The following is a letter from Supervisor Don Saylor:
After nine elections with my name on a ballot, I have decided that I will not be a candidate for reelection to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors in 2022. I will, of course, continue in my current term representing District 2 until December 31, 2022. I am sharing the news of this decision now so that interested persons may begin to chart their course for the June 2022 Primary Election.
At the end of my current term, I will have served in local elected office for almost 27 years. It has been a profound honor to serve the Davis Joint Unified School District, the City of Davis, Yolo County, and a wide array of regional and partnership agencies. The time has come for me to pass the baton and to pursue other parts of life. My family and I are deeply grateful for the many friendships and shared moments over the years.
In the months to come I will remain fully committed and engaged in the work at hand.
In shared service,
Don Saylor
Eenie Beanie, Chili Beanie. The Spirits are about to Speak!
“I am seeing in my crystal ball, an imminent vacancy for Council District 3 in Davis . . . “
No he has a get out of jail free card…