Parents of fifth- and sixth-graders can enroll their child in this years’ elementary band and strings program. All that is required is that parents follow the information and register at https://sites.google.com/
In recent years, more than half of all eligible elementary students participated in the music program.
Music parents appreciate many benefits of the program for their children, especially by the time they reach junior high. School music is one of very few subjects that require genuine group cooperation to succeed. Nearly every other school subject is taught and assessed at an individual level, as noted in how standardized test assessments are given.
Group work skills are essential during a person’s life. In learning to work together, students develop supportive friendships with classmates. This provides social stability at a critical time in a child’s life and cultivates a sense of positive group identity.
Music students develop rehearsal/performance experience. Throughout our lives at various times, we all stand up and perform for others, whether it is to entertain, inform or persuade an audience. Successful performance requires patience, careful preparation, practice and openness to respond to constructive criticism. School music performance develops those skills.
When many parents are concerned about their children being overly-connected to screen devices, they can observe that most music performance work takes students away from such activity.
Your music student also will develop artistic and esthetic sensibilities. What makes a music performance interesting? What looks and sounds good and why? This kind of critical assessment experience applies to many endeavors beyond music.
We are very fortunate that Davis schools and community have kept this program going. Please consider enrolling your child by Sept. 7.
Hiram Jackson