Last night we had 40 to 50 people at our open house in the new Pollinate Co-working space. People were blown away by the facilities and we are really exciting about this new phase that will put the Vanguard even more into the public realm.
Though not billed as a fundraiser, we raised enough money from donors to fund the next two months of rent.
But as an ongoing matter, we continue to need to improve our own revenue. The Vanguard provides critical reporting and analysis of local issues that are critical to the community. We have seen the importance of our presence in recent weeks and expect that only to grow.
What we need is to increase our subscriber base to be able to continue to meet our needs. That means we need at least $350 more per month to meet our new obligations. All we are asking for is 35 people who can pay $10 a month in recurring donations to help us do this.
It’s simple and for many people $10 a month is less than the cost of lunch one time.
So can you step up and help us today?
Please go to: https://secure.yourpatriot.com/ou/dpd/friends_of_the_vanguard/donate.aspx
And make sure to hit the recurring options at the bottom.
Thanks and thanks so much to all who have attended and donated recently.
Congrats on the big move!
The entrepreneurism your enterprise has shown in growing to this milestone is a model for the rest of the community.
Innovations in NGOs are not fully appreciated in our society. People say Davis does not know how to innovate, but I disagree… Davis shines compared to many affluent communities that sociologists call “social capital deserts”.
It seem to me this is a value-corruption filtering down from the dominant culture which more highly values enterprises driven by profit motive than those driven by good works. (see Ayn Rand comments disparaging volunteerism).
There is a sense that anything not for profit or governmental is a drag on the economy—and not an integral part of our American life (see de Tocqueville).
Congratulations, David, on the beautiful new office space!
Really a cool place on multiple levels: private door, V logo, great view off the common balcony over downtown, joint meeting space, central location.
Enjoyed the open house and meeting more community members.
— Alan (also)
PS. Perhaps Alan Shor would like to comment as well.
PPS. Thanks for revealing the identities of all the anonymous posters on the Vanguard.
Good, now you can stop complaining about it.
Whatever you say, Sue Greenwald!
LMAO, funny but Sue was much more liberal than me although I often agreed with her when it came to her fiscal and growth stances.