Hello readers –
We have rolled out the ignore feature. The hope was to run it as a one month pilot. It got implemented midday on Tuesday. Uptown warned us it was an older plug-in but seemed to be straightforward. However, there seems to be some difficulty in un-ignoring people. So we’ll look into it. Also in order to use the function and in order for you to be able to ignore comments, you must be logged in. More on this when additional information becomes available.
Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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Glad you guys don’t design aircraft.
“there seems to be some difficulty in un-ignoring people. ”
If you call impossibility,”some difficulty”, yes!
Are you going to publish a topline report showing who was “ignored” most often?
It only ignores commenters when you are logged in. If people still want to see what people are saying, they can log out and read the comments.
That is helpful… assuming you’ve tested it, and I have no reason to believe otherwise…
Still doesn’t answer the questions of: [directed to David and the ‘board’]
Is it “universal”? Does it ‘filter’ all comments by a given poster, no matter what subject? (when one is logged in, per Ryan)
Is it topic specific (yeah, nuanced overlap to previous question)?
David has addressed the possibility (or lack thereof) the “re-do” component… we need to wait on that analysis…
Despite some folk disparaging it, am open to it, even if that means I’m ‘ignored’ by all…
Yet, even some “stopped clocks are right twice a day”… and Ryan has indicated that if someone tells an untruth, there is a way to detect that, and respond if they are so inclined… it [untruth] can be seen, even if not logged in…
David… please keep us posted, in a ‘headline’ way, what the “new normal” is…
It would be helpful to have some instructions on how to use the feature including how to get a list of users that are on “ignore” and how to un-ignore.
This is an interesting feature. Quick question… I saw the “ignore commenter” link. If someone accidentally hits that, does another dialogue popup to ensure that the person wants to take the action. Just thinking that it could easily be hit by accident. Being able to undo the action might be important.
hmmm… just tried it, and if you don’t act quickly, the person ends up in the “bit bucket”… only saw a way to “confirm”, not one to “cancel” … thought it was safe to try, and now Bill H is lost to me… a truly unintended consequence…
I definitely want an “un-do”, or similar option…
And if you hit the choice “dismiss”, same result…
The Queen song “Another one bites the dust” came to mind…
Why the people are so naive and believing David Greenwald that his ” ignore “future button is some kind pilot program. ?This is same or similar future as the blocker for the unwanted calls or blocker for junk e-mails or no -rep Nice try David . I don’t care much about it but lying to DV’s “Die Hard “supporters is stupid and disrespectful . ,”What goes around comes around”
Jerry, I haven’t been on the Vanguard Editorial Board for almost two years, but my prior experience with how the capabilities of the Vanguard software are considered, then implemented, then evaluated has consistently been one of a constant focus on making the readers’ experience as productive as possible. I can’t imagine why the Vanguard’s approach to the “ignore” capability would be any different.
I also have over a decade of personal experience with the ignore feature on another message board based in Philadelphia. The small proportion of the posters there who actively use the capability almost universally use it to avoid the posts of trolls. As I look at the Vanguard I don’t see very many (if any) trolls. Because the topics here are essentially politics and religion, there is plenty of disagreement, but on issues, and that leads to some labeling of individual posters as “trolls” but one person’s troll is another person’s freedom fighter.
With the above said, what is it about the Vanguard’s ignore feature that has you so afraid?
Matt Williams
I am not afraid of anything and like to respond to some posts but I can’t because DavisVanguard owner is promoter of the welfare state and he does not like to be interrupted when he and his comrades sing the song on the DavisVanguard . ” “ So comrades come rally. For this is the time and place. The international ideal. Unites the human race. Let no one build walls to divide”
I spent time in communist prison because I did not like this song which is a symbol of destruction and death of 80,000,000 people killed by the communism and communists oppressors.
Interesting… if one accidentally “ignores” one’s self? Something about a tree falling in the woods… would it make a sound?
Concept seems good… “the devil is in the details”…
Glad to know that my posts are so spell-binding that no one here would ever hit “ignore”!
David, if I hit “ignore” for a poster, does that poster know that I blocked him out?
Michael, the answer is no, ryankelly will never know for sure.
I like Ryan but I don’t know where his malice comes from
Somewhere missing from the program is a “Show ignored content” button. Once the content is restored, you should be able to click on the ignored members icon and then “un-ignore!” the offensive member if so desired.
I do not understand the basis for your claim that this is anything other than a pilot program. For something to be a “lie” something else must be the truth. Having been at the editorial board meeting at which a trial program was discussed, where I do not believe that you were present, I am wondering where you got this idea. I am also wondering what the “truth” is that you believe David has lied about. Can you clarify ?
Not in an intelligible fashion, I’m betting. If you haven’t already, Google Jerry and read some of his other rants. A very put upon person.
“I spent time in communist prison because I did not like this song”
Was that the actual charge, Jerry? I somehow imagine it had more to do with your expression of that dislike.
Seriously? A day has gone by and no answers to how to un-ignore? I just went to respond, and when I logged in to do so, the person I was going to respond to disappeared because I accidentally ignored them two days ago and have no way to put them back in. Yeah, this is working swimmingly.
Communist plot . But this is nothing in comparison what Stalinists from the Dems party like Feinstein , Blum , Napolitano and Haag did to Senator Leland Yee because he misunderstood how Feinstein, Blum and Napolitano interpret corruption and stealing and he did not click on the the “ignore button .” The mistake cost him 5 years in federal prison .
I have a call into the web developer
To disrupt the communist plot?
See what you think now
Can we now un-ignore someone?
You should be able to.
“We have added the ‘admin bar’ to the top of the page for all logged in users and then had to make it so all subscribers could access their profile in the WordPress backend. Once back there, each user will see the parts of the Dashboard they are allowed to access. All users can access the section called ‘Ignore Comments’. Once in this section each user will see all the users they have blocked from seeing their comments and can choose to restore any user they previously blocked. “
Fixing ignore button will not fix the problem more of more than 50, 000,000 million people living on food stamps under the poverty line without hope . Maybe “ignore ” button never should be fixed . Democrats and Republicans should fix the problem instead of fixing “ignore buttons” . Ignore buttons should be eliminated entirely.
It’s not supposed to fix anything other than site operation
Seems to be working as you described.
“Yeah, this is working swimmingly.”
Well, it is certainly one way to identify and hopefully work out the bugs.
Now after ignore future was fixed and nobody will be ignored than the DV Politburo should make wise decision and give DV founder David Greenwald pay raise with help of participants in DV forum every month.
The communist plot orchestrated by DV’s Poliburo was neutralized . Thanks David
Dashboard tells me I don’t have permissions for anything.
The communist plotters banned you forever . You have to file appeal .
What would I find in your Esbecja file, Jerry?
Trained by KGB and 4th Department of RSHA
On the left hand side under where it says “profile” it says “Ignore Comments” But of course you can’t see this post.
Apparently you have too high an opinion of your gravitas. Thanks for the tip.
LOL Quielo, I love your sarcasm.
Not shared by everyone.
They have no sense of humor.
Ok… am probably a ‘dinosaur’, but as I looked for a ‘dashbord’ on this site, got this…
Any asssistance would be appreciated…
A “‘dashboard’ for dummies” would be helpful…
look on the left side. If you see that message the “Profile” option should be blue.
Below that you will see ignore comments
Quielo… thank you for the assist… had to drill down further to see it, yet, [for VG staff] had to drill down past another message,
But, looks like I’m “good to go” at this point, but haven’t tested the resets…
Again, thank you, quielo… I owe you one…
now this one I just couldn’t help it….of course anyone who spends the amount of time here as AM< TW and HP and so on….and who is not retired ore not an exec who works 24/7 and never sleeps,
all of you are of course ” dummies”…and as I keep telling David that the the DV needs way better tech help and I was not volunteering…. and now that I am in a truly wayyyy better place, you will only see me here when I am bored and want to cause some trouble…have fun y’all..
PS> At my lovely new residence just the other night, I met two really fab gay guys – one is white and on his third marriage, the first was 12 years to a woman, the second was some years to a guy and now this last to a guy, who is an exec at Texas A&M, black and fully out…both of them are out and run, in addition to their day jobs, nonprofits and such promoting the gay agenda…or rather compassion and understanding and equal rights…
and guess what the two of them are from TX and they were both Trump supporters….now I hadn’t met a soul prior to them who was gay and a Trump supporter and I have many many friends who are gay…….and they know many many folks who used to work in Phoenix and later at A&M…there was a lady named Karen who left Davis and was at A&M….they both have worked with the Napolitano and boy did they share some fascinating stories…and they were so happy to share with me…but heck, even I know when I better keep my mouth shut on a open list.. I share with Jerry though…as a fellow Slav he and I “get” each other….
that is also why he and I “get ” the Donald…a fellow SLAV and we are not afraid to speak out and share what we come across…and that is also how one pulls a string and finds out wtf is really happening….cya
OK, took a bit of F-ing around with it, but I figured out how to un-ignore.
Thanks for sharing that, care to let us know how (in case I decide I want to read a post from Grok some day)…
“in case I decide I want to read a post from Grok some day”
Just blew my espresso across the table. ;>)/
jeez and my other post was not allowed….really cannot anyone ever take a joke….and I didn’t even use the initials DS…when I was joking about the many dummies who have alphabet soup behind their names and hang here 24/7, right?
or was I getting a little too personal on a few of the topics…who knows, right? enjoy this gorgeous gorgeous day …at least that is what it is like on the Bay of Banderas…heading now to meet fisherman at the beach who keeps me well stocked in fresh lobster and fish…and for cheaper than a anything on the dollar menu in the country that keeps trying to kill ya..
There is this old book from the 70s called Fast Food Nation…if you haven’t got a copy, or it has been some decades, it is a must read, if you care about living healthy and not dying wayyyyy to young….in the way worse and much more toxic environment north of this border…
and I am tired of fixing typos and wordos…I am retired after all, right? if you cannot figure out what I am saying, I would give lumosity a try…but first get some real clean water and some food from living soil…..hard to find in many places now in the USA grocery stores, right? and UCD has played a huge role in that ..
if ya want to live a long and healthy life…do the opposite of what the AMA and ADA and other alphabet soup pimps propose….follow the money and learn the truth…
oh well.