Judge Denies Victim’s Request to Modify No Contact Order in Domestic Violence Case

By Lorelei Olivas

SANTA BARBARA, CA – Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Thomas Adams Monday turned down a request by an alleged domestic violence victim to modify the criminal protective order so that there could be some contact with the Daniel Elizondo, who’s facing a series of charges, including domestic violence.

Elizondo is accused of inflicting corporal injury on a spouse/cohabitant, false imprisonment with violence, fleeing a peace officer, and driving under the influence of alcohol as well as with a revoked/suspended license. He has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

A no contact order was issued at Elizondo’s arraignment on Sep. 29.

“I wish to have the restraining order lifted. I wish to have some contact with Daniel Elizondo. I don’t know the length this will have to be in place, but if possible, I would really like to have it lifted,” the alleged victim said.

The Deputy District Attorney in the case, Megan Chanda, wanted the no contact order left alone and stated that, since Elizondo had issues with alcohol, more time was needed before lifting the order.

“I would ask that the court leave the order as issued at this time. This is a felony domestic violence case with some serious injury, and I think the bigger picture here is that the defendant clearly has an issue with alcohol and I haven’t seen any evidence that he’s been enrolled in any sort of alcohol classes, that he’s done any AAs, anything to that extent,” DDA Chanda said.

Elizondo’s attorney, Russell Brown, argued Elizondo has been attending AA meetings, but had not yet sent the proof. Elizondo confirmed that he had been attending meetings and needed to get the credits from the group leaders.

Judge Adams ruled that no modifications to the no contact order be made at this time.

The next court date was set for Dec. 13.



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