By Gloria Ho
On August 30, 2016, a fatal stabbing in Woodland left a man, Ronald Antonio, 41, dead. Six co-defendants, who had been indicted by the Yolo County Grand Jury on October 20, 2016, are charged with murder and gang enhancements after stabbing and killing the victim at the Casa del Sol mobile home park.
Malinda Joy Collins, 35; Justin Matthew Gonzalez, 22; Alexis Ivan Velazquez, 18; Cynthia Maria Tello, 23; Vanessa Lynette Ramos, 22; and Ruby Morningfeather Aradoz, 25, are all charged with felony criminal street gang activity. According to the Grand Jury indictment, Collins, Gonzalez, and Velazquez were also charged with first-degree murder, with Velazquez and Gonzalez getting a count enhancement for using the murder weapon. Tello and Ramos have additional charges of being an accessory to a felony. Gonzalez and Velazquez are also charged with enhancements of having committed previous felonies, although Velazquez’s were dismissed.
All six co-defendants have pleaded not guilty to the stabbing and killing that occurred around 10:30pm at the Casa del Sol mobile home park off East Street on August 30, 2016. They are now being held in Yolo County Jail without bail.
On the morning of January 27, 2017, Judge Daniel P. Maguire presided over the early disposition conference (EDC) of the co-defendants in Department 10. Deputy District Attorney Michael Vroman is representing the People in this felony case.
Currently, Ms. Collins is represented by Defense Attorney J. Robert Spangler; Mr. Gonzalez by Defense Attorney James M. Granucci; Mr. Velazquez by Defense Attorney Roberto Marquez; Ms. Tello by Deputy Public Defender Ron Johnson; Ms. Ramos by Defense Attorney J. Toney; and Ms. Aradoz by Defense Attorney Jeffrey Raven.
Although the Grand Jury action on October 20, 2016, saved time, being quicker than having an overlong preliminary hearing, there is still much delay because of having many defendants and attorneys. Additionally, more postponements are happening due to representation issues because, as the case goes further along, most of the defendants are no longer financially able to afford their private criminal defense attorneys.
Deputy DA Vroman asked the court not to move the trial date because of representation concerns. However, the defense requested more time. All of the defense attorneys are each planning to file a 995 motion, a motion per Penal Code section 995 to set aside the whole or parts of the information, and Mr. Granucci said he needs more time to review the discovery material before the next hearing. Mr. Granucci had just taken on Gonzalez’s case and has not yet had enough time to review the discovery material or the indictment transcript.
Mr. Toney correspondingly said that the 995 motion might solve Ms. Ramos’ case, thus simplifying the overall case.
Judge Maguire conclusively allowed the defense more time when Mr. Granucci stated that he was no longer sure if he could represent Mr. Gonzalez without additional time to go over the case. The court granted the defense extra time, as Judge Maguire didn’t want to prolong the proceedings any more than necessary, which would happen if other defense counsel were to be appointed to Mr. Gonzalez. Judge Maguire recommended maintaining all attorneys on the case.
However, Judge Maguire said that the 995 motion needed to be filed by 2:30pm on January 31, 2017, and the 995 motion hearing date will be set for February 24, 2017.
Deputy PD Johnson subsequently requested for Ms. Tello to be released on supervised OR. He argued that she has two children that need taking care of, and also faces untreated health issues in the Yolo County Jail. Mr. Johnson also stated that the defendant did not have any relation to the gang. He explained to the court that she lied to the police officers about the individuals not being in the mobile home, out of fear.
Yolo County Detention Officer Martin Munoz was present in the courtroom and told Judge Maguire that probation found Ms. Tello to be at “moderate risk” and supervised OR did not want to take her in. Deputy PD Johnson maintained that she would be on probation anyway if she were charged.
Judge Maguire denied the motion after reiterating Officer Munoz’s statement to the court and specified that Ms. Tello’s false statement to the officers had initially led the police off track in their search for the defendants.
“How likely is it to get a good decision on the trial date?” Judge Maguire continued, after denying Ms. Tello’s release to supervised OR.
The defense then had a short discussion about schedule conflicts and attorneys’ availabilities, but decided to keep the trial date as recommended by the judge.
Judge Maguire accordingly found good cause to keep the trial date of June 19, 2017.
“Anything further?” Judge Maguire inquired.
“No, thank you, Judge.” Mr. Marquez responded as the EDC came to an end.
The PC 995 hearing will be heard at 1:30pm on Friday, February 24, 2017, in Department 10 with Judge Maguire presiding.