The Vanguard is non-profit but as we have grown in our operations, our operating budget has grown as well. We now have staff costs, insurance, office space, and website and equipment costs on a monthly basis. In order to meet our ongoing costs, we have increasingly relied on people to give ongoing monthly subscriptions – $10 or more a month.
Everyone who signs up as a $10 or more subscriber gets a premium Vanguard Morning Newsletter with exclusive commentary.
In addition, anyone who signs up now at $10 or more per month or who increases their current subscription by $10 or more per month enters into a raffle. Our drawing will be on December 31, 2017. You must remain a subscriber for at least 12 months. (You may also sign up for the raffling by donating a flat $120 – but we greatly prefer the monthly donations as they provide us with the certainty of funding on an ongoing basis).
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