The Vanguard will be hosting its first art contest on Facebook and Twitter. Artists are asked to post a visual art piece concerning the theme, “Capturing Injustice.” The theme “Capturing Injustice” stems from the Vanguard’s goals of transparency, accountability and fairness, and reflects its values with the Court Watch program. Artists are asked to present a piece of visual artwork that addresses injustice in the criminal justice system which may consider issues in the court, legal, or prison systems. Artwork must be a still piece within 1200 x 630 pixels and follow the other listed guidelines.
Three winners will be chosen by the Vanguard Board and two winners will be chosen by public vote (the art with the most likes on Facebook/Twitter). Winners will all be written about in the Davis Vanguard (the 1st place winner receives an individual article; 2nd place, 3rd place, and Popular Vote winners receive a shared article). The contest submissions open October 9, 2019, and end on November 22, 2019.
Most Popular Art Piece for Each Platform (Facebook And Twitter): $25, Vanguard Shirt, Shared Article
3rd Place: $50, Vanguard Shirt, Shared Article
2nd Place: $100, Vanguard Shirt, Shared Article
1st Place: $150, Vanguard Shirt, Individual Article
● Participants must live in the Yolo County area.
● Participants are allowed one entry submitted through either Facebook or Twitter.
● Submissions must have the #vanguardcapturinginjustice in the description and tag the People’s Vanguard of Davis. The Vanguard will retweet/share all qualifying submissions.
● Participants submitting through Twitter must follow the Vanguard Twitter.
● Participants submitting through FaceBook must share this post and like the Vanguard Facebook page
● Submissions must be the original artwork of the individual posting, save for individuals under the age of 13 who must have their submission posted by a parent or guardian.
● The art must be a visual still piece within 1200 x 630 pixels.
● Art must be respectful of FaceBook and Twitter guidelines and appropriate for posting on social media sites.
● Art must be respectful of the Davis Vanguard principles.
● An artist may not duplicate their post or send multiple submissions through different accounts.
● No participant can receive more than one prize.
● Applicants must have their direct messages open to be contacted by the Vanguard.
● Vanguard Board Members and employees may not apply.
● Submitted art will be used by the Davis Vanguard for art contest publicity but not for commercial reasons. Art is still owned by the original artist.
● Prize winners and other participants may be displayed in an art exhibit.
The Vanguard is hosting an art contest on Facebook and Twitter. For more information, contact Danielle Silva at dcsilva@davisvanguard.org.