By Crescenzo Vellucci
Vanguard Sacramento Bureau Chief
SACRAMENTO – Lawyers from New York to the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento weighed in on the murky but deadly subject of COVID-19 in local jails Wednesday night, in what is the first in a series of online “Justice” webinars, sponsored by The Vanguard.
During the hour-long webinar, “COVID-19, Jails and Why We Need Criminal Justice Reform,” all panelists agreed on one major point – inmates, most of them just awaiting trial and not convicted of anything, face a death sentence when stuffed into local jails.
All in all, the participants painted a dark picture – although they tried to sound optimistic – of jails, prisons and COVID-19.
Moderator, and Sacramento criminal defense attorney Josh Kaizuka kicked things off by noting the “COVID-19 pandemic has forced the issue of criminal justice reform onto the forefront of the discussion – mass incarceration and pretrial detention have collided with the reality of COVID-19 putting people, from inmates to guards and defense lawyers, in harm’s way and forcing us to debate the question of who needs to be in jail.
“This is a discussion of COVID-19, its impact on our jails and how it is alerting many in the reform movement that we need to move forward on decarceration. As of now, there are more than 3,200 people in prison in this state who have contracted COVID-19…at least 16 inmates died,” said Kaizuka.
Janos Marton clocked in as the speaker who comes from the furthest time zone. A civil right attorney in New York, Marton is running for District Attorney in Manhattan and was involved previously in the Close Rikers movement.
“Rikers has been a horror show since the day it opened,” said Marton, who has worked on criminal justice issues all around the U.S. In fact, he noted that whenever he approached lawmakers in different states, they would ask him if his reforms had been attempted “in some place other than California.”
Rikers, though, is the target that Marton is focused on. “Generations have tried to reform it, but it’s the most notorious jail in the country,” he added. He agreed later that if you can’t “reform” or fix a jail, it needs to be closed.
Interestingly, it’s COVID-19 that kept Rikers in business. Marton said New York’s mayor and governor, among others, agreed to close it in late 2017, but before it was emptied, coronavirus came knocking.
“We wanted to get as many people out of there as possible…elderly, those with underlying health conditions,” Marton said, who added about 1,000 were kicked, but there’s 5,000 left.
Another fan of closing jails is Yolanda Huang, a San Francisco Bay Area civil rights attorney who recently filed a lawsuit in federal court in San Francisco to force the Santa Rita jail in Alameda to protect incarcerated individuals from COVID-19.
“Jails are strange institutions; they’re supposed to be short term…a box to hold you, but that’s never been true. So, you have people in pretrial living in conditions worse than in San Quentin Prison,” she said.
Huang, who has filed numerous suits challenging conditions in jails long before COVID-19 came onto the scene, said jails “provide the minimum to keep (inmates) alive. That’s it,” noting that inmates don’t even get a splint when their bones break.
Then there are the types of conditions for people who test positive for COVID.
“They get yanked out and put into solitary confinement, and get one hour a day out,” said Huang, explaining that those sick prisoners have to stick their head out of the door tray slot to have a nurse take their temperature.
Her investigation that led to the federal action also found that even shivering inmates, who have the virus, are limited to one blanket unless their attorney is persistent at harassing the jail to get another blanket.
And, while people with fevers and coughs and sore throats – all symptoms of COVID-19 – normally would have a warm drink or soup, “if you are a prisoner the only thing you can drink is from spigot in the cell…you can get two cough drops a day. That is all the medical care you get,” said Huang.
She added that deputies, according to reports she’s getting from Santa Rita inmates, are “not practicing good habits. They do not change gloves from housing to housing unit. There’s quite a big spread (of COVID-19) in Santa Rita….the jail treats it like it’s no big deal.”
John Stoller, an Assistant Public Defender in Sacramento, has filed, and continues to file numerous pleadings in Superior Court and Court of Appeal, attempting to gain release of inmates from Sacramento county jails to allow for safer conditions.
“We tried to mobilize as quickly as we could even before the shelter-in-place order,” said Stoller, who said his office filed 14 motions, seven writs of habeas corpus, seven OR/release motions in the hope of reducing the jail population.
He said one pleading is designed to release 1,674 people, claiming it was for “public policy” and “severe health crisis” reasons.
In the end, Sacramento County Superior Court ordered 46 misdemeanor inmates released, and 479 others kicked from the jails. Another 103 were supposed to be released on zero bail, but the District Attorney challenged a number of them on “public safety” grounds. The jails now have about 2,400 prisoners – the capacity is 3,700.
“We litigated the 103 and won most,” said Stoller, noting that the PD was strongly supported by medical professionals and the community.
The original motion that called for nearly 2,000 releases was eventually rejected by the 3rd Appellate District, but Stoller said that might be appealed.
“There’s still a lot of work to do. We’ve interviewed about 100 inmates about jail conditions – jails are trying…but there’s not enough soap to go around. They forbid masks and hand sanitizers. They can’t socially distance.”
Jacque Wilson, a Deputy Public Defender in San Francisco, has two of his brothers in prison, one with COVID-19, and he is working to get them released.
His brother Lance has tested positive for the virus at the Terminal Island Federal Prison in San Pedro, and he’s “medically vulnerable” with multiple health issues. The prison, said Wilson, has more COVID-19 cases than all the state prisons combined. His other brother is in a jail in Arizona.
“In each one of these jails (and) prison they act like COVID doesn’t exist…everyone (sick) is lumped together whether they have a cold, chills, fever or coughing,” reported Wilson. He added that last month his sick brother never saw a doctor or a nurse, and last had his temperature checked in April.
“It’s a farce. There’s no such thing as social distancing. The federal government and state government simply ignore conditions they allow to exist,” Wilson said.
Prisoners, including his brothers, “don’t deserve a death sentence on the government’s watch, regardless of what (they) did.”
The panel, and the dozens of lawyers who viewed the webinar via Zoom, didn’t define any sure-fire solutions, but they all focused on fighting.
“In times of crisis, it shows what people and institutions are made of,” said Stoller, noting that the pandemic is “testing the principles of our constitution,” and adding that defense lawyers file bail and other motions regularly to try to get their clients’ release.
But he also saw a positive side, that some of the “new normal” might become permanent, like the emergency bail schedule now being used in California that makes it easier for pretrial people to be released.
That was echoed by Kaizuka, who said “sometimes moments of crisis can make change….maybe this is the one for decarceration.”
But he emphasized that the jails are a mess.
“To say that a prison or jail environment is not conducive to social distancing is an understatement. Trying to do what we do on the outside do like making masks, keeping things clean, social distancing. They can’t do that. When people incarcerated try same thing the get retaliated against,” he said.
Huang made some sobering observations.
“If we have all these social needs…people can’t pay their taxes, the severe economic crisis and people don’t have healthcare. You could do a whole lot more to benefit people,” than paying, she said, $200,000 a year per prisoner – a half billion dollars a year – at Santa Rita Jail.
“It’s not worth the money,” Huang said, agreeing with others that “there are many arguments why jails are the wrong solution.”
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So of the inmates who have caught COVID 99.5% have survived.
That’s sounds on par with those not in jail.
Surviving is only part of the story.
Right, here’s another part of the story:
Man paroled amid coronavirus concerns charged in fatal Denver shooting
So punish the 95 percent of the people who are released and have caused no problems because one messed up?
There is also this: “ Prisoner ordered released in early days of COVID-19 dies: Charles Hobbes was arrested in January and placed in the Metro West Detention Center in Miami-Dade County. A judge ordered him released, but for unknown reasons it didn’t happen. Hobbes died May 2 from COVID-19. His family never knew he was sick and only found out about his death when advocacy groups filed a lawsuit against Miami jails for their failure to release people at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus.”
So why is yours worse than mine?
And yet another part of the story. Not reported are the cases of community spread of the virus outside of these facilities through infected custody, health care workers, mental health care, lawyers, and others who visit the prisons. This is at least partially due to the absence of inadequate testing and tracing of cases. This latter aspect leads us to an almost inevitable undercounting of cases of community spread.
One of the panelists, his brother is in on 17 year old marijuana charges. He was diagnosed with COVID. Filed a lawsuit as part of the class action.
He is in his cell. Hasn’t seen a doctor a nurse. Can reach out and touch his cell mate. No temperature has been taken since 5/8. No mask since APril. CO’s have only been tested once and THEY are concerned about their own safety.
COs are right to be worried. Besides the prisoners, they are at the next highest risk of infection and then able to pass it on to their families and members of the community. Decreasing the jail population is not just about protecting the incarcerated, but in decreasing the overall chance of community spread.
Florida inmate released from jail due to coronavirus arrested again — this time on a murder charge
You didn’t answer the question posed – low recidivism rate, risk of death in custody, how do you weigh the balance?
The killings and crimes from Coronavirus released inmates keep adding up.
It’s still less than 5 percent recidivism, meanwhile the infections and deaths from people held in custody keep adding up as well. You still haven’t answered my questions. Why should the 95 percent majority who follow the law after release be punished for the crimes of the few?
The 95% were in jail for their crimes in the first place.
But 95% have been released with no problem, reducing overcrowding, and protecting lives of both guards and the community in addition to the inmates. And a key point that seems missing here – most of the people would be released anyway in the next few months. So they would be on the streets at some point anyway.