Measure Q will use the existing full cent sales tax – combined from the 2004 Measure and the 2014 Measure, both of which added half a cent to the sales tax. Measure Q would extend the existing tax, with no increases to the current rate, indefinitely until and unless repealed by the voters. Currently the measure provides about $8.6 million – a sizable portion of the city’s general fund budget.
For ballot language and impartial analysis – see here.
There are no opposition arguments.
Argument In Favor
Davis is special. Over many decades, we have intentionally designed our community to reflect, encourage, and support our core values. We gather for Farmer’s Market or music in our downtown common space and play sports in our parks, we’re proud to be a leader in bike- and walkability, and we love that our family-friendly town feels safe and secure. Voting Yes on Q is critical continuing this life which we so cherish.
Measure Q is supported by every Davis City Councilmember, the Davis Chamber of Commerce, Davis police officers, and many former and current local leaders because it generates crucial revenue for public safety, community public space, recreation programs, bike paths, and roadway maintenance.
Through the renewal of an existing sales tax, Measure Q continues approximately $9 million of annual revenue to our General Fund budget. These resources are fundamental for maintaining the services that support our quality of life.
Measure Q:
- Does NOT increase taxes
- Tax dollars stay local for the benefit of Davis residents; by law, revenue from this measure cannot be taken by the State.
- Provides critical funding for Davis firefighters and police; helps maintain emergency response times
- Is necessary for ongoing road repair and maintenance
- Supports public open space, recreation programs, and parks
- Continues funding for sidewalks and bike paths
- Funds are reviewed annually by an independent auditor and the Davis Finance and Budget Commission
- Allows for exemptions for essential purchases like groceries and medicine
We join Assemblymember Helen Thomson (ret.), Assemblymember Mariko Yamada (ret.), our County Supervisors, Davis first responders, every City Councilmember, and many more in asking that you VOTE YES ON Q to preserve the community we love and maintain our very precious quality of life.
For more: RenewDavis.com
- Brett Lee, Mayor
- Robb Davis, Former Mayor
- Lois Wolk, Former Mayor and State Senator (ret.)
- Ken Wagstaff, Former Mayor
- Ann M. Evans, Former Mayor
Ballot Argument Against Measure Q – It’s a Sales Tax Extension
— Alan C. Miller, Annoying Citizen
Photo Above for YES: Smiling Davisites with blue/green sign in front of water-consuming green lawn.
Photo for NO: Me and my mangy dog Quemus in an empty downtown business entrance with random litter, holding a B&W, 8 1/2 x 11 “NO” from my half-functioning home printer.
I dunno, but there appears to be one kid looking rather “askance”, in the photo above.
I wonder what would occur if they had increased the sales tax rate (to raise an amount that’s “equivalent” to the school district tax – which is adjusted annually for inflation).
I guess we’ll never know. (Perhaps they’re “putting all their chips” on hopes/approval of ARC. Good luck with that, although I fully expect an onslaught of official “optimistic projections” at some point.)
“I dunno, but there appears to be one kid looking rather “askance”, in the photo above.”
LOL. You know who that one kid is, right?
No – please elaborate (although I’m starting to “suspect”).
Actually, it’s probably best not to “elaborate” on a public forum, regardless of how innocuous it seems.
Not to worry, my kids have been raised in city hall for all practical purposes. Jeremiah wanted to be in the photo because he “likes parks” (my kids have strong views), however, under the best of circumstances looking at the camera has always been a challenge – so I have a bunch of great photos with him looking a little shifty.
Well, a kid who “likes parks” and looks “askance” when surrounded by public officials might have described me, when I was young. (Or, maybe even “now”.)