Happy Thanksgiving and Big News From The Vanguard

ThanksgivingAs my longtime readers know, I have taken Thanksgiving off, really the only days most years I take completely off.

The big news this year is that on January 2, 2014, we will launch the new website – finally.  As many know, we created this site as the second Vanguard website in March 2009.  We are running it on aging software and there have been functionality problems.


As the site is still being constructed, it would be helpful if our readers could chime in with some features they would like see with the new site.  We already have some in mind.

Finally, I would like to point out that this site is not costless.  The new website is going to cost a pretty penny and we have most of the major funding in place for that.  But we will have operational and maintenance costs.

We are a 501c3 and if you are looking for end of the year write offs, it would be much appreciated if you look to us.

We have several ways to contribute.

First, you can use our secure contribution site – here.

Second, you can go to Pay Pal and donate to: info@davisvanguard.org .

Third, you can mail us a check to Davis Vanguard, P.O. Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617

Finally, as you do your holiday shopping if you click the links in the middle of the front page for Amazon or Powell’s Books and make a purchase, we get a portion of the proceeds.

Every little bit counts and will help not only get the new website launched but allow us to continue with our news and commentary in this community.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your support.  Please have a healthy and safe Thanksgiving.  We’ll be back on Monday.

—David M. Greenwald


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Open Government


  1. Happy Thanksgoving. I’m thankful to the Vangueard and it’s posters’s for sharing their knowledge, wisdom, and opinions (wether I agree with them or not). Participating has been and educational and entertaining experience.

  2. Happy Thanksgivukkah! (It last happened in 1888 and won’t happen again for another 77,798 years: the convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. This year, Nov. 28 is Thanksgiving and the first full day of the 8-day Jewish festival of lights.)

  3. [quote]it would be helpful if our readers could chime in with some features they would like see with the new site[/quote]

    1) Ability to edit one’s own posting.

    2) Ability to scroll down through articles in reverse chronological order. I often am not able to check the Vanguard daily, so I’d like to see the past few days of articles, but it shows 4 articles and any before just “drop off” unless you know what you missed and can search for it.

  4. Ha, Alan! Your #2 is at the top of my list also! Sometimes all I know is approximately WHEN we covered a story; the keyword search fails me. About your #1 – I thought everyone could do so – it must only show as an option to me because I have that access. And, biddlin: I like the like button idea!

  5. It would also be nice if the comments could be searchable. Sometimes there are comments and conversations that would be nice to reference later, rather than reconstruct for the umpteenth time.

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