A group of citizens would like to renew the Davis Chapter for The League of Women Voters.
What is the League of Women Voters?
The League of Women Voters is a National Organization with chapters in cities throughout the United States. The League of Women Voters was formed as a non-partisan political organization to encourage informed and active participation in government. The league works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
In each election cycle the league launches a program on specific issues related to State & National Politics. While at the local level the Chapters also analyze and educate regarding local and regional issues.
What is Davis Civic Energy (www.civenergy.org)?
Davis Civic Energy is a local organization that was formed by Davis citizens to discuss important and current issues in the community. For example, Davis Civic Energy allows citizens to discuss and make decisions about local elections.
These two organizations dovetail well with their mission and media platform to create a synergy to renew the Davis Chapter of The League of Women Voters. This next chapter is designed to bring men and women together to analyze and discuss topics that are important for all of us in Davis.
Why do I care?
Our City is collecting information developed by consultants and the Downtown Plan Advisory Committee (DPAC) to create a list of wants and needs to be incorporated into the update to the General Plan.
To make this effort of updating and creating a new and improved General Plan Davis Civic Energy and the League of Women Voters is launched to facilitate the input of topics from the community. Topics that we hope will better inform the City and engage our citizens in the General Plan process.
What topics? You decide!
Please join us on Wednesday, May 29 at 7 pm for our first meeting. Location is the Wunderbar located at 228 G Street in Davis.
For more information please contact:
Bob Fung at bob@civenergy.org
Georgina Valencia at georginavalencia@sbcglobal.net
Mary Jo Bryan at mjbryan6642@gmail.com