By Davis Muslim Hands
Davis Muslim Hands publicly states that we strongly repudiate the hurtful and inexcusable anti-Semitic words that were delivered July 21 in the sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis. Our hearts go out to the Jewish community here and worldwide for the deep pain this sermon has caused you, your family, and your friends. We can only imagine how terrifying it must feel for a community that faced genocide to hear such vitriolic and dangerous words.
Brothers and sisters of the Jewish community of Davis and beyond, as soon as this distressing crisis broke out a week ago, many Jewish and Muslim community leaders actively came together to work behind the scenes to contain and correct the situation, and restore peace and harmony to our precious hometown. We are grateful that their diligent efforts bore fruit last Friday July 28 with the public and unequivocal apology of the Imam of the Islamic Center of Davis. We are even more grateful that Davis and Sacramento Jewish community leaders have accepted his apology as a first step, to be followed by actions in the weeks and months to come.
We are truly blessed to live in Davis where we have amazing community organizations like the Celebration of Abraham and the Phoenix Coalition, as well as political leaders who promote understanding and peaceful co-existence. When the Islamic Center of Davis was vandalized, you were all there to support the Center. In light of that support, to say that we have been ashamed and disgraced by this sad crisis is an understatement.
These past several days have been dark, but let us use this as a pivotal moment to be a shining beacon to the world, such that when anti-Semitic or other violent words or actions occur, we do not stay silent, but rather speak up and stand for what is right, correct what is wrong, and reach out to each other to heal and strengthen the solid unity of our beloved Davis and its beautiful citizens.
Davis Muslim Hands is an independent organization of Muslims in Davis. This is a letter “regarding the anti-Semitic hate speech from the imam of Davis Islamic Center last week, and our community’s apology and compassion for the Jewish community. He has made a public apology. His apology was accepted by the president of the Rabbis Council of the greater Sacramento area.”
Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether this “group”is 20 people, 200 people, or just 2 people?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether the number of people in Davis who — when angered — would call for the extermination of the entirety of the Jewish people — is 20 people, 200 people, or just 2 people?
I wonder the number of people in Davis even aware of what happened with the Mosque in Jerusalem that triggered the sermon.
Which side?
You mean the three Muslim terrorists who gunned down two Isreali police officers in cold blood?