CivEnergy is sponsoring a Davis City Council candidates forum from 3 to 5 pm Sunday, March 18, in the Davis Community Church Fellowship Hall, 421 D Street. Each of the nine declared candidates for the two open council seats has agreed to participate in this free community event, moderated by former Davis Mayor Ann Evans. They include: Ezra Beeman, Mary Jo Bryan, Dan Carson, Linda Deos, Eric Gudz, Larry Guenther, Gloria Partida, Luis Rios Jr. and Mark West. Visit www.civenergy.org to see candidate responses as to why they are running for office, what their platform is, and how they will be an effective city council member.
Following the formal question period at the March 18 forum, refreshments inspired by The Davis Farmers Market Cookbook will be provided by Three Ladies Café. Go to www.threeladiescafe.com to learn about this locally owned new Davis restaurant. Davis Media Access is a co-sponsor for the event, and will video the forum.
CivEnergy’s goal is to help voters get the information they need to make informed voting decisions about candidates and issues. CivEnergy is nonpartisan, and does not favor any political party or candidate. Go to www.civenergy.org and www.facebook.com/civenergy for more information, or contact Bob Fung at bob@civenergy.org or Leslie Hunter at 530-792-1264.