Dear readers, we have been listening to your comments and concerns. In December, we have implemented a number of changes. These include:
- Adding number of views (x,xxx) to the current Date and Comments count line for each article/post;
- Increasing the comment editing time from 5 to 10 minutes;
- Creating a link in the mobile phone display that allows users to quickly navigate to the COMMUNITY EVENTS and LATEST COMMENTS sections; and
- Expanding the SEARCH function beyond searching only the content of articles, to include the content and usernames of all comments.
In January, we are scheduled to add several much requested features. These include:
- Adding an easy way to insert images in comments with an “Image Insert” button;
- Provide the ability for Email subscription of articles and/or comments;
- Improving the functionality and efficiency of the LATEST COMMENTS area by moving the “More Comments” link to the top of the area and reducing the number of comments from 5 to 4; and
- Implementing a user messaging system which will enable you to send private messages between users, while preserving anonymity if you desire it.
Every month we have a set budget that will enable us to implement changes, as well as perform basic site maintenance.
So I would like to ask two things. First, in the comment section, please tell us what you want to see in the upcoming year – features, problems that are still occurring, etc.
Second and again, I want to reiterate, all of these things cost money. A number of our readers make periodic contributions to help us run the Vanguard. In the past month we have been moving to get people to become subscribers.
For as little as $10 a month you can become a subscriber.
So if you haven’t already signed up to become a subscriber – Please donate today by clicking on the link. You can also make a one-time payment starting at $120 to become a subscriber. You can do so either by credit card at the previous link or by mailing a check to Davis Vanguard, PO Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617.
[callout bg=”#000000″ color=”#ffffff” font=”0″ fontsize=”14″ bt_content=”Donate Now” bt_pos=”right” bt_style=”undefined” bt_color=”red” bt_link=”https://secure.yourpatriot.com/ou/dpd/friends_of_the_vanguard/donate.aspx” bt_target=”_blank” bt_font=”0″]If you haven’t already signed up to become a subscriber – Please donate today by clicking on the link. You can also make a one-time payment starting at $120 to become a subscriber. You can do so either by credit card at the previous link or by mailing a check to Davis Vanguard, PO Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617[/callout]
So tell us what you would like to see and we will work to make it happen in 2015.
—David M. Greenwald reporting
David this is great.
Now for my wishes.
1) Search by poster name ( for example, ability to sort “Frankly” from “frankly”
2) Ability to sort comments by time of post or by poster
Enable “Reader View” on iPhone/ios.
“Increasing the comment editing time from 5 to 10 minutes;”
Much needed improvement. Thanks!
Nice list, and maybe one you have mentioned: if someone replies to my comment I can go to that, or get an alert/email like some boards?
Miwok, that would be one of the component features of the Provide the ability for Email subscription of articles and/or comments enhancement.
Where do I find this? I’m not seeing it on my phone (Chrome on Android 4.4.4).
Ability to expand text.