By Melissa Moreno
Post election I would like to express my gratitude to the people who supported and elected me to be a Yolo County Board of Education Trustee. I was fortunate to campaign with solid support from family and community members.
I thank my family, especially my spouse Steve Nyholm, my children, and my mother (in-law) Carol Nyholm for their enthusiasm and help to ensure my wellbeing and success. In addition to supporting me as a spouse, Steve was also part of the central campaign management with Cecilia Greenwald, Sarah Zimmerman, and Will Kelly. Committee volunteers included Agustin Antunez, Nancy Avoce, Juliette Beck, Katelynn Bishop, Lolita Echeverria-Greco, Emily Henderson, Jerry Jimenez, Lupita Ramos, Debbie Reed, and Justine Villanueva. I thank them for their labor, brilliant planning, and dedication.
I’m grateful for the trust and ethical leadership of the campaign advisors—Dick Livingston and Carl Jorgensen. For the finance leadership I thank Dr. Rick Ramirez and all those who generously donated funds beyond my expectations.
To those who endorsed, displayed yard signs, wrote letters to the editor, sent letters to neighbors, wrote post cards, made advertisements or videos (i.e., Bite the Trophy Productions, G.I. Media Design), I am endlessly grateful to them because they educated our community in various ways.
To super supporters who actively campaigned on my behalf, I thank Gina Daleiden, Jesse Loren, Lucas Frerichs, Calvin Handy, Heidy Kellison, Betsy Marchand, Susan McKillop, Bill Owens, Gloria Partida, Jim Provenza, Nancy Row, and Don Saylor. Each of them contributed to the foundation of my grassroots campaign.
Thank you to all who voted for me. In this time in history, I take this position with honor and a great sense of responsibility. As a mother, educator, and advocate, I understand the important of collaborating to ensure that public education and policy best supports our children and their future in a democratic society. To stay informed, ask questions, or to be added to our list-serv please contact Melissa@moreno4YCBOE.org.