It is the beginning of a new year and once again the Vanguard is trying to add new voices to the mix. Last year, the Vanguard had more articles than ever before and more guest submissions than ever before.
But last year was an election year which generated a lot of traffic and interest. This year, we want to reach out to our readers for regular reader-submitted pieces.
Two years ago we reached out to community members to get some monthly columnists to discuss topics of interest.
We are now renewing that call.
Topics to consider include:
Mental Health Services
City-County Relations
Land Use
Health Services
Downtown Parking
Food Justice
The Environment
Zero Waste
UC Davis
Schools/ DJUSD
Child Obesity/ Nutrition
Low Income Children
Social Justice
In addition to a general call, we have compiled a long list of public members to seek out as well.
These are just a few issues – but we are wide open and you don’t have to agree with the Vanguard on anything to be a writer.
Anyone interested should contact me.
Jerry.. they are calling your name
Highbeam’s head would explode.
Think that Highbeam only edits David’s work… not the interns’, not guest writers… I may be incorrect …
Actually, she probably spends most of her time editing the interns work.
Good to know… does HB review articles posted by guests? Thx…
Sometimes – if there’s a glaring typo especially.
Do you like to be my editor or proof -reader?
nada.. I don’t even have time to fix my own. . haha
That what I thought . I will ask Howard . He is always complaining about my awkward English but he a nice guy and good Samaritan than maybe he will be helpful.
I’m sure Biddlin would be glad to help.
Never know.