By Alan C. Miller
Got the “too-many-candidates-running-for-City-Council” blues? Don’t know how you are voting on Propositions 68 – 72 or Measures H, I, J & K?
Join other thoughtful Davis voters for an informal forum covering all of the items on the ballot — and only study one item this year!
Johnny Pancake and Peter Politic present “Pancakes and Politics 2018.” This year’s forum is divided into two pancake-free events: Tuesday’s “Ballots and Burritos” covering state & national issues/offices; and Saturday’s “Ballots & Bagels” covering city & county issues/offices.
“At Pancakes & Politics, we discuss all the issues and offices on the upcoming ballot so that we may all vote smarter by having access to multiple brains, as opposed to the conflicting arguments in the voter guide and political ads,” a news release said.
“It’s a great chance to meet other local people who care about politics and the world we’re living in. While we take voting seriously, we also have a great deal of fun with it.”
Pancakes and Politics asks each participant to look into just one issue or office on the ballot; organizers will provide informative web links. All political persuasions are welcome: “When you come, present both sides, give us your take if you’d like, then we’ll hear other participant views and take a straw poll.”
P&P asks that participants consider a proposition or office they aren’t as familiar with so everyone learns something about everything. P&P aims to be fun, tasty and fully informing rather than politics as usual.
Ballots & Burritos will cover national & state issues/offices and will run from 6:30pm to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15. Discussion will start at 7pm sharp!
Ballots & Bagels will cover city & county issues/offices and will run from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 19. Discussion will start at 10am sharp!
Both events will be held at the N Street Co-Housing Community House, 716 N Street. Bring a favorite vegetarian item for potluck. Bringing food or studying a ballot item are encouraged but not required – all are welcome to participate.
To match yourself with a ballot item, food item or to help out, contact April at pancakes.politics.davis@gmail.com.
Note: City Council candidates are welcome to join, but please come after 11:00 or step out on Saturday so that we may discuss the council candidates freely during the first hour.
Thanks for doing this Alan et al. One of the most interesting, fun, useful, casual, serious (did I mention fun) events in the electoral season. I have been to two and learned a great deal and enjoyed the company immensely.
Highly recommended.