By Maia Surendra, Carson Eschen, and Jose Medina
SACRAMENTO, CA – Defendant Corbin Hollowell accepted his fate here this past week, but loudly corrected a prosecutor on the details of the charges he was pleading to at a Sacramento County Superior Court plea hearing with Judge Stacy Boulware Eurie.
Hollowell is charged with carjacking and felony possession of firearms. He entered a no contest plea for both charges.
But, during the proceedings of the plea, Deputy District Attorney Cody Winchester—mistakenly, in Hollowell’s view—detailed how Hollowell had allegedly taken the vehicle.
In his initial statement, the DDA stated that Hollowell had been a passenger in the victim’s car, when there was a disagreement. Hollowell allegedly grabbed the victim’s shirt and began punching him in the face. The two fought over the keys, and Hollowell eventually gained control, and drove off.
Hollowell, who had remained quiet and subdued throughout the proceedings, answering the judge’s procedural questions with a simple yes or no, suddenly interrupted Winchester.
“That’s not true. I never punched him in his face, I never did any of that. That’s not true. Yeah, I took his car. I admit that, and I admit that for the court to hear. I was wrong for taking something that didn’t belong to me. I shouldn’t have driven off in his car, but I didn’t put my hands on him,” he said.
Following the outburst, Winchester amended his description to say that Hollowell took the vehicle using means of “force or fear.” Whether Hollowell punched the victim in the face was left in dispute.
Winchester then outlined Hollowell’s possession of a .40 handgun, made illegal by his two prior felony convictions.
Hollowell has two prior felony convictions. He was convicted of discharging a weapon with gross negligence in 2011, and was then convicted in 2018 for his first felony possession of a firearm.
Carjacking has a maximum of nine years, while felony possession of a firearm has a maximum of three years. Between the two felonies, and due to his prior offenses, Hollowell is facing a total of seven years and four months in state prison, followed by a period of parole lasting three years.
He also must pay restitution to the victim of the carjacking of an amount yet to be determined.
Judge Eurie ultimately accepted the plea and all admissions, and found Hollowell guilty on two single counts. He faces the aforementioned time in prison and on parole.