The Vanguard is run as bare bones as it can be run and frankly more bare bones than it should be run as I get almost no compensation for hundreds of hours of work.
I believe I have a two-fold plan in the medium turn to make the Vanguard viable, but in the short term we are way short of what we need.
Part One
In March we launched a subscription drive that has yielded 29 new subscribers – a good start but ultimately not nearly enough. We need to add about 100 in the short term. In the long term about 1000.
I need your help if the Vanguard is going to continue to be a vital source of news, commentary, and public dialogue in Davis, Yolo County and the Sacramento Region.
The Vanguard has become very big and very successful and I’m proud of what we have accomplished over the last decade. However, with that success comes needs for physical space, staffing, and resources – and right now we are spread very thin and I find myself spending huge amounts of time raising money and ending up falling short.
I think I have a solution to this and that is – our subscription policy. We are asking for $10 a month. That is not much and many people have stepped up to donate more, but my ask is for $10 a month.
Can you do that?
In these times we need reliable and independent local news that you can count on. Since 2006, the Vanguard has helped to fill a void in local coverage.
To sweeten the offer, each monthly donor receives our Premium Morning Newsletter with our exclusive opening thoughts feature. This ranges from additional commentaries, behind the scenes looks at stories, added thoughts, and sneak previews on coming stories or issues.
$10 – that’s what can help keep the Vanguard going and allow me to focus on the work that I started this to do – deep, hard hitting, investigative reporting.
To become a subscriber click here: https://davisvanguard.org/2017/04/subscriber/
And yes, you can send a check for a year’s subscription to: Davis Vanguard, PO Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617
Thanks – we appreciate your help but now is when we need it most.
Part Two – Monthly Conclaves
We have set up low key fundraisers – we are holding them at Sophia’s Thai Kitchen (129 E St) each fourth Wednesday of the month. We have no charge for the event but hope people can contribute what they can (suggested sliding scale at $15 to $50).
First event is April 26, a week from Wednesday at 6 pm.
Vanguard Monthly Conclave: What Should Davis Do About Commercial Cannabis
Last fall Davis voters approved Prop 64 with over 70 percent of the vote. The Measure allows for California residents over the age of 21 to legally possess up to an ounce of cannabis. However, it allows for jurisdictions to regulate or prohibit commercial cannabis businesses, regulate or prohibit outdoor marijuana cultivation, and regulate indoor cannabis cultivation.
The issue of commercial cannabis will come down to local city council ordinances.
On Wednesday, April 26 from 6 to 7:30, the Davis Vanguard will host its first monthly mixer in which the issue of the future of commercial cannabis will be discussed from several different perspectives.
Eric Gudz, Chair, Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Michelle Hines, Pediatric Resident at UC Davis
Sukh Sidhu, Silk Road, a vertically integrated ag company centered on innovation
Event will be held at Sophia’s Thai Kitchen, 129 E St, Davis
No charge for the event but suggested donation of $15 to $50
A percentage of the proceeds from food and drinks will go to the Davis Vanguard
Bottom line: we are hoping these events will ease our monthly funding crunch, but right now we are deep behind the eight-ball (and I mean deep) and if you are able to help – please donate today.