By Aska Fujimori-Smith
Mr. Stadietskiy was found in violation of probation and was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. Stadietskiy had failed to appear in court April 19, 2018, because he had severe diarrhea. Due to his illness, he had contacted the public defender’s office to let them know about his inability to appear in court that day.
Deputy Sheriff Matt Martin was on duty on October 16, 2017. Martin stopped a vehicle in West Sacramento that had extremely tinted windows, in violation of California laws. Martin spoke with the driver and let him off with a warning. However, upon learning who the driver was, he spoke with the dispatcher to find out that the driver’s father was Stadietskiy.
Stadietskiy was in the front passenger seat of the car and, upon Dep. Martin following the vehicle to a nearby gas station, Stadietskiy walked into the gas station store while the officer spoke with the driver. Stadietskiy came out of the gas station shop after he thought Martin had left. However, Martin had seen him walk out of the shop and followed the car to a nearby apartment complex. Once the vehicle parked at the apartment complex, Martin could see that Stadietskiy was walking toward a female who was later identified as Stadietskiy’s wife.
After Stadietskiy made physical contact with his wife by touching her arm, he walked by himself into the apartment complex. Martin had followed the son, who at this point had parked the car and was with his mother, and asked them questions about Stadietskiy.
However, the family members did not want to speak to Martin. Martin soon heard rustling in the nearby bushes and, upon looking closer, he saw it was Stadietskiy hiding. He approached Stadietskiy and asked him to put his hands up. Martin also brought a Taser out and asked for backup from the West Sacramento Police Department.
When backup arrived, Stadietskiy jumped a fence onto his own patio. Martin also jumped the fence and grabbed Stadietskiy’s arm, however, Stadietskiy was still refusing to cooperate and was finally detained once backup arrived.
Martin had detained Stadietskiy under the assumption that there was an active warrant for Stadietskiy, as the dispatcher had indicated. However, there was a human error that occurred at the West Sacramento Police Department: in the Records Management System (RMS) the warrant against Stadietskiy showed active while in reality it was not supposed to be active. Thus, after Martin had detained Stadietskiy, he could not confirm the warrant because there was no physical copy of the warrant at the Police Department. The records technician who was in charge of updating the RMS system had neglected to catch this mistake.
Stadietskiy claimed that he was resisting arrest because Martin failed to show him the physical warrant. The court did not find that Stadietskiy willfully evaded his court date, however it found that he was in violation of his probation. He will serve 30 days in the county jail and will continue on probation afterwards.