“The public has an opportunity to tell of their experiences in the Yolo County judicial system. Experiences that normally are not covered in the newspaper,” said David Greenwald, Executive Director of Vanguard Court Watch. “The Council will take public comment, testimony from invited speakers, and then deliberate in closed session to determine our course of action.”
The Vanguard Court Watch is a non-profit organization that researches and reports on legal issues in Yolo County. The Vanguard Court Watch was founded in 2010 and monitors the court system for common flaws and policies that might lead to wrongful convictions or lengthy sentences that are not proportionate with the crimes committed, which often end up costing the County and taxpayers additional monies.
VCWCYC sends college interns into the courthouse to monitor court cases and report to the public in order to shine the light of scrutiny on a system often hidden from the public. Their mission is to give the public a better understanding of the major causes of injustice so that ultimately a better, fairer and more just legal system can exist.
“Every week, 8 to 10 interns go into the courthouse to monitor cases in this county. It presents the students, many of whom go on to law school, with a rather unique opportunity to view live cases,” said Greenwald. “However, approximately 90% of criminal matters never go to trial and we never have the opportunity to learn about the particulars. As we have learned in the Brian Banks case, just because someone pleads to a charge does not necessarily mean they committed that crime.”
The Vanguard Court Watch Council will be holding public meetings every fourth Sunday of the month at various locations in Yolo County, to allow the public to come forward and share their stories and experiences. Goals of the Court Watch Council include: identification of problematic court cases to track; identification of alleged police incidents in Yolo County to potentially be investigated; and the identification of cases involving alleged discrimination or prejudice within Yolo County.
David Greenwald, I previously asked you not less than twice to post the names and qualifications of ALL ‘VCWCYC’ members and your continued failure to do so is less than open and unprofessional.
Your wife must be a member of this group just like she was part of the last self-appointed “Civil rights commission.”
While you are at it tell your readers how they were recruiter too…
Unless, of course, you have something to hide, here to?
‘Recruited.’ {Auto correct
Sorry things were in a bit of flux before.
Here’s the membership:
Bernita ToneyDavis
Diane EvansDavis
Lynn Rose-JimenezWoodland
Teresa WilliamsWoodland
Patty ZloczewskiWoodland
Melanie CarltonWoodland
Joan BraninWest Sacramento
Frank GonzalezWest Sacramento
Anthony PalikAdviser
Cruz ReynosoAdviser
James HernandezAdviser
“…identification of alleged police incidents in Yolo County to potentially be investigated, and the identification of cases involving alleged discrimination or prejudice within Yolo County.”
If I attended one of these meetings & was on probation, I’d fear repercussions. I think these meetings are very good for the community. However, if on probation, I’d wait until my probation ended to speak up. I don’t trust law enforcement to be fair to someone who complains about bad treatment by them. I’m a little afraid of law enforcement.
BTW, why is the statute of limitations for police misconduct only two years? That doesn’t seem long enough.
How many members of law enforcement have been present at these meetings?
[quote]”Every week, 8 to 10 interns go into the courthouse to monitor cases in this county. It presents the students, many of whom go on to law school, with a rather unique opportunity to view live cases,” said Greenwald.[/quote]
I don’t think you have to be an intern to enjoy the unique opportunity to view live cases at the court house.
“… qualifications of ALL ‘VCWCYC’ members.”
Their qualifications should be they are good listeners and they have read our Constitution. Also, one member should be a person with a medical background who understands PTSD, or a person who has recovered from PTSD.
“I don’t think you have to be an intern to enjoy the unique opportunity to view live cases at the court house.”
And you don’t need to go to law school to become an attorney, what’s you point other than to be a contrarian?
And Mr. Remmer, there is no reason you can’t attend a meeting, there is nothing hidden here. I have grown tired of responding to your points because you make accusations, when I respond, you rarely respond yourself and even more rarely engage in meaningful dialogue. I’ve posted the names, that is the final response you will get from me. If you wish for more information come to the meetings and find out for yourself.
Hey all, I have set up the Vanguard Court Watch Council Page on facebook: hit the link ([url]https://www.facebook.com/groups/542948192431572/?fref=ts[/url])