The Davis Vanguard invites the public to a Measure “A” debate on Wednesday, May 11th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the conference room at University Park Inn, located at 1111 Richards Blvd. in Davis.
The proposed Nishi Development is on the June 7, 2016 ballot.
“The Vanguard wants the public to be educated on issues that affect our community and have a chance to ask questions. This is a perfect opportunity for that and we invite the public, including students, staff and faculty,” said David Greenwald, Executive Director of the Davis Vanguard.
Representing the Yes on Measure A side is Tim Ruff.
Representing the No on Measure A side are Alan Pryor and Bob Milbrodt.
The public will have an opportunity to have their questions answered at the end of the debate.
You should use a neutral venue.
And that conference room is too small.
Yes the Monday morning quarterback – eh Mike?
Will it be video taped or televised?
There are several YES ON A signs waiving around the front of that venue.
I think it’s inappropriate for a so-called neutral forum.
The Blanchard Room would have been a much better venue, at the Public Library.
I checked the Blanchard room for that night. It was taken.
“I think it’s inappropriate for a so-called neutral forum.”
Do you really believe that a couple of signs are going to significantly sway the opinion of anyone who may be undecided ? If, you are not concerned about this, please specify exactly what you find “inappropriate” ?
Since all the “no” people are no-growth people that want to keep davis small and compressed; none of them have any property with enough space to provide the venue. Now isn’t that funny?
No, nor is it ironic nor amusing.
Ok… I’ll ask the stupid question… would having the signs “bagged”, or removed that day solve the issue of ‘neutrality’?
Or, alternatively, could the same # of “No” signs be posted that day? [Yeah, second stupid question]
I’ll put up a bunch of NO signs in the drive leading up to the venue. David, please ask Patel to allow both sides up …
take good notes for me….and please share all on the DV…….I will be otherwise engaged with my many other work and life causes…. thank you
Should be a good forum tonight… I for one support the R&D spaces to be created by the Nishi Gateway project. We are in desperate need of spaces to support startups, entrepreneurs and researchers.
Some examples of facilities that would benefit UC Davis research and could be built at the Nishi Gateway Innovation Center include:
The Cove at UC Irvine – http://innovation.uci.edu/cove.html
The Invention Studio at Georgia Tech – http://inventionstudio.gatech.edu/
The Center for Innovation and Creativity at University of Colorado, Boulder – http://www.colorado.edu/rps/node/85
The Energy Innovation Center at University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources – http://www.uwyo.edu/ser/building/exterior.html