In December, I sat down with the Vanguard Editorial Board and came up with a list of goals for 2015. One of them is to get 22 individuals or groups to commit to writing at least one piece per month or writing a series of articles on topics of interest to both themselves and the Vanguard.
So last night we had a brainstorming section and came up with some lists of topics that we would throw out and see if anyone had an interest in picking up the ball.
We’ll be also soliciting some possible writers directly, but we thought we’d throw this out to the broader community as well. So a few parameters. First, you don’t have to agree with the Vanguard on these issues – in fact, it is better to get a diversity of different viewpoints and different perspectives. Second, we are throwing out these topics, but column topic choices are not limited to these topics. Sometimes it is just better to throw out ideas to start the creative juices flowing.
Third, it doesn’t have to be a monthly column. Some people like to write more, others might want to write only a piece or two and not have the pressure of creating a topic every month.
Topics to consider include:
Mental Health Services
City-County Relations
Land Use
Health Services
Innovation Park Tax Sharing
Bicycling including issues surrounding:
Fifth Street
B St
Covell/ Dutch Planning
Food Justice
DWR Contract/ County Waste
Cal Recycle
Zero Waste
Energy – POU, CCA
UC Davis
Schools/ DJUSD
Child Obesity/ Nutrition
Low Income Children
Anyone interested in writing a column or who has more question please email here.
David, I’ll write something once I find some space.
I tried to reply by the email, but would not work for me. I would like to write, and am going to submit some of my pieces for you to review to see whether I would qualify. Many of my works are on thestandandfightclubinc.com and my book Justice My Ass was published a few years ago; I am working on several more all at one time: War on Rural America; Justice My Ass:Reprise; Kryptonite of Federal Agencies: Coordination with local governments; and Americans Who Tried.
I will send some articles tomorrow.
I am now working on protecting truckers and local communities from the harsh regulatory policies of the California Air Quality Board—-and EPA—I imagine that my position on this and other federal and state regulatory policies that harm local economies is contrary to that of your board. Nevertheless, California faces a huge problem, along with the rest of the nation if local businesses go under, leaving the economy to super-size national companies with no competition.
I also am interested in exploring the Yolo County criminal justice process—-as an old prosecutor and defense attorney, I am cautious in believing that “justice” is the mission.