SF DA’s Office ‘Commends Courage’ of Sexual Assault Victim, Announces Jury Guilty Verdict

By Alana Bleimann

SAN FRANCISCO, DA – The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday that defendant Antonio Montalvo was found guilty of four felony sexual assault charges, one misdemeanor theft charge following his assault and theft of an intoxicated female victim outside her apartment in October of 2019.

“My team did tremendous work prosecuting this case and bringing justice to this brave sexual assault survivor,” said SF District Attorney Boudin after the jury deliberations came to a close after three days.

The six guilty verdicts included, attempted sexual penetration by force; attempted sexual penetration of an intoxicated person; attempted sexual penetration of an unconscious person; assault with intent to commit a felony; sexual battery by restraint; and grand theft charges.

DA Boudin and Assistant District Attorney Katy Wells made an effort to acknowledge the bravery of the victim for coming forward after such a difficult event.

“Since that time [of the assault], the survivor has displayed tremendous bravery in facing her attacker,” ADA Wells said, adding “and it was due to her perseverance and the jury’s thoughtful judgment that justice has been served.”

The trial included testimonies from 13 witnesses, law enforcement officers, trauma and DNA expert witnesses and analysts, a rape trauma nurse, and the 911 caller.

The victim herself even spoke during the trial.

According to trial testimony, after the victim and survivor fell to the ground outside her apartment, the defendant approached her and began sexually assaulting her behind a scrap piece of cardboard.

The victim was heavily intoxicated and could only run for help after the act occurred. Her wallet was stolen but became a key piece of evidence in identifying the defendant.

San Francisco Police Department Sgt. Esther Gonzalez reported the wallet to SFPD Sgt. Brian Kelly after recognizing the wallet was reported missing in connection with a sexual assault.

At this point, Sgt. Kelly was driving and was able to identify the defendant who was walking outside wearing a “distinctive sweatshirt” that was also seen on surveillance footage taken the night of the assault.

The defendant was later connected to both the wallet and the assault after his DNA was located on the victim.

Alana Bleimann is a junior at the University of San Francisco majoring in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice Studies. She is from Raleigh, North Carolina.

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  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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