it only took the jury about 90 minutes to acquit Lucio Paniagua of charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14. He had allegedly inappropriately hugged and French kissed an 11-year-old girl at a baby shower. However, as Deputy Public Defender Monica Brushia pointed out – given the nature of the incident, the lack of corroborating evidence played a role in the quick acquittal.
“I don’t believe there was sufficient evidence in this case,” Ms. Brushia told the Vanguard. “I don’t believe this case should (ever) have gone to trial – much less been charged by the People. There was no corroboration of the statements by a little girl.”
Vanguard Court Watch Interns had the coverage here and three of them discuss the case and the verdict on Episode 2 of Vanguard Court Watch TV.