Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby joined the Everyday Injustice podcast to discuss her office’s new sentencing review unit. The unit will review cases of certain incarcerated people to determine whether the office supports their release.
“Our state has a mass incarceration problem caused by lengthy and excessive sentences, which are disproportionately imposed on people of color. My office’s duty to fairness and justice does not end at sentencing. Evidence shows that people age out of crime, and revisiting harsh sentences demonstrates our belief in rehabilitation and redemption,” said State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. “At the same time, amid a second wave of COVID-19, I have a responsibility to protect public health by reducing the incarcerated population to prevent the further spread of this disease.”
She discussed the strong racial inequalities and also the limits of the current Maryland law to look back and release people sentenced to lengthy sentences who have aged out of the point where they represent a danger to society.
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