ACLU Staff Attorney Urges Full Release Sooner Rather than Later –
Following Friday’s court ruling, it comes as little surprise that the release of the pepper spray report will be further delayed. While the judge’s ruling on Friday appeared to clear the way for a release of portions of the report, that decision ultimately rests with the university, as well as with Former Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso. Mr. Reynoso, in a letter to President Mark Yudof, on Tuesday indicated that he would prefer that the report be released in whole rather than in piecemeal fashion.
“As I previously stated, the Task Force has worked very hard and diligently over the past few months to ensure that the Davis community and the public get a thorough account of the events that took place on November 18, 2011, and has produced thoughtful recommendations to meet your charge to the Task Force,” the former justice wrote. “Releasing portions of the Task Force report in piecemeal fashion would provide a skewed view of our findings and undercut the rationale behind our recommendations.”