We have ten days left in the year. On the whole this has been a very successful year for the Vanguard. Readership has been going up five to ten percent each month. We have broken key stories and raised issues that would have gone unreported but for our work.
However the biggest strides have taken place organizationally. We have moved into a new and more visible office. We have hired two part-time reporters. We have revamped the court watch program in ways that will pay huge dividends going forward. We are in the process of launching speaker/ panel discussions in both city issues and court watch issues on a monthly basis.
With these successes come new challenges. Costs are going up and that means that we need our readers to step up and help. And they have!
Right now, we have a matching donation that will when fully enabled bring us $300 addional dollars in recurring revenue on a monthly basis. That doesn’t solve our problem. Right now our goal is to add 150 subscribers on a monthly basis on a $10 a month basis. But if we get our full match, we will have added the equivalent of 30 of them or 20% of what we need.
But we have to get those last eight and that’s where you can help. If you are not a subscriber, please subscribe at $10 a month or more. If you already subscribe, but can afford an extra $5 or $10 – please step up today. We are building this organization $10 a time. Please help us today. Remember every $10 you give, the Vanguard gets $15. This month only.
To subscribe please read the following:
The easiest way to do this is through our PayPal system.
Click here from your laptop or desktop to make a recurring contribution: LINK
There is a catch – they must be recurring contributions only.
While we greatly appreciate a $120 contribution, it will not be matched by Dr. Will if it is not recurring.
We have received feedback since we have gone to PayPal only. First, you do not need to have a PayPal account in order to make a recurring contribution.
However, if you still prefer other means, you may set up a recurring bill payment through your bank. You can arrange it so that every month your bank will send the Vanguard a check.
Please send all checks to Davis Vanguard, P.O. Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617.
If you still aren’t sure, call me and I’ll set you up: 530-400-2512
Thanks for your help – time is limited on this great offer, so please act today. Thank you!