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“Looking Ahead: Lessons from Oakland/Saint-Denis” brings artists and city government representatives from the Oakland/Saint-Denis cooperation project together with Sacramento artists and representatives. What can Sacramento learn from the Oakland/Saint-Denis project, with its emphasis on cultural equity and diversity, and its collaborations between immigrant and community groups, artist collectives, urban planners and mayors? What kinds of collaborations exist among key constituencies in Sacramento, and what can be imagined for the future?
Panelists include:
– Juliette Donadieu
– Cece Carpio
– Roberto Bedoya
– Xico Gonzalez
– Megan Van Voorhis
This panel both marks the culmination of the “Reframing Sacramento” spring series and a transition to a longer term set of conversations, working groups and public programs around Sacramento that the UC Davis Humanities Institute seeks to sponsor and support.