SACRAMENTO – The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Sacramento Chapter has condemned the attack on the U.S. Capitol Wednesday by Trump loyalists, white supremacists and fascists that led to four deaths and scores of arrests.
NLG Sacramento also called it an example of a police “double-standard,” echoing those who are comparing the light, almost non-existent resistance by Capitol DC Police that allowed the fascist mob to occupy the Capitol to the overreaction by law enforcement to anti-police brutality protests throughout much of 2020,
“I agree with our National NLG office in the characterization of this as an attempt by white supremacists ‘to preserve the racist, sexist, and colonial inequalities on which the United States was founded—with complicity by law enforcement,’” said Elizabeth Kim, NLG Sacramento Chapter President.
Kim noted that DC police, and law enforcement across the nation, including in Sacramento, have brutalized people protesting against police violence and white supremacy – using rubber bullets, pepper spray, tear gas, clubs and other armaments against unarmed, peaceful protesters.
Sacramento, she said, saw many injuries to people in peaceful protests – including the NLG Sacramento Vice President , who was sent to the hospital after being hit by a “less-than-lethal” bullet in the head.
According to NLG National, this was “in sharp contrast to the police response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, VA in 2017, where right-wing operatives and loyalists rioted in attempt to reverse a city council decision to remove racist monuments. Police stood down (and) white supremacists” drove a car into a crowd of anti-fascists, injuring dozens and killing Heather Heyer.
In Sacramento, in 2016, Capitol Police (California Highway Patrol) stood down when white supremacists sent nine anti-fascists to the hospital, most with knife wounds. No one was ever prosecuted for the stabbings when police, who failed to try to stop the carnage, said they couldn’t identify the neo fascists.
“In D.C. Wednesday, police stood down yet again and allowed the siege on the U.S. Capitol to take place, noting that some police officers were seen opening barricades to protestors in, taking selfies with them, and carefully escorting them away,” said Kim.
Kim agreed with the national NLG office that “These events exhibit the racist, politically-imbued nature of policing in DC and the United States at large.”
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