Second Annual Community Open House
Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Temple of West Sacramento
Friday, September 28, 2018
5:30 p.m. Temple Program — 7:00 p.m. Free Vegetarian Meal
2301 Evergreen Avenue, West Sacramento
Brett Lee, Mayor of Davis; Gloria Partida, Mayor Pro Tempore and Dan Carson, City Council member will be among the invited dignitaries at the second Community-wide open house and free vegetarian meal at the Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Temple of West Sacramento.
For the second year in a row, people of all faiths are welcome to visit the West Sacramento Sikh Temple. Come to meet your Sikh brothers and sisters; learn about their faith tradition; experience their beautiful temple and enjoy a vegetarian meal. The event is free but a love offering is always welcome at the foot of the altar. The event is sponsored by Interfaith Explorers and Spiritual Life Center who will be hosting on-line registration once again.
Etiquette: Dress modestly; long pants/skirts. Remove shoes and cover head before entering temple and dining hall. Head coverings are provided at temple; scarves/shawls are acceptable. Seating is on the floor in Temple to show humility and respect for their Holy Book. [Chairs provided if needed]. During program, please refrain from applause. No smoking, alcohol, or drugs allowed on or near Temple grounds.
On-line registration is necessary for food prep, so please register by Wednesday September 26 at Spiritual Life Center: www.slcworld.org – click on event icon. One person can register up to 50 people as a group. For questions or registration assistance, please contact Rachel Lyman, Interfaith Explorers at (916) 531-2905 or email: rachel24@surewest.net.
Directions from Sacramento: Take I-80 West towards San Francisco. Exit right at Harbor Blvd. Take immediate RIGHT at light onto Evergreen Ave. Drive half a mile; Temple is on the right side; drive through the gate where temple staff will guide you to parking.