While Yolo County officials are not releasing the name, various media sources are now reporting that the gunman was 48-year-old Kevin Limbaugh, described as a man who lived a quiet existence until the past year.
He was ordered to surrender a semiautomatic rifle after he was convicted in a battery case. Records show that he was charged with battery with serious bodily injury. Those charges reported stem from an incident in which he punched a co-worker at Cache Creek Casino in the face during a dispute. That case was resolved as a misdemeanor.
Last night officials would not identify Mr. Limbaugh but they said that he shot himself inside his home, a rental at 501 E St. in Davis.
From Last night: Still No Name Released, but Police Update What Happened to Corona

By Cres Vellucci and David Greenwald
At a hastily called Friday evening news conference, the Davis Police Department provided more details surrounding the shooting of Davis Police Officer Natalie Corona, but declined to release the name of the alleged killer Friday – and probably will not do so before Monday.
Davis Police Chief Darren Pytel did provide a timeline, however, of the series of events that led to the death of the officer Thursday night.
He said that an unknown assailant “ambushed” Corona as she was investigating a three-car crash. The shooter, he said, rode up to the scene on a bicycle and “opened fire multiple times, reloading at least twice,” hitting the officer, the boot of a fleeing firefighter – causing no injury – a nearby house, and a bus, as well as the backpack of a student who later discovered the bullet hole embedded in her textbook.
The chief described the firefighter as “very, very lucky.”
Later, after police found evidence leading them to the address of the shooter in a backpack he left behind, they surrounded a house located nearby. The shooter came out without a weapon, went back in, and then came out with a weapon and a bullet-proof vest.
“No law enforcement officer fired or used any force…he went back inside, barricaded the door with a couch. We then heard a shot and later discovered he died of a self-inflicted gunshot,” said the chief, noting that a robot took awhile to get through the barricaded door and discover the body.
“We have no clue why he did this,” he said, explaining that the officer was wearing a vest, but a bullet hit her in the neck. And the shooter then reloaded and shot her multiple times. He said there was no known connection between the shooter and the dead officer.
He described Corona’s personality as “energizing” and someone who wanted to be everyone’s friend. “She was someone everyone respected…this has been devastating to our department.”
He added that he had met with her family who was “holding up well. They take care of each other.” He also said he had met with the Davis Police staff – civilian and 60-plus sworn officers – earlier Friday.
Corona was a community college student who was referred to a program at the police department by a former police chief and now professor. She was the first person to graduate the program, graduating from the police academy in July of 2018 and finishing field training in December.
The chief said the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the shooting, the CA Department of Justice the crime scene, and the Sacramento County Coroner the cause of death. The CHP did the work on the accident to free up Davis police Thursday.
Apparently, there may be footage from Corona’s body camera and the police car camera, but the department has not gone through the footage yet.
“We have a significant amount of video. And we’re not sure yet if Natalie’s body camera was activated,” he said.
The suspect, who the chief said actually came out of the house where he was, to watch the aftermath, had no apparent connection with the original traffic accident.
Previous: Davis Police Officer Dies from Gunshot Wound – Suspect Dead

During a press conference, Davis Police Chief Darren Pytel, surrounded by the entire city council, City Manager Mike Webb, and Supervisor Don Saylor announced that Police Officer Natalie Corona, age 22, died from her injuries sustained when she was shot at 5th and E at about 6:45 pm on Thursday.
“Officer Corona sustained gunshot injuries and was transported immediately to the UC Davis Medical Center where she passed,” the chief said, his voice breaking as he tried to hold it together. “Despite the life saving efforts that were provided by firefighters who were immediately adjacent.. they weren’t able to save her.”
Officer Corona began her career as a community service officer in 2016, and they put her through the academy where she graduated last summer. Chief Pytel said, “She was a rising star in the department.
“This is just an absolutely devastating loss to the police department,” he said.
She is survived by her parents, who the chief said had been notified as to what happened.
“The case is currently under investigation and there’s an active investigation going on,” he said. “At this point we’ve turned over the investigation to the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department, they’ve promised that they would take the lead.”
He said they are currently focused on a search near 5th and E Streets. There are reports that there is activity outside a house on D Street.
Mayor Brett Lee spoke briefly.

He said, “I would just like to express on behalf of the city, our deepest condolences to the family of the slain officer. I would also like to express our thanks for the brave men and women who, day in and day out, work to protect our city.”
Chief Pytel was not able to provide much in the way of details in terms of how the incident unfolded. He did state, “She was the only officer on the scene at the time.”
He indicated that this was normal, stating that “responding to traffic collisions is routine police work.”
There are conflicting accounts as to whether the suspect was involved in the car crash or whether he simply walked up.
This was the first fatality for a Davis police officer in the line of duty since 1959.
Chief Pytel has been in the department since the mid-1980s and this was the first time he has had to deal with something like this in this agency.
Update: The Vanguard is now reporting that the suspect exited a home in Davis, shot himself and has died. We are awaiting official word.

Earlier: Female DPD Officer Shot, Suspect Still At Large
At 6:43 pm, an accident at the corner of 5th and D Streets turned into an active shooting situation as a white male in his 20s shot a female Davis police officer. She was taken to the hospital in serious condition. At a 10 pm press conference, Police Lt. Paul Doroshov declined to identify the officer.
“After 6:00 an officer responded to a triple car crash in the area of downtown, 5th and D,” the lieutenant said. “Shots were fired and the officer sustained a gunshot wound. She was rushed to UC Davis Medical Center. We’re currently looking for the gunman and investigating what had happened.”
The gunman is described as a white male adult with brown hair and eyes, 6-2, approximately 190 pounds (thin build), hair is short.
Lt. Doroshov estimated that at least 100 officers from multiple agencies responded to the incident. The downtown remains locked down and blocked off.
“We’re just asking people in the core area, extending north of downtown, to please stay at your house,” he said, noting that any suspicious activity should be reported to the police. He told people to “stay out of downtown because the last thing we need is additional victims.”
Lt. Doroshov would not provide specifics, given the ongoing investigation, but indicated that they did have their leads and they are following up on those. “We do have a possible lead right now,” he said. “I don’t want to point out a location or give more details on that.”
Chief Darren Pytel is expected to make a statement, but given what they are describing as a “fluid lead” he backed off.
The police are not identifying the injured officer or how long she has been on the force. “We’re going to release an identity at some point, but we’re not going to do that right now.
The Vanguard will have updates as they are made available.
—David M. Greenwald reporting
Horrible. Just horrible. What kind of person shoots a police officer responding to an accident. My condolences to the officers and their families.
She was just a kid. Absolutely devastating.
Update: Suspect has reportedly shot himself. Official word will be coming soon.
We are now told the suspect is dead.
Yikes. Brett looks so distraught in that photo. Genuine anguish
Awful news. My heart goes out to her family.
Statement from Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry:
Small update by Paul Doroshov at noon:
Multiple gun shots
Shooter was located at 501 E St – found deceased, appears to be self-inflicted gun shot wound
Not releasing the name still
They don’t know the motivation at this point
Cannot confirm that he was wearing a bullproof vest
May I offer two corrections?
She was responding to a three-car crash. We do now know if it was an accident
I am all but certain that this should be “..there is NO known connection…”
Thank you, David.
Chilling what took place, he clearly saw his opportunity, ambushed them, and then circled back to his home across the street. This could have happened to anyone.