(Editor’s note: this was submitted through the Yolo Leaks system anonymously).
A little over a week ago two African American males committed an assault at the Valero on Mace and Chiles in Davis, California against an employee of that Valero. The Davis PD came and scared them off but did nothing about it even though a report was filed…..later on that same night those very same two men came back and smashed in that Valero employee’s windshield. Across the street, the Employees at Taco Bell noticed what was going on and a couple of them came out to help the Valero employee and they also helped scare them away, but at the same time it painted a target on Taco Bell’s back.
Even though they have been told repeatedly that they are not allowed back in either store they keep returning to harass the employees. The employees have given up on calling the police because they won’t help. These two men are also believed to have been involved in an armed robbery at Chevron down the street. They openly admitted to a Taco Bell Employee that they were here to “get licks”, which is slang for “commit robberies”.
These two men are armed, dangerous, and on the prowl. They are currently staying in the Motel 6 on Chiles Street. The Davis PD is aware of all of this information and yet they still won’t do anything and news crews were called but they won’t cover the story because, according to them, it’s not “breaking news”!! Lives are at risk and it doesn’t matter to the police or the news! So, PLEASE spread the word!