During their tenure they have seen the exit of the controversial Tahir Ahad, they have had to replace two Superintendents, one of whom was dismissed and one of whom they regretted to see leave to join his family in Southern California. But the most distinctive nature of their first term in office was undoubtedly the worst recession since the Great Depression.
Through it all they have deal with it with professionalism, civility, and respect for the process. This week all three announced they would seek re-election. As of right now they have no opposition for the three available spots. We shall see if that changes.
Board President Tim Taylor told the Vanguard, I am excited to be running for re-election to the Board of Trustees of the Davis Joint Unified School District.”
“While our job most certainly has not been easy, I believe that as a Board we have performed admirably on behalf of the children of Davis, the dedicated teachers and employees
of the District, and the community at large,” he continued.
“With a new Superintendent and a highly regarded administrative leadership team, we are poised to take on the difficult educational, budgetary, and other tasks that lie ahead,” said Trustee Taylor.
He spoke of the learning curve that being on the board entails. “Unlike in 2005, when I first ran for election, I realize now that the position of Trustee demands a steep learning curve, one that can take two or more years to truly master,” he said and as such he does not see now as the time to transition to new leadership. “Now is not the time to transition Board leadership, but rather it is a period in which we should enable the District to benefit from the knowledge and commitment of “road-tested” Trustees. I hope to maintain the trust and respect of the Davis community and continue onward in this most important position.”
He also announced that this would be his final term on the board if he was fortunately enough to be re-elected in November. “Lastly, I believe that new blood and innovative thinking are the essence of a functional elected body. While I am confident that I possess the energy and enthusiasm to fulfill this role to the fullest, I also feel that no one should stay forever. So, to that end, if given the honor of being elected in 2010, I can comfortably state that this will be my final term on the Board.”
Sheila Allen also announced that she is running for reelection. “I am pleased to announce that I have filed my papers for re-election to the Davis School Board. I am running because I want to continue to support the great students of Davis. Over the past 5 years I have learned so much about education, budgets, personnel, and programs that I would like to put this knowledge to work for the students of DJUSD,” she told the Vanguard.
“In June I had the pleasure of assisting at 5 great graduations for our district students including the Davis Adult School, Davis School for Independent Study, King High School, Da Vinci Charter High School and Davis Senior High School. As I heard the stories struggles and accomplishments of the students I could not be more proud of our district and students,” she continued. “We are fortunate to have different programs and approaches so that students can find their place and succeed. We are very lucky to have a district that continues to function at a very high level even as so many other district are struggling both financially and programmatically.”
She acknowledged the support of the community, “We are able to continue to provide overall an excellent public education because of the supportive community who give of their time and money.”
Ms. Allen believes that everyone in Davis benefits from a strong school district and maintains her commitment to those students who are at-risk and vulnerable. “The beauty of a public school in a town like Davis is that everyone can benefit,” she said acknowledging the work that lays ahead. “We are by no means perfect and I want to continue to work with the community and staff to help every student in Davis reach their potential. This includes continued focus on addressing the achievement gap. We have made some progress in this area but I would like to see continued attention to this important issue.”
“One great community group that is really making a difference in this regard is the Bridge Foundation,” said Ms Allen. “At my first fundraising on Monday, August 23 will include an opportunity to donate school supplies for the Bridge participants.”
Sheila Allen looks forward to working with the new superintendent and to new challenges. “We recently name Winfred Roberson as the new superintendent,” she said, “I would like to support him as a part of the leadership team for the district. Over the last 5 years on the school board we have hired almost every administrative position and we have a really great team in place. I have enjoyed working with my board colleagues even though the budget issues that we have had to deal with have not been pleasant.”
“I believe all the pieces are in place to make a great district even better for all students and I would like to be a part of that,” she concluded.
Finally, Gina Daleiden not to be outdone also announced her re-election. “Our schools are the foundation of our Davis community and I have been honored to serve on the Davis Board of Education,” said Ms. Daleiden whose “day job” is Deputy Supervisor for Yolo County District 4, serving as Supervisor Jim Provenza, her former colleague on the school board, top staffer.
“With our new Superintendent, historic State Budget cuts, and the critical need to renew the parcel taxes that fund our excellent Davis public education program, I have more to give, and I’m ready to continue my service with the decisive leadership and energy that will be required,” she continued.
“It’s a critical moment for the school district I love, and I’m enthusiastic about keeping the District on track to deliver the highest quality education,” said Ms. Daleiden. “Though we’ve faced almost unprecedented challenges in our first term, I’m proud of how effective our Governing Board is now, the team we have all around the District, and the strong partnerships with our community. I’ve enjoyed working with our amazingly supportive community, parents, teachers, and staff and look forward to us continuing to work together for our children.”
Unfortunately there is no end in sight for the state’s fiscal troubles and schools remain the most convenient avenue to cut spending. The school district faces the additional challenge of changing superintendents and will likely see additional local revenue either this fall or next spring.
—David M. Greenwald reporting
Today’s Enterprise also announced that Mike Nolan is a school board candidate. Nolan has been active with PTA organizations at his kids’ schools — Willett and Emerson — as well as with various district advisory committees.
Maybe they should just cancel the election for four more years and reappoint themselves?