In Sunday’s Commentary, (Sunday Commentary II: Council Future May Depend on What Dan Wolk Decides to Do ), we wrote: “Mr. Wolk, as you will recall, in 2012 was the top vote getter in the city of Davis, becoming the first candidate to sweep every precinct in the city. ” While it is true that Mr. Wolk swept all of the precincts, finishing first, it was pointed out by a reader that he may not be the first to do so. In the pre-World War II days, several candidates received 100 percent of the vote including Anderson and Nickerson in 1928, Covell in 1930 and again in 1938 and 1942. While I have not seen precinct level data, it seems likely that some of those early candidates won every precinct, although whether they won them outright is unclear.
Yet in the race for Assembly in 2014 who won Davis?