The filing period for school board has opened and Barbara Archer has become the first to file for the presumed to be open school board seat.
Barbara Archer, longtime community volunteer and PR professional, announced today that she filed candidacy papers yesterday for a four-year term as a trustee for the Davis Joint Unified School District Board of Education in November’s election. According to Yolo County Election office staffers, she was the first to file for this race, a press release stated.
Ms. Archer was recently endorsed by the Davis Teachers Association, and has also been endorsed by Senator Lois Wolk, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor, Mayor Dan Wolk, Davis City Councilmember Lucas Frerichs, Yolo County Public Guardian Cass Sylvia, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, former Yolo County School Board member Davis Campbell and former mayor and Davis Citizen of the Year 2013 Ann Evans.
Ms. Archer is a former PTA President and elected Site Council member at Willett Elementary. She co-chaired the Measure C school parcel tax, which won with a 72.3% of the vote in March 2012.
Last year, she participated in the DJUSD Strategic Planning process by working on the Technology Infrastructure and Facilities action team. She also served as vice president on the board of the Da Vinci Charter Academy Booster Club last school year and on the DJUSD Parcel Tax Oversight Committee from 2011-2013.
Barbara Archer works in public relations her entire career in a variety of industries and currently is a public relations manager for a local farm and produce delivery service.
She is the parent of three children – an incoming tenth grader at Davis High and twins who will start at Emerson as 7th graders. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history at UCLA. She is married to Daniel Segel, a native Davisite.
Two weeks ago, the DTA endorsed four candidates for the fall election. In addition to Barbara Archer, Madhavi Sunder, Alan Fernandes and Mike Nolan were also endorsed.
The Davis Teachers Association in their release stated that they know that “each of the candidates have the relevant experience at the site and district level which will allow them to understand the broad and specific impact of potential district level decisions.”
They add, “Davis educators are confident that each of the candidates value the input of all stakeholders in district decision making and have the temperament to build trust between all the stakeholders who value the exceptional educational opportunities offered by the district. Most importantly, each of the candidates wants to do the work to focus on creating excellent educational experiences for all students. “
The process for endorsement included a committee of educators from across the district, representing a variety of experience from each level of teaching, who spent many hours interviewing prospective candidates, reading applications, and soliciting input from the educators from around the district.
At the end of the process, the committee recommended and the membership voted to approve the endorsement of the four candidates.
The Davis Teachers Association stated that they “will work to aid in supporting the election of these candidates because they are the best candidates to provide effective leadership for the Davis Joint Unified School District.”
—David M. Greenwald reporting
“Ms. Archer was recently endorsed by the Davis Teachers Association, and has also been endorsed by Senator Lois Wolk, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor, Mayor Dan Wolk, Davis City Councilmember Lucas Frerichs, Yolo County Public Guardian Cass Sylvia, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, former Yolo County School Board member Davis Campbell and former mayor and Davis Citizen of the Year 2013 Ann Evans.”
i’m impressed by barbara’s devotion as a volunteer to the school district, but this list of supporters makes me nervous and reluctant to support her
“Ms. Archer was recently endorsed by the Davis Teachers Association, and has also been endorsed by Senator Lois Wolk, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor, Mayor Dan Wolk, Davis City Councilmember Lucas Frerichs, Yolo County Public Guardian Cass Sylvia, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, former Yolo County School Board member Davis Campbell and former mayor and Davis Citizen of the Year 2013 Ann Evans.”
i’m impressed by barbara’s devotion as a volunteer to the school district, but this list of supporters makes me nervous and reluctant to support her
yes, interesting that sometimes the list of endorsements can ‘back fire’ for the candidate!
I am still perplexed by the DTA endorsing before candidates have filed. What if a steller candidate, thought not to be interested, files? Then what DTA?
SODA: I am still perplexed by the DTA endorsing before candidates have filed. What if a steller candidate, thought not to be interested, files? Then what DTA?
We should probably clarify that was Blair Howard of the DTA saying that, not you.
yes, interesting that sometimes the list of endorsements can ‘back fire’ for the candidate!
I am still perplexed by the DTA endorsing before candidates have filed. What if a steller candidate, thought not to be interested, files? Then what DTA?
SODA: I am still perplexed by the DTA endorsing before candidates have filed. What if a steller candidate, thought not to be interested, files? Then what DTA?
We should probably clarify that was Blair Howard of the DTA saying that, not you.