(From Press Release)– Yolo Food Bank is aiming to increase visibility and awareness throughout the county with the addition of long-time volunteer Rebecca Rogoway to the Philanthropic Engagement department as Community Engagement Coordinator.
“Not only does Rebecca have first-hand knowledge of the important work carried out by Yolo Food Bank as a result of her many years of volunteer service, but she also brings to our efforts considerable fundraising, events management and relationship-building skills as a result of her long career with major, nationwide charitable organizations,” stated Joy Cohan, Director of Philanthropic Engagement. “We are fortunate to have her on our team,” she continued.
Rogoway’s volunteer dedication to Yolo Food Bank has included significant work on the “Running of the Turkeys” 5K Run and Walk, a fundraising event held in Woodland annually on Thanksgiving Day, as well as at food distribution sites. Professionally, beginning with the American Cancer Society, and more recently with the American Heart Association’s North Bay Division, Rogoway has served in roles spanning from coordinator to executive director. She is the recipient of multiple campaign achievement awards for her work with American Heart Association. Her career moved to Yolo County in 2014 in a sponsor relations position with A Change of Pace Foundation, a Davis-based event management and production company.
“I am so incredibly excited to increase the awareness of the great programs that Yolo Food Bank provides to the community,” Rogoway shared. “Food assistance programs are a vital community need, and I am looking forward to the opportunity to develop relationships with our corporate and individual donors to raise the much-needed funds to facilitate these programs,” she added.
Together with nearly 70 partner agencies, Yolo Food Bank serves the needs of more than 52,000 people in 19,000 households every month in pursuit of its mission to end hunger and malnutrition in Yolo County. Funds, food and time are needed to sustain these efforts. To donate, volunteer or learn more, please visit www.yolofoodbank.org.