Four Candidates Pull Papers to Run for Davis City Council

On Wednesday, Robb Davis became the fourth candidate to pull papers to run for the Davis City Council. City Clerk Zoe Mirabile confirmed that Sheila Allen, Rochelle Swanson and Daniel Parrella had previously pulled their papers. No one has returned their papers as of yet.
With Mayor Joe Krovoza running for State Assembly, there is one vacant seat and the filing period will remain open until March 12, 2014. The election will be held June 3, 2014.
Larenda Delaini for the Yolo County Superior Court seat that will be vacated by Judge Mock
Judicial candidate Larenda Delaini will be at the Davis Farmers Market on Saturday, February 22, 2014, taking questions so that our community can get to know her better before casting their important vote for Yolo County Superior Court Judge on June 3. Larenda will be there from 8:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and again from noon to 1:00 p.m., though there will be an information booth set up all day. She will have sign-up sheets available for those of you who want to help with this grassroots campaign. Bring your family and friends to enjoy the market – Larenda looks forward to seeing you there!
West Sacramento Educational Leaders Endorse Ortiz
Adam Menke, Washington Unified School District Board President, has endorsed Jesse Ortiz for Yolo County Superintendent of Schools. President Menke joined three other Washington School Board members, Alicia Cruz, Katie Villegas and Sara Kirby-Gonzalez as supporters. Ortiz has now been endorsed by four of the five West Sacramento Trustees. All cited Ortiz’s extensive educational and professional background as the reason to become the next Yolo County Superintendent of Schools. The number of Yolo County elected and former elected officials who have endorsed Ortiz is now fifty. His support continues to grow countywide.
Robb Davis for Davis City Council
Please join Robb, his family and team for a fundraiser at the Davis Senior Center Valente Room on Thursday, March 13 from 6-8 pm. Come and share in an informal get together for all supporters of Robb’s campaign. Brief remarks by Robb around 7:00 pm.
Also, if you would like to host a coffee for Robb with neighbors and friends in your home please contact Nancy Davis at For further information about Robb’s campaign please visit
–Compiled by Lily Shen
I had the good fortune to meet Judicial Candidate Larenda Delaini on Sunday and I came away very favorably impressed. She was articulate, clearly had a solid understanding of the law and its myriad nuances, but most of all was fully conversant with how the many changes that are happening to the California Penal System are affecting the Courts. It was both impressive and fascinating to listen to Larenda talk with Gloria Pardida about that subject.
Larenda is a Yolo County (Davis) resident, which distinguishes her from two of the other candidates (Rick Cohen and Janene Beronio) who have live in Sacramento. Having our Yolo County Superior Court Judges live in the same community where they preside is a desirable quality.
I encourage everyone to go to the Farmers Market this Saturday and meet Larenda at her booth.
I think it’s odd that you can live outside the county but be elected as a county judge. Are there any other elected offices that work that way?
Most. Famously Tom McClintock did not live in the Congressional seat that he ran for. Same with Garamendi.
One interesting fact about the U.S. House of Representatives: You do not have to have a seat in the House in order to be elected Speaker of the House. It’s never happened; and it never will. But in theory, a majority of the members of the House today could elect me as their Speaker. I would accept; and appoint Julie Crawford as the official volleyball coach of the House of Representatives.
Rifkin for Speaker!!! (is the official launch of your campaign?)
nice photo of robb. so are we really going to end up with four candidates for council?