Burglary Trial Resumes with No End in Sight

By Novpreet Shoker

The case against Joseph Hernandez, Rakhem Bradford, and Joshua Givens will reconvene throughout the summer. Judge David W. Reed and the jury sitting in on the trial watched as the prosecution called in several more witnesses to testify about the burglaries that occurred in 2013.

Prosecution called the first witness of the afternoon in, another former student that attended UC Davis in 2013. The witness resided at 831 Anderson Road in Davis. The majority of her testimony included what items were stolen from her and when they were stolen.

When asked what items were taken, the witness answered that her Canon camera, MacBook Pro, North Face backpack, and running shoes were taken.

After summarizing the incident on a poster board, the People asked the witness if she knew any of the defendants in the case. The witness answered no.

During cross-examination, Ava Landers, defense attorney for Mr. Bradford, asked the witness if there was anything that allowed those items to be personally identifiable to her. The witness replied no. Ms. Landers also asked if any of the property was retrieved, to which the witness answered no.

The defense counsel for Joseph Hernandez then asked where her MacBook Pro and her Canon camera were located the day they were taken. The witness explained that her laptop was resting on the countertop of her kitchen island, and that her camera was on her bedroom floor next to her nightstand.

The witness was then excused.

The second witness called by the People was also a former UC Davis student. He testified that he had bought a Physics 9A textbook for himself using his girlfriend’s Amazon Prime account. The witness then explained that he lent the book to his roommate at a later time, somewhere in 2013. This textbook was later stolen from the roommate’s home.

During cross-examination, James Granucci, defense attorney for Mr. Givens, asked if the witness was sure that the textbook was his. The witness answered that there was still the receipt inside the textbook so yes he was. He was also asked when he lent his textbook to his roommate. The witness answered around 2013.

The prosecution had no redirect and so the witness was excused.

The next witness called was the second witness’ girlfriend, the owner of the Amazon Prime account. She was asked about the textbook, its purchase, and if it was lent to her boyfriend’s roommate. The witness essentially reaffirmed the story around this textbook.

Judge Reed dismissed the witness after all defense counsel opted out of cross-examination.

The last witness of the day was a victim of another burglary, on 1112 Chestnut Lane in Davis, in addition to a victim from that address who testified a few days ago. In the fall of 2013, the witness’ iPod nano, computer monitor, racing bike, and prescription painkillers were all stolen. He explained that he returned from winter break, a former UC Davis student as well, to find his room had been ransacked and some of his personal property was taken.

The witness explained that his iPod and medicine were found. He was also asked how much his racing bike was valued at, and he estimated $5,000.

The prosecution then asked the witness if he recognized any of the defendants in this case, to which the witness answered no.

During cross-examination by Ms. Landers, the witness also explained that he was prescribed hydrocodone because he had just had his wisdom teeth removed.

Judge Reed then called for an end to the day, and the jury was dismissed. The trial will reconvene Tuesday morning.

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