The letter reads like a national form letter that does not specifically reference Davis Police activities. And, while controversies have struck elsewhere, the community and the Davis Police have worked well together to avoid these kinds of national controversies.
However, the recent fundraising letter from the Davis Police Officers’ Association (DPOA), and its current president Mike Munoz, attempts to capitalize on the national climate, playing up the “war on cops” mantra to raise money locally for the DPOA.
Officer Munoz writes, “Today as I ask for your continued support of our community mission, we are mindful of the unprecedented wave of violence against our fellow officers in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York and especially the execution murder of a Texas Sheriff’s deputy. Combined with the double punch of California’s AB 109 (early release of some prisoners) and Prop 47 (making most property crimes, theft and non-violent drug crimes a misdemeanor) your future support is more critical than ever.”
The letter comes to light at the same time the Davis City Council voted to approve a 3 percent COLA (Cost-of-Living Adjustment) to the DPOA, among other bargaining units, in part because the DPOA has played ball and accepted concessions in the past. It comes at a time when the council may be looking at ways to add patrol officers and to make the department positions more attractive to new recruits.
It also comes at a time when many have been working with the Davis Police on ways to make the Davis Downtown safer for residents to enjoy the late night scene, as well coming on the heels of an agreement for an alternative conflict resolution process (ACR) and a discussion on the implementation of police body cameras.
Officer Munoz continues, “Knowing we are not alone and supported by you makes all the difference to us and our families. As the holidays are approaching, we are thankful for holding us up in your generosity.”
The letter continues, “Your contributions to the DPOA support our police officers and families of fallen officers, and are invested back into the community through our sponsorship of local programs. Donations are solely used to support the DPOA; this program is NOT political in nature.”
Of course, to our knowledge, there are no fallen officers locally and, while the programs may not be political in nature, the pitch certainly is.
Officer Munoz concludes, “Your solidarity with the men and women dedicated to protecting our city send an encouraging message to our youth and shouts a louder message to those criminals who might think no one cares. We know you do!”
—David M. Greenwald reporting
So far, 2015 is on pace to see the second lowest number of murdered cops in decades. But the FBI and other LEOS cry, “War on Police.”
31 black people were killed by police in April, one every 23 hours. 14 were unarmed.
everyone is alarmed by the terrorist attack – far more people have died at the hands of police this year than by terrorists.
I am surprised by this letter from the DPOA on several counts. First, none of the statistics about police use of excessive force and the surrounding protests seem to be represented in the Davis community. I would have much preferred and been more moved by a letter that focused on the strong relations that have been achieved by the efforts both on the side of the police and the side of community members to work together. I find this focus on events in other cities to be incongruous especially in view of the well earned accolades received by Chief Black as he retires. The Davis police, both as individuals and as a unit led by outgoing Chief Black and incoming Chief Pytel have done an excellent job in forging strong community relations following a period of disarray and it would seem that this should be cause for celebration, not the seeking of support that already exists based on conditions that we do not share.
Agree, I see only negative value in sending the letter. The sender(s) appear tone deaf, especially in light of last nights non-discussion.
“Of course to our knowledge, there are no fallen officers locally and while the programs may not be political in nature, the pitch certainly is.”
What about Tony Diaz and Andy Stevens. Is outside the city limit too far? How soon we forget.
Having said that I threw my letter in the trash without opening it as I do with most solicitations. A more interesting question is who are these donations benefitting? I believe families of officers who die in the line of duty are treated well financially by the state. There maybe a specific case where a relative is in trouble financially but the need for a direct mail campaign for the families of fallen officers seems like a stretch. I think there is a way to get financial information on this organization as to how much of the money actually is spent on overhead but don’t know how to go about it.
It is a national form letter. I live in another town and it is EXACTLY the same letter that I received.
interesting. i don’t even think they got the name right of the current poa rep, i wonder if the letter was even locally authorized.
Are you at liberty to name the town where this same letter was also received?
Suisun City
Thank you for sharing that piece of information. It at least confirms that someone on the local level does not equate Davis and our police relations with what is going on in some other cities.
“Knowing we are not alone and supported by you…”
What terrible grammar for such a widely distributed document. Sounds as if they’re happy to be “not supported” as well as “not alone.”
I received one of those letters.