The 22nd annual City of Davis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration will take place on Monday, January 18, 2016, at 10:30 a.m. in the Varsity Theatre, 616 Second Street. The event is free and community members are encouraged to attend. The focus of this year’s event will be “Black Lives Matter – The Movement Continues” and will feature presentations and music to help commemorate the life and accomplishments of Dr. King for civil rights, peace and nonviolence. Held each year, this event recognizes the importance of Dr. King’s contributions. Mayor Wolk states, “I look forward to this tradition of our community coming together to promote mutual respect, understanding and tolerance among all persons.”
The keynote address will be presented by Natasha Minsker, who is the Director for the ACLU of California Center for Advocacy & Policy. The center is responsible for advancing the ACLU’s civil liberties and civil rights policy goals in the State Capitol.
In addition to Ms. Minsker’s keynote address, attendees will be treated to storytelling by Gloria Jones, music from vocalist James Williams, poetry from Vanar Sena Pathshala and entertainment by well-known local musician Dick Holdstock and the Davis Freedom Singers. The singers will present several classic peace and freedom songs before leading attendees in a symbolic “Freedom March” through downtown Davis. The program is slated to last one hour, with the Freedom March following directly after. In a new feature this year, the march will end in the E Street Plaza where participants can enjoy music and community fellowship.
Organizations with a focus on celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., and continuing the Black Lives Matter Movement, who are interested in tabling and sharing information, should contact Carrie Dyer at the City of Davis at 530-757-5602.
The program is presented by the Davis Human Relations Commission and the City of Davis. The program will be recorded by Davis Media Access for later viewing.