD)
Nick Saechow (San Juan School District)
Rich Schuman (engineer Sierra Nevada Corp)
Paul Sieracki (Self)
Mike Adams (SEIU Local 1021)
Chrstina Adamson (UCD)
Allison Chilcott (UCD)
Harry Dwyer (Retired)
Anne Finkelston (None)
Anthony Palmere (UCD)
Alan Anderson (Fundraiser Shriners Hospital)
Holly Doremus (UCD)
Richard Harris (POlicy Advisor/ DJUSD Trustee)
Beverly Sandeen (UCD)
Walt Sadler (City of Folsom)
Don Saylor (Davis City Council)
Ameer Akram Alsawaf (CPA)
David Campos (Real Estate Coldwell)
Marcelo Campos (Realtor Lyon)
Nancy Davis (UCD)
Ann Dyer-Bennet (Retired)
Cindy Engel (Homemaker)
Lucas Frerichs (Leg. Consultant)
Stacie Hartung-Frerichs (Chevron)
Sue Greenwald (Davis City Council)
Pat Hartley (retired)
Rosemarie Krovoza (retired)
Wlater Krovoza (retired)
Jeff Loux (UCD)
Kerry Loux (Landscape Architect)
Donna Provenza (CSUS)
Dawn Purkey (Woodland Heath Center)
Robin Souza (UCD)
Kevin Wolf (Wind Harvest International)
Mariko Yamada (Assemblywoman)
Marilyn Moyle (Moyle Consulting)
Daveed Schwartz (Attorney)
Dick Bourne (Retired)
Jeni Veale (Elk Grove Unified)
Robert Bosler (UCD)
Erin Hasbrook (Homemaker)
John Hasbrook (Sunwest Food)
Susanne Rockwell (UC)
Angeline Diep Lam (Dentist)
Don Morrill (Yolo Basin Foundation)
Douglas Minnis (Retired)
Bob Epstein (Retired)
Katherine Homes (ecologist)
Mick Klasson (Envir. Planner)
Eldridge Moores (retired)
Gina Daleiden (Deputy Supervisor/ School Board Trustee)
Andrew Fulks (UCD)
[i]”Sydney Vergis continues to draw from her pro-growth and pro-development core of supporters …”[/i]
That is not apparent from the list you have posted today. (I realize you are including in that others who were posted in your previous report on this topic.) The only folks on this Vergis list who I would guess would possibly benefit financially from her voting to approve a marginal development (inside the city limits) are these four out of the 25 you list: [quote] Mary Taormino (Attorney Coldwell)
David Taormino (Realtor Coldwell)
Roy Kroener (Coldwell)
David Heard (Mason McDuffie Mortgage) [/quote] To my mind, because of Measure J (R), which will be renewed and gives the final say on peripheral development to the voters, it is not that important if a member of the council is pro- or anti-development on our periphery. And for at least the next five years (beyond the term of this election), there will be no new large developments inside Davis, because of West Village, the economic climate at the university, and the large number of undeveloped, yet approved housing projects inside of the city limits.
What is far more important to me is to know that members of the council, when they are representing the taxpayers of Davis, when they are acting as the board of directors for our corporation, don’t have strong personal or professional or financial ties to the parties they are negotiating against. Insofar as that relates to campaign finance, I am most wary of candidates who take contributions from the firefighters — no other city employees have ever organized to fund council candidates — or get independent support from the firefighters’ union or accept money from companies which sell goods or services to the City of Davis. Even if these monies don’t corrupt a candidate, they certainly give the appearance of corruption; and they cause me to lose faith in the notion that such a member of the City Council is acting in the best interests of the corporation, as he or she pledges to do when taking the oath of office.
FWIW, these 3 from the Swanson list could be seen as people who stand to make money from development votes by the City Council: [quote]Thomas Cross (Star Crossed Properties)
Steve Boschken (Boschken Inc)
Kathryn Boschken (Boschken Inc)[/quote] And from your Krovoza list, leaving out the 12 attorneys, engineers and accountants but realizing that some might make money from development, I would include these 4 people: [quote] Chuck Roe (Property Manager)
David Campos (Real Estate Coldwell)
Marcelo Campos (Realtor Lyon)
Kerry Loux (Landscape Architect)[/quote]
Joe has the most amount of property managers in his campaign. i don’t trust him at all. what makes me sick is all of these damned candidates are so pro growth and business, and anti citizenry.
look at all the djusd members paying for his campaign, or should I say, they are paying for their retirement benefits. the whole thing makes me sick.
god i can’t wait till i get out of this languishing hell hole. it’s been overrun by republicans. this always happens. the hippies and liberals make a town or city great, then the republican leaches come to take over and leach off the good standard, and take away our freedoms.
wake up people. they don’t call davis monsantoville for no reason.
this place is dirty…environmentally dirty, and politically dirty.
corruptin is every where in california and everyone’s a criminal…even the cops…dirty cops every where. dirty legislature, dirty business, dirty farmers, dirty public agencies…rotten and corrupt…disgusting dirty california.